************** AND THERE NEVER WILL BE. ***************
CUTE: Girl Body Replacement
Name: CUTE (Children's Unique Transformation Enhancement) for Enhanced Children
Summary: Clothing and Girl body replacer and Enhanced Children Races
Category: Body Replacer
Author(s): Kiwi and the rest of the CotW project team.
> Body: CUTE Body V1.0 (RC8)
> Textures: Dimonized Type3 V1.0
> Shop: Alicia's Cute Shop V1.01
> 8 May 2009 Small patch for the Carmine Dress.
> 16 Apr 2009 V1.01
- Fixed texture paths (ignored by Fallout3, but apparently not by our users!)
- Minor fixes to body vertex issues
- Corrected broken BigTown door.
- Flipped cellar door.
- Renamed Alicia's key, and locked her merchant container with it.
- General cleanup.
- Made the init script exit properly rather than running every frame.
> 14 Apr 2009 V1.00a - Corrected excessive weights in the new outfits.
> 14 Apr 2009 V1.00 - Initial Release.
Enhanced Children V1.2 or higher
This mod is distributed in two files, for your enjoyment.
1. CuteBodyBase, which includes:
> The CUTE body mesh: a female child body replacement created by Dimon, with beautifully detailed shape to match the adult replacer standards with totally reshaped body, much better feet detailed with toes, working dismemberment and more!.
> The CUTE head mesh: tweaked head mesh to make female child characters a little bit more feminine.
> The Textures: version 1.0 of Dimon's Type 3 textures which are 100% compatible with CUTE (Temporary Texture pack). New textures specially designed for CUTE are being developed and should be available soon!.
> 2 child vanilla clothing replacers: "ragamuffin" and "athlete of the wastes" adapted to the new shape and a little restyled (and more on their way!).
2. CuteShop, which includes: (Requires CuteBodyBase)
> Alicia, the shopkeeper.
> Alicia's hidden shop near BigTown.
> The shop with all the new clothes, headgear and eyewear and vanilla child clothes in a Master File (.esm) for easy usage of modders (please read the "Advice to modders" section for details).
> Aid Esp to override any mod that tries to change the shop door.
> New clothes, including:
- Bunny suit, Carmine dress, Maid Uniform, Nekogi (Cat suit), Sailor Uniform, and texture variants for each.
> +30 headgear items, that's *all* the adult and child headgear converted for CUTE, for males and females:
- Helmets: Combat, Metal, Power, PowerT51b, Raider 1 to 4, Vault 101 security, Enclave, Antagonizer, Eyebot, Hockeymask, etc.
- Hats: Lincoln's (unscripted), Lucas Simms', Commando, Enclave Officer, Prewar, Wasteland 1 to 4, Wasteland merchant, wasteland child.
- Glasses: Black rimmed, Dr Li, Reading, Reading Colored, Shades, ThreeDog, Tortoiseshell.
Other: oasis villager hood, Buttons' wig, Ghoul mask, Head wrap, prewar bonnet, surgical mask, Eye patch, Colossus Headgear, etc.
> Scaled office doors for the wasteland kit (resource for modders).
> Vase of Roses (decoration resource).
Both CUTE and Enhanced Children (EC) are both released under the auspices of the "Children of the Wasteland" (CotW) project, a sister project of Children of Cirodiil.
You can find out more, get involved, and seek help, at our project forums:
A special "developers-only" version of this mod (including the nude mesh for cloth developing), prototype enhanced textures, stuff that's still in testing, and so forth is available there on request, to registered members of the forum - so sign up, and get involved!
WARNING: This mod requires our Enhanced Children mod as an integral part of our bigger project, please install it before installing CUTE. Link to Enhanced Children:
- http://modsreloaded.com/enhanced-children
File 1 (CuteBodyBase):
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Copy files to (install folder)Fallout3Data.
3. Click "yes" if prompted to overwrite.
NOTE: You can install this file alone (with Enhanced Children Installed) resulting in a "body replacer only" mod. It will only replace the body, head, textures, and the vanilla child clothes (currently under development).
File 2 (CuteShop):
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Copy files to (install folder)Fallout3Data.
3. Click "yes" if prompted to overwrite.
4. Start Fallout3 Launcher.
5. Click 'Data Files'.
6. Place a checkmark beside the AliciasCuteShop.esm and AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp files.
Load Order
Make sure that AliciasCuteShop.esm is loaded after the vanilla master files and after EnhancedChildren.esm. Place the AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp last in your load order to prevent any mod from deleting the entrance to the shop. Here's an example of how the load order would look like:
Other esm's
Plugin Files (esp's)
File 1:
1. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
File 2:
1. Start Fallout3 Launcher
2. Click Data Files
3. Uncheck the AliciasCuteShop.esm and AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp files.
4. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
1) "I installed this mod, now Fallout crashes when I try to start it!"
This will happen if a mod is installed without its prerequisites. Make sure you have installed Enhanced Children, and that it is before CuteShop in the load order. Use FOMM to make this a lot easier: http://timeslip.chorrol.com/fomm.html
2) "Alicia/some other child has a giant exclamation-mark on their head!"
Sounds like the Enhanced Children hair meshes are not installed. You most likely installed the Enhanced Children esm, but not the files. This can happen if you installed just "Enhanced Children 1_2 Plus Fix": you need to extract both "Enhanced Children V1_1 Complete" and "Enhanced Children 1_2 Plus Fix" (in that order) into your data directory, before extracting the CUTE files. In the next version of EC, so this problem should become less likely.
To fix, make sure you extracted the files from ES into your data directory, and then be sure to extract the CUTE files in there over the top, or you'll get the next bug:
3) "Children appear like ugly naked goblins, with no defined rib structure, no underclothes, no kneecaps, and most noticeably, NO TOES! Just sort of foot-shaped blobs for feet, like in the Princess and the Goblin!"
What you are seeing is not the CUTE mesh, but the regular Bethesda child mesh: if you are seeing this, it is likely you extracted the Enhanced Children archive into your data folder *after* you extracted the CUTE archives, rather than *before*: the CUTE archives must overwrite the EC files, not the other way round. This will be fixed in the next version of EC, so you can extract them either way round.
Known Issues
- Alicia's dog, like all fallout3 dogs, can rise into the air if pushed.
- Lights briefly fade out of existence when switching on and off.
- Umpa's shower animation is meant to be holding soap... but does not (if you know how we can fix this please send us a PM).
- Shower animation can become "stuck" until Alicia reevaluates her package.
- Vase of roses has texture issues for some users and its collision is tricky.
Likely Conflicts
"Child clothes with increased resistance" is the only known conflict at the moment, as it changes the vanilla child clothes. This mod provides similar settings, and so supersedes that mod.
The following are areas most likely to conflict in other mods:
- Conflicts with mods that conflict with Enhanced Children.
- Making changes to the vanilla child clothes and headgear.
- Changing the back door of the shop's house near BigTown, at Wasteland -3,4.
Known To Work
We have made every effort to ensure that conflicts are avoided, including checking against other mods known to affect the BigTown area.
The following are confirmed to work:
A Ranch or Big Town Home
Big Town Robot Fix (v1 and v2)
Big Town Bed Roll
Big Trouble in Big Town fix
- Impossible to test. Shouldn't conflict: reportedly only mods quest scripts.
"This author has requested for this file to be blocked from viewing..."
Big Town Home
- Uses the house next door, but in -3,4, it places only the door to its own
house. No navmesh changes. Good clean mod, with nice scripting!
Luxurious Big Town House
- Changes the navmesh in -3,4, but doesn't break ours.
Interesting use of tall room modules, to prevent ceiling conflicts.
Future plans
- Convert all other child clothing to the CUTE body (Being worked already).
- Add lots more clothing.
- More hair meshes (to be released in an upgrade to Enhanced Children)
- Much more back-story for Alicia - journal entries, etc.
- Better conversation and scripting for Alicia.
- Various minor "help Alicia" quests.
- More child NPCs (likely as another mod under the CotW umbrella).
- Write an uninstaller.
- Distribute a version as a scripted fmod, with options.
Please distribute unmodified copies widely: we intend the CotW project to become a standard base for child mods, to make everyone's modding as easy and consistent as possible. This is why we released the file as an esm rather than an esp.
While it is not a requirement, if you make improvements or modifications that you think we might find useful, we'd be very grateful if you could contribute them back to the project.
Either way, please credit the project for any resources used.
To prevent abuse, and to protext all screenshots will be moderated.
About CUTE Body mesh
Distribution of modified versions of the CUTE body mesh is not permitted without the prior agreement of the CotW team: however it can be cropped to fit new outfits but that's pretty much it.
Modifications may cause community splits, increasing the chances of conflicts, and going against the project's purpose as a standard base for modders.
The restriction is also the express wish of the mesh's creator, Dimon.
However, re-textures are permitted and welcomed.
So long as you give credit, you are also welcome to use, abuse and reuse all other resources from the mod in any way you wish, though to prevent future conflicts, we would be grateful if you'd consider just making this mod a prerequisite to your own, instead.
Advice To Modders
All animations, forms, references etc added by this mod are prefixed "CUTE" (possibly with different case). All those that are specifically for Alicia and her shop are prefixed "cuteAlicia". To avoid conflicts with future versions, please avoid using these prefixes with your own mods. On the other hand, if you're working with us as part of the project team, please try to use those prefixes, or similar.
The only exception is the vanilla child clothes, which are not prefixed
as they are replacers.
If you find any other items in the global namespace that are not prefixed, that's a bug: please let us know, and do not rely on the current name, as
it'll be changed to the correct name in the next version.
The mod is distributed as an ESM file to make it easier for you to design mods based on it: just check the checkbox beside it in the GECK's Files->data form, the same as you already do for the Fallout3 ESM.
To add items to the shop, please follow the instructions given on the GECK wiki:
If you wish to check whether the mod has been installed, test as:
"if cuteAliciaRef == 0"
This persistent reference should exist in all future versions.
In future versions, we'll probably have a variable you can check for the version number too: this has not been finalised yet though.
Dimon - The CUTE body, and "dimonized textures V1" (modified by Kiwi).
Backsteppo - New outfits, conversion; weightpaints and much more.
Catweasel - Shop, this README, and all bugs present in both.
Drazius - Clutter conversion (flower vase).
Koutetsu - Nekogi outfit creation.
N8k - Carmine dress creation.
Shinteo - Nekogi outfit conversion.
Sukram96 - Headgear conversions.
Umpa - Animation (shower).
The Unknown Japanese Modder - new female head.
Kiwi - CotW Project Leader (resculpting of the body, being bossy, etc. :P).
We would also like to thank:
- All the Supporters of the Children of the Wasteland project.
- Bethesda for creating Fallout 3.
- The Nexus Administrator for his support.
- Everyone we forgot to mention: let us know, so we can include you in
the next version of this file!
- And, of course, you! Thank you for downloading this mod.
CUTE Girl Body Replacement
![Item Image](http://modsreloaded.com/downloads/spnm63e7hj/tq4vufd4fy.jpg)
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************** AND THERE NEVER WILL BE. ***************
CUTE: Girl Body Replacement
Name: CUTE (Children's Unique Transformation Enhancement) for Enhanced Children
Summary: Clothing and Girl body replacer and Enhanced Children Races
Category: Body Replacer
Author(s): Kiwi and the rest of the CotW project team.
> Body: CUTE Body V1.0 (RC8)
> Textures: Dimonized Type3 V1.0
> Shop: Alicia's Cute Shop V1.01
> 8 May 2009 Small patch for the Carmine Dress.
> 16 Apr 2009 V1.01
- Fixed texture paths (ignored by Fallout3, but apparently not by our users!)
- Minor fixes to body vertex issues
- Corrected broken BigTown door.
- Flipped cellar door.
- Renamed Alicia's key, and locked her merchant container with it.
- General cleanup.
- Made the init script exit properly rather than running every frame.
> 14 Apr 2009 V1.00a - Corrected excessive weights in the new outfits.
> 14 Apr 2009 V1.00 - Initial Release.
Enhanced Children V1.2 or higher
This mod is distributed in two files, for your enjoyment.
1. CuteBodyBase, which includes:
> The CUTE body mesh: a female child body replacement created by Dimon, with beautifully detailed shape to match the adult replacer standards with totally reshaped body, much better feet detailed with toes, working dismemberment and more!.
> The CUTE head mesh: tweaked head mesh to make female child characters a little bit more feminine.
> The Textures: version 1.0 of Dimon's Type 3 textures which are 100% compatible with CUTE (Temporary Texture pack). New textures specially designed for CUTE are being developed and should be available soon!.
> 2 child vanilla clothing replacers: "ragamuffin" and "athlete of the wastes" adapted to the new shape and a little restyled (and more on their way!).
2. CuteShop, which includes: (Requires CuteBodyBase)
> Alicia, the shopkeeper.
> Alicia's hidden shop near BigTown.
> The shop with all the new clothes, headgear and eyewear and vanilla child clothes in a Master File (.esm) for easy usage of modders (please read the "Advice to modders" section for details).
> Aid Esp to override any mod that tries to change the shop door.
> New clothes, including:
- Bunny suit, Carmine dress, Maid Uniform, Nekogi (Cat suit), Sailor Uniform, and texture variants for each.
> +30 headgear items, that's *all* the adult and child headgear converted for CUTE, for males and females:
- Helmets: Combat, Metal, Power, PowerT51b, Raider 1 to 4, Vault 101 security, Enclave, Antagonizer, Eyebot, Hockeymask, etc.
- Hats: Lincoln's (unscripted), Lucas Simms', Commando, Enclave Officer, Prewar, Wasteland 1 to 4, Wasteland merchant, wasteland child.
- Glasses: Black rimmed, Dr Li, Reading, Reading Colored, Shades, ThreeDog, Tortoiseshell.
Other: oasis villager hood, Buttons' wig, Ghoul mask, Head wrap, prewar bonnet, surgical mask, Eye patch, Colossus Headgear, etc.
> Scaled office doors for the wasteland kit (resource for modders).
> Vase of Roses (decoration resource).
Both CUTE and Enhanced Children (EC) are both released under the auspices of the "Children of the Wasteland" (CotW) project, a sister project of Children of Cirodiil.
You can find out more, get involved, and seek help, at our project forums:
A special "developers-only" version of this mod (including the nude mesh for cloth developing), prototype enhanced textures, stuff that's still in testing, and so forth is available there on request, to registered members of the forum - so sign up, and get involved!
WARNING: This mod requires our Enhanced Children mod as an integral part of our bigger project, please install it before installing CUTE. Link to Enhanced Children:
- http://modsreloaded.com/enhanced-children
File 1 (CuteBodyBase):
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Copy files to (install folder)Fallout3Data.
3. Click "yes" if prompted to overwrite.
NOTE: You can install this file alone (with Enhanced Children Installed) resulting in a "body replacer only" mod. It will only replace the body, head, textures, and the vanilla child clothes (currently under development).
File 2 (CuteShop):
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Copy files to (install folder)Fallout3Data.
3. Click "yes" if prompted to overwrite.
4. Start Fallout3 Launcher.
5. Click 'Data Files'.
6. Place a checkmark beside the AliciasCuteShop.esm and AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp files.
Load Order
Make sure that AliciasCuteShop.esm is loaded after the vanilla master files and after EnhancedChildren.esm. Place the AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp last in your load order to prevent any mod from deleting the entrance to the shop. Here's an example of how the load order would look like:
Other esm's
Plugin Files (esp's)
File 1:
1. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
File 2:
1. Start Fallout3 Launcher
2. Click Data Files
3. Uncheck the AliciasCuteShop.esm and AliciasCuteShopDoorOverride.esp files.
4. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
1) "I installed this mod, now Fallout crashes when I try to start it!"
This will happen if a mod is installed without its prerequisites. Make sure you have installed Enhanced Children, and that it is before CuteShop in the load order. Use FOMM to make this a lot easier: http://timeslip.chorrol.com/fomm.html
2) "Alicia/some other child has a giant exclamation-mark on their head!"
Sounds like the Enhanced Children hair meshes are not installed. You most likely installed the Enhanced Children esm, but not the files. This can happen if you installed just "Enhanced Children 1_2 Plus Fix": you need to extract both "Enhanced Children V1_1 Complete" and "Enhanced Children 1_2 Plus Fix" (in that order) into your data directory, before extracting the CUTE files. In the next version of EC, so this problem should become less likely.
To fix, make sure you extracted the files from ES into your data directory, and then be sure to extract the CUTE files in there over the top, or you'll get the next bug:
3) "Children appear like ugly naked goblins, with no defined rib structure, no underclothes, no kneecaps, and most noticeably, NO TOES! Just sort of foot-shaped blobs for feet, like in the Princess and the Goblin!"
What you are seeing is not the CUTE mesh, but the regular Bethesda child mesh: if you are seeing this, it is likely you extracted the Enhanced Children archive into your data folder *after* you extracted the CUTE archives, rather than *before*: the CUTE archives must overwrite the EC files, not the other way round. This will be fixed in the next version of EC, so you can extract them either way round.
Known Issues
- Alicia's dog, like all fallout3 dogs, can rise into the air if pushed.
- Lights briefly fade out of existence when switching on and off.
- Umpa's shower animation is meant to be holding soap... but does not (if you know how we can fix this please send us a PM).
- Shower animation can become "stuck" until Alicia reevaluates her package.
- Vase of roses has texture issues for some users and its collision is tricky.
Likely Conflicts
"Child clothes with increased resistance" is the only known conflict at the moment, as it changes the vanilla child clothes. This mod provides similar settings, and so supersedes that mod.
The following are areas most likely to conflict in other mods:
- Conflicts with mods that conflict with Enhanced Children.
- Making changes to the vanilla child clothes and headgear.
- Changing the back door of the shop's house near BigTown, at Wasteland -3,4.
Known To Work
We have made every effort to ensure that conflicts are avoided, including checking against other mods known to affect the BigTown area.
The following are confirmed to work:
A Ranch or Big Town Home
Big Town Robot Fix (v1 and v2)
Big Town Bed Roll
Big Trouble in Big Town fix
- Impossible to test. Shouldn't conflict: reportedly only mods quest scripts.
"This author has requested for this file to be blocked from viewing..."
Big Town Home
- Uses the house next door, but in -3,4, it places only the door to its own
house. No navmesh changes. Good clean mod, with nice scripting!
Luxurious Big Town House
- Changes the navmesh in -3,4, but doesn't break ours.
Interesting use of tall room modules, to prevent ceiling conflicts.
Future plans
- Convert all other child clothing to the CUTE body (Being worked already).
- Add lots more clothing.
- More hair meshes (to be released in an upgrade to Enhanced Children)
- Much more back-story for Alicia - journal entries, etc.
- Better conversation and scripting for Alicia.
- Various minor "help Alicia" quests.
- More child NPCs (likely as another mod under the CotW umbrella).
- Write an uninstaller.
- Distribute a version as a scripted fmod, with options.
Please distribute unmodified copies widely: we intend the CotW project to become a standard base for child mods, to make everyone's modding as easy and consistent as possible. This is why we released the file as an esm rather than an esp.
While it is not a requirement, if you make improvements or modifications that you think we might find useful, we'd be very grateful if you could contribute them back to the project.
Either way, please credit the project for any resources used.
To prevent abuse, and to protext all screenshots will be moderated.
About CUTE Body mesh
Distribution of modified versions of the CUTE body mesh is not permitted without the prior agreement of the CotW team: however it can be cropped to fit new outfits but that's pretty much it.
Modifications may cause community splits, increasing the chances of conflicts, and going against the project's purpose as a standard base for modders.
The restriction is also the express wish of the mesh's creator, Dimon.
However, re-textures are permitted and welcomed.
So long as you give credit, you are also welcome to use, abuse and reuse all other resources from the mod in any way you wish, though to prevent future conflicts, we would be grateful if you'd consider just making this mod a prerequisite to your own, instead.
Advice To Modders
All animations, forms, references etc added by this mod are prefixed "CUTE" (possibly with different case). All those that are specifically for Alicia and her shop are prefixed "cuteAlicia". To avoid conflicts with future versions, please avoid using these prefixes with your own mods. On the other hand, if you're working with us as part of the project team, please try to use those prefixes, or similar.
The only exception is the vanilla child clothes, which are not prefixed
as they are replacers.
If you find any other items in the global namespace that are not prefixed, that's a bug: please let us know, and do not rely on the current name, as
it'll be changed to the correct name in the next version.
The mod is distributed as an ESM file to make it easier for you to design mods based on it: just check the checkbox beside it in the GECK's Files->data form, the same as you already do for the Fallout3 ESM.
To add items to the shop, please follow the instructions given on the GECK wiki:
If you wish to check whether the mod has been installed, test as:
"if cuteAliciaRef == 0"
This persistent reference should exist in all future versions.
In future versions, we'll probably have a variable you can check for the version number too: this has not been finalised yet though.
Dimon - The CUTE body, and "dimonized textures V1" (modified by Kiwi).
Backsteppo - New outfits, conversion; weightpaints and much more.
Catweasel - Shop, this README, and all bugs present in both.
Drazius - Clutter conversion (flower vase).
Koutetsu - Nekogi outfit creation.
N8k - Carmine dress creation.
Shinteo - Nekogi outfit conversion.
Sukram96 - Headgear conversions.
Umpa - Animation (shower).
The Unknown Japanese Modder - new female head.
Kiwi - CotW Project Leader (resculpting of the body, being bossy, etc. :P).
We would also like to thank:
- All the Supporters of the Children of the Wasteland project.
- Bethesda for creating Fallout 3.
- The Nexus Administrator for his support.
- Everyone we forgot to mention: let us know, so we can include you in
the next version of this file!
- And, of course, you! Thank you for downloading this mod.