Noble Wedding Dress
Hello folks! It's been a while since I uploaded something on Nexus, so here is a Wedding Dress I made. The meshes and textures are not mine I merely put them together while learning how to work in Blender. So, it would be wonderful, if you could stop by the original mods' pages (see credits section) to say 'thank you' and send kudos to the authors of those wonderful mods, whose work I have used.
This mod replaces vanilla wedding outfit: Wedding dress and wedding sandals. The dress is originally meant for E55 body, but it will work with any body that uses vanilla UVs - Vanilla body, CBBE, UNP, UNPB, UNPC and so on. The sandals are made for standard Phygit fem feet, meaning that they will work for most body replacers as well.
Future plans
- to add new wedding wreath mesh and E55 version of the sandals.
- to make a standalone variant of the mod with several different colors.
How to get it in game
Either make Dark Brotherhood quest Bound Until Death, or use the console commands:
Enter the console by pressing ~ key and type:
player.additem 00088956 01 and hit enter
The dress then will be then added to your inventory.
player.additem 00088958 01 and hit enter
Wedding Sandals will be added to your inventory.
For the Fine Raiment Replacer
Enter the console by pressing ~ key and type:
player.additem 000CEE76 01 and hit enter
The dress then will be added to your inventory under the name Fine Raiment.
Bugs and Incompatibilities
The white color of the top sometimes gets very bright in certain lighting conditions or when used with super bright ENB mods.
Obviously, it is incompatible with any other mods that alter Skyrim's Vanilla Wedding dress meshes. It should be fully compatible with NPC's clothes texture overhauls, even if they alter wedding dress textures, the meshes in my mod have their own textures and don't use the vanilla ones.
Fine Raiment replacer: the downside of this version is - you will be not the only person in game who have it. Jarl Elieif will have it too ;) and as I did not replace Jarl Elisif shoes - they clip with the skirt and it looks awful.
Installation and uninstallation instructions:
Manual Installation
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections if necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)/Skyrim/Data/
Manual uninstallation - delete the files/folders associated with the mod:
For Fine Raiment Replacer
The assets from this file may not be used without my expressed permission. Thank you.
Thanks and Credits
Ashara aka SydneyB for her mod
Romantic Outfit for CBBE - UNP - FavoredSoul
and for her Skyrim Armor Tutorial Series:
Creating an armour for Skyrim. Part 1
Creating an armour for Skyrim. Part 2
Converting an armour to another body for Skyrim
Glosshouse team for their mod E55 Female Body Replacer
KURESE aka NPR for the mod R18Pn 00 - Fiona Armor for UNP by NPR
Thanks to Naihaan Kragnaidael for shoes meshes and textures from NN Elvish Dresses mod.
Thanks to Phygit for FemFeet mod
Thanks to NifTools team for Nifskope
Thanks to DreamBurrow for inspiration.
Thanks to Nightasy for his great tutorials.
Thanks to Apachii for the help with alpha transparency issues.
Thanks to VectorPlexus for the help with Blender and all his advices.
Thanks to creators of Blender
Thanks to Caelrya and all my Nexus friends for testing the file for me and for making wonderful screenshots.
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file's description was based on.
Noble Wedding Dress

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Noble Wedding Dress
Hello folks! It's been a while since I uploaded something on Nexus, so here is a Wedding Dress I made. The meshes and textures are not mine I merely put them together while learning how to work in Blender. So, it would be wonderful, if you could stop by the original mods' pages (see credits section) to say 'thank you' and send kudos to the authors of those wonderful mods, whose work I have used.
This mod replaces vanilla wedding outfit: Wedding dress and wedding sandals. The dress is originally meant for E55 body, but it will work with any body that uses vanilla UVs - Vanilla body, CBBE, UNP, UNPB, UNPC and so on. The sandals are made for standard Phygit fem feet, meaning that they will work for most body replacers as well.
Future plans
- to add new wedding wreath mesh and E55 version of the sandals.
- to make a standalone variant of the mod with several different colors.
How to get it in game
Either make Dark Brotherhood quest Bound Until Death, or use the console commands:
Enter the console by pressing ~ key and type:
player.additem 00088956 01 and hit enter
The dress then will be then added to your inventory.
player.additem 00088958 01 and hit enter
Wedding Sandals will be added to your inventory.
For the Fine Raiment Replacer
Enter the console by pressing ~ key and type:
player.additem 000CEE76 01 and hit enter
The dress then will be added to your inventory under the name Fine Raiment.
Bugs and Incompatibilities
The white color of the top sometimes gets very bright in certain lighting conditions or when used with super bright ENB mods.
Obviously, it is incompatible with any other mods that alter Skyrim's Vanilla Wedding dress meshes. It should be fully compatible with NPC's clothes texture overhauls, even if they alter wedding dress textures, the meshes in my mod have their own textures and don't use the vanilla ones.
Fine Raiment replacer: the downside of this version is - you will be not the only person in game who have it. Jarl Elieif will have it too ;) and as I did not replace Jarl Elisif shoes - they clip with the skirt and it looks awful.
Installation and uninstallation instructions:
Manual Installation
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections if necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)/Skyrim/Data/
Manual uninstallation - delete the files/folders associated with the mod:
For Fine Raiment Replacer
The assets from this file may not be used without my expressed permission. Thank you.
Thanks and Credits
Ashara aka SydneyB for her mod
Romantic Outfit for CBBE - UNP - FavoredSoul
and for her Skyrim Armor Tutorial Series:
Creating an armour for Skyrim. Part 1
Creating an armour for Skyrim. Part 2
Converting an armour to another body for Skyrim
Glosshouse team for their mod E55 Female Body Replacer
KURESE aka NPR for the mod R18Pn 00 - Fiona Armor for UNP by NPR
Thanks to Naihaan Kragnaidael for shoes meshes and textures from NN Elvish Dresses mod.
Thanks to Phygit for FemFeet mod
Thanks to NifTools team for Nifskope
Thanks to DreamBurrow for inspiration.
Thanks to Nightasy for his great tutorials.
Thanks to Apachii for the help with alpha transparency issues.
Thanks to VectorPlexus for the help with Blender and all his advices.
Thanks to creators of Blender
Thanks to Caelrya and all my Nexus friends for testing the file for me and for making wonderful screenshots.
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file's description was based on.