Bodyslide v1.0.1 is required for this. The version included with
main CBBE package will not work.
What is it?
15 extra sliders and slidersets (CB+ ...) for the Bodyslide tool. If possible, sliders start at values that match the CalienteBody slider set.
* v3M_body: A slider generated from the v3M body shape.
Modifies several body parts: Wider waist, hip and thighs, but smaller breasts and thinner back. Included with permission from MAK07.
* BreastPerkiness: Less volume, for pointy breasts.
* BreastSag: Increase for saggier breasts. For higher
realism, make it proportional to breast size.
* BreastFlatness: Retracts the breasts closer to the chest.
This slider may complement the BreastSag slider.
* BreastCleavage: Reduce to pull breasts closer together.
The difference from max to min is quite modest.
* NippleLength: Increase for pointy nipples. Try to also
adjust NippleSize to make them look more natural.
* BigButt: "Pearshape". Bigger buttocks, wider hip.
* ChubbyButt: "Appleshape." Even bigger butt, much wider hip.
* ChubbyWaist: A complement to the Waist slider.
* Back: Thicker back, for a less curvy profile.
* Belly: Whether you like roundish tummies, or just like
to fake an early pregnancy, this is the sldier for you.
* Thighs: For thicker thighs only. Slider file is now included.
* ChubbyLegs: An extra Legs slider, with thicker thighs.
* CalfSize: More definition to the calves.
* CalfHeight: Position of the calves.
First make sure you have downloaded Bodyslide 1.0.1 from optional files at CBBE mod page. You can keep the Bodyslide folder anywhere you like - it does not need to be in your Skyrim folder.
Paste the Bodyslide folder over your existing Bodyslide folder. If you are are upgrading from a previous version, accept to overwrite files.
Run Bodyslide. Select "CB+" or "CB+ BBP". Open preview windows. Set your prefered slider ranges (or try the included presets).
The Bodyslide window is automatically resized to make place for the new sliders. There is however a bug that resizes the window even when not needed. Caliente will hopefully fix that
in next update. You can also resize the window manually.
When done, the "Create Bodies" button will put the femalebody nifs in Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets".
Ctrl+press to put them in current folder instead.
unused files from previous versions:
v0.1 First version. 3 new sliders.
v0.2 Previous optional biglowerbody set, is now included
with BBP version. Slightly increased at max weight,
added presets and renamed it "chubby".
Renamed existing slidersets, presets and some files.
v0.3 Modified BreastCleavage slider to match Caliente's
slider. Reversed NippleLength (pointy nipples).
Buffed NippleSize to match length.
v0.4 Three new meshes: NippleLength, Belly and ChubbyLegs.
Added sliders: Belly, ChubbyLegs and Thighs/macavity.
Reduced Waist and removed Legs buff from Chubby.
Updated presets to match slider changes.
v0.5 Six new sliders (new meshes): Back, BigButt, CalfHeight, CalfSize, ChubbyButt, ChubbyWaist.
Smoothed some sharp points in Waist and Belly.
The Chubby slider sets has been replaced by real sliders.
New presets: Healthy and Chubby.
v0.6 v3M body (high weight nif) by MAK07 included as slider.
Added experimental breast sliders: BreastPerkiness and BreastFlatness.
Back, Belly and ChubbyWaist sliders modified. Modified Waist (v0.5) removed.
Presets modified.
Required mods
CCHSBHC - BBP (meshes)
CBBE (obviously)
be sure to download optional file BodySlide v1.0.1
BBP Scale (reduced breast movement)
NoMaaM Breathing Idles
Used in screenshots:
Coverwoman #3
Pretty Lips
Natural Eyes
Alternative Nude Texture
Multiple Followers at Bethsoft Forums (google it)
Bodyslide for CBBE

Downloads offline
Bodyslide v1.0.1 is required for this. The version included with
main CBBE package will not work.
What is it?
15 extra sliders and slidersets (CB+ ...) for the Bodyslide tool. If possible, sliders start at values that match the CalienteBody slider set.
* v3M_body: A slider generated from the v3M body shape.
Modifies several body parts: Wider waist, hip and thighs, but smaller breasts and thinner back. Included with permission from MAK07.
* BreastPerkiness: Less volume, for pointy breasts.
* BreastSag: Increase for saggier breasts. For higher
realism, make it proportional to breast size.
* BreastFlatness: Retracts the breasts closer to the chest.
This slider may complement the BreastSag slider.
* BreastCleavage: Reduce to pull breasts closer together.
The difference from max to min is quite modest.
* NippleLength: Increase for pointy nipples. Try to also
adjust NippleSize to make them look more natural.
* BigButt: "Pearshape". Bigger buttocks, wider hip.
* ChubbyButt: "Appleshape." Even bigger butt, much wider hip.
* ChubbyWaist: A complement to the Waist slider.
* Back: Thicker back, for a less curvy profile.
* Belly: Whether you like roundish tummies, or just like
to fake an early pregnancy, this is the sldier for you.
* Thighs: For thicker thighs only. Slider file is now included.
* ChubbyLegs: An extra Legs slider, with thicker thighs.
* CalfSize: More definition to the calves.
* CalfHeight: Position of the calves.
First make sure you have downloaded Bodyslide 1.0.1 from optional files at CBBE mod page. You can keep the Bodyslide folder anywhere you like - it does not need to be in your Skyrim folder.
Paste the Bodyslide folder over your existing Bodyslide folder. If you are are upgrading from a previous version, accept to overwrite files.
Run Bodyslide. Select "CB+" or "CB+ BBP". Open preview windows. Set your prefered slider ranges (or try the included presets).
The Bodyslide window is automatically resized to make place for the new sliders. There is however a bug that resizes the window even when not needed. Caliente will hopefully fix that
in next update. You can also resize the window manually.
When done, the "Create Bodies" button will put the femalebody nifs in Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets".
Ctrl+press to put them in current folder instead.
unused files from previous versions:
v0.1 First version. 3 new sliders.
v0.2 Previous optional biglowerbody set, is now included
with BBP version. Slightly increased at max weight,
added presets and renamed it "chubby".
Renamed existing slidersets, presets and some files.
v0.3 Modified BreastCleavage slider to match Caliente's
slider. Reversed NippleLength (pointy nipples).
Buffed NippleSize to match length.
v0.4 Three new meshes: NippleLength, Belly and ChubbyLegs.
Added sliders: Belly, ChubbyLegs and Thighs/macavity.
Reduced Waist and removed Legs buff from Chubby.
Updated presets to match slider changes.
v0.5 Six new sliders (new meshes): Back, BigButt, CalfHeight, CalfSize, ChubbyButt, ChubbyWaist.
Smoothed some sharp points in Waist and Belly.
The Chubby slider sets has been replaced by real sliders.
New presets: Healthy and Chubby.
v0.6 v3M body (high weight nif) by MAK07 included as slider.
Added experimental breast sliders: BreastPerkiness and BreastFlatness.
Back, Belly and ChubbyWaist sliders modified. Modified Waist (v0.5) removed.
Presets modified.
Required mods
CCHSBHC - BBP (meshes)
CBBE (obviously)
be sure to download optional file BodySlide v1.0.1
BBP Scale (reduced breast movement)
NoMaaM Breathing Idles
Used in screenshots:
Coverwoman #3
Pretty Lips
Natural Eyes
Alternative Nude Texture
Multiple Followers at Bethsoft Forums (google it)