A Song of Ice and Fire Mod 0.4.2 for M&B 0.903
Welcome to A Song of Ice and Fire, a mod for Mount and Blade, based on on epic fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin.
King Robert Baratheon is dead, his Hand of the King - lord Eddard Stark - is executed as traitor, and the lands of Westeros brace for war. House Lannister, whose daughter Cersei was Roberts queen, claims the throne for her young son Joffrey. Renly Baratheon, with support of House Tyrell, claims the throne for himself. House Martell wants to take advantage of the situatin and become independent from the Irone Throne again. In the north, House Stark gathers its strength to defend what is right and revenge Eddard Stark's death. Looking at that, King Balon Greyjoy of Iron Islands decides, that there wouldn't be better time for restoring ironmen's power. The War of Five Kings awaits you...
* Chivalric (whole work on mod up to v.0.3)
* Sparehawk (map, banners, scripting)
* Kid (faces, equipment, dialogs)
* horkesh (new troop-tree, new items)
* Gohda (banners and textures)
* Gellan (banners)
* HokieBT (mod logo, dialogs, new items)
* Teshin (textures)
* To Janus (basic version) and NCrawler (porting to 0.9xx) for allocating Arena Expansion
* To the Band of Warriors-Team for allocating their source-code
o http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,28175.0.html
o http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,25786.0.html (Credits BoW)
* To Seff for Town Siege Fix
* To Elio M.Garcia and Linda Antonsson for their awesome site The Citadel (http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/) and especially it's Heraldy section.
5 factions with adapted names of kings, knights and troops: Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, Tyrells, Martells
20 hireable NPC heroes (incl. adapted faces, char-values, items, dialogs)
Adapted faces, char-values and items for all kings and knights
Wildling-Quest (replaces the river pirates quest)
3 new arena fighters (in Happy Boar)
14 unique powerfull items - legendary weapons and armor
Proper banners for all knights
Arena Expansion included
Possibility to join Greyjoys-Invaders
Hireable Brave Companions (fully customizable mercenary troops)
Different prices for different prisoners (from newer version of BoW)
Targaryen Loaylists as one of new enemy parties
New (dornish) items
New troop-trees (now mounted troops for every faction)
Detailed map of Westeros.
Most knights binded to their proper estates (towns and castles)
There is a Wall and an Others behind it...
Coins now called 'stags' and 'dragons'. There is an option, when start new game, how many stags in 1 dragon - 210 (that's right count) or 100 (wrong, but more comfortable)
Game starts at year 298, and there are no names for months, they called just "2nd moon" or "9th moon"...
(Optional) Greyjoy invaders spawns continuously and raze nearby villages... However, invasion could be stopped by keeping amount of active greyjoys scouts at low level...
(Optional) Winter coming... Others spawns countinuously, just like Greyjoys, and when their amount rises, they begin to spawn further to south...
Tweaked goods supply in towns (e.g. furs in Winterfell, spices in Sunspear, wine in Highgarden...).
Included Town Siege Fix 1.02 by Seff.
File History Minor changes in version 0.4.1
- More good-looking banners inside castles.
- Others now have appropriate look and armor.
- Others now harder to kill.
- Northern towns, castles and villages have snow, southern - haven't.
- Tweaked goods supply in towns (e.g. furs in Winterfell, spices in Sunspear, wine in Highgarden...).
- Changed names of NPCs in Castle Black.
- Weaponsmith in Castle Black now called Steward and sells foods.
- Included Town Siege Fix 1.02 by Seff.
- Removed Japanese armor from merchant lists.
- Fixed elders in following villages:
Heart's Home,
Rooks Rest,
Lord Harroway's Town,
Acorn Hall,
Deep Den.
- Fixed Dornish Horsemen's horses.
- Harrenhal now is a castle and Janos Slynt is it's owner.
Known bugs and incompletenesses (hope to solve it in future releases...):
- None ;)
Wed, Mar-26-2008
Minor changes in version 0.4.2
- Added new unique items: Rhaegar's armor set, valyrian axe, dragonbone bow.
- NPCs in Castle Black have completely new dialogs and appearance.
- Opponents while training in Castle Black now are Samwell Tarly, Jon Snow, Beardless Dick and Alliser Thorne himself.
- Fixed horses for Dornish Nobles.
- Stark Knights renamed into Northern Heavy Horsemen, since there was not so much true knights at North.
- Lannister's Kingsguards renamed into Lionguards and vice versa, since Kingsguard should be a top of knight's career.
- New texture for wights' face.
- New textures for valyrian blades.
- All Lannisters now have true golden hair.
- Map was turned 180, so the Wall is really on North now.
A Song of Ice and Fire

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A Song of Ice and Fire Mod 0.4.2 for M&B 0.903
Welcome to A Song of Ice and Fire, a mod for Mount and Blade, based on on epic fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin.
King Robert Baratheon is dead, his Hand of the King - lord Eddard Stark - is executed as traitor, and the lands of Westeros brace for war. House Lannister, whose daughter Cersei was Roberts queen, claims the throne for her young son Joffrey. Renly Baratheon, with support of House Tyrell, claims the throne for himself. House Martell wants to take advantage of the situatin and become independent from the Irone Throne again. In the north, House Stark gathers its strength to defend what is right and revenge Eddard Stark's death. Looking at that, King Balon Greyjoy of Iron Islands decides, that there wouldn't be better time for restoring ironmen's power. The War of Five Kings awaits you...
* Chivalric (whole work on mod up to v.0.3)
* Sparehawk (map, banners, scripting)
* Kid (faces, equipment, dialogs)
* horkesh (new troop-tree, new items)
* Gohda (banners and textures)
* Gellan (banners)
* HokieBT (mod logo, dialogs, new items)
* Teshin (textures)
* To Janus (basic version) and NCrawler (porting to 0.9xx) for allocating Arena Expansion
* To the Band of Warriors-Team for allocating their source-code
o http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,28175.0.html
o http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,25786.0.html (Credits BoW)
* To Seff for Town Siege Fix
* To Elio M.Garcia and Linda Antonsson for their awesome site The Citadel (http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/) and especially it's Heraldy section.
5 factions with adapted names of kings, knights and troops: Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, Tyrells, Martells
20 hireable NPC heroes (incl. adapted faces, char-values, items, dialogs)
Adapted faces, char-values and items for all kings and knights
Wildling-Quest (replaces the river pirates quest)
3 new arena fighters (in Happy Boar)
14 unique powerfull items - legendary weapons and armor
Proper banners for all knights
Arena Expansion included
Possibility to join Greyjoys-Invaders
Hireable Brave Companions (fully customizable mercenary troops)
Different prices for different prisoners (from newer version of BoW)
Targaryen Loaylists as one of new enemy parties
New (dornish) items
New troop-trees (now mounted troops for every faction)
Detailed map of Westeros.
Most knights binded to their proper estates (towns and castles)
There is a Wall and an Others behind it...
Coins now called 'stags' and 'dragons'. There is an option, when start new game, how many stags in 1 dragon - 210 (that's right count) or 100 (wrong, but more comfortable)
Game starts at year 298, and there are no names for months, they called just "2nd moon" or "9th moon"...
(Optional) Greyjoy invaders spawns continuously and raze nearby villages... However, invasion could be stopped by keeping amount of active greyjoys scouts at low level...
(Optional) Winter coming... Others spawns countinuously, just like Greyjoys, and when their amount rises, they begin to spawn further to south...
Tweaked goods supply in towns (e.g. furs in Winterfell, spices in Sunspear, wine in Highgarden...).
Included Town Siege Fix 1.02 by Seff.
File History Minor changes in version 0.4.1
- More good-looking banners inside castles.
- Others now have appropriate look and armor.
- Others now harder to kill.
- Northern towns, castles and villages have snow, southern - haven't.
- Tweaked goods supply in towns (e.g. furs in Winterfell, spices in Sunspear, wine in Highgarden...).
- Changed names of NPCs in Castle Black.
- Weaponsmith in Castle Black now called Steward and sells foods.
- Included Town Siege Fix 1.02 by Seff.
- Removed Japanese armor from merchant lists.
- Fixed elders in following villages:
Heart's Home,
Rooks Rest,
Lord Harroway's Town,
Acorn Hall,
Deep Den.
- Fixed Dornish Horsemen's horses.
- Harrenhal now is a castle and Janos Slynt is it's owner.
Known bugs and incompletenesses (hope to solve it in future releases...):
- None ;)
Wed, Mar-26-2008
Minor changes in version 0.4.2
- Added new unique items: Rhaegar's armor set, valyrian axe, dragonbone bow.
- NPCs in Castle Black have completely new dialogs and appearance.
- Opponents while training in Castle Black now are Samwell Tarly, Jon Snow, Beardless Dick and Alliser Thorne himself.
- Fixed horses for Dornish Nobles.
- Stark Knights renamed into Northern Heavy Horsemen, since there was not so much true knights at North.
- Lannister's Kingsguards renamed into Lionguards and vice versa, since Kingsguard should be a top of knight's career.
- New texture for wights' face.
- New textures for valyrian blades.
- All Lannisters now have true golden hair.
- Map was turned 180, so the Wall is really on North now.