Isn't that embarrassing? Over 200 years since the bombs fell and still the people of New Vegas haven't managed to get most of the lights in the Mojave Wasteland to work.
Not anymore! Simple Street Lights SIMPLY gets most of the lights in the west working again!
- Inspired by SpeedyB64's Fallout Street Lights mod for Fallout 3, this mod activates most of the lights in the game, giving you a better sight in the dark while having great compatibility with other mods.
- Not only that this mod activates most of the lights in the Mojave, it also fixes and improves a lot of vanilla stuff like floating lights, broken effects, LOD light problems and more!
- To make all lights (vanilla + new) work correctly and make them even better, Simple Street Lights changes the game's weather. Make sure to put weather changing mods like Fellout NV or Nevada Skies after Simple Street Lights in your load order so these mods can change things if necessary.
There are two ESP files included in this mod:
SimpleStreetLights.esp simply activates most of the vanilla lights in the game making it very compatible with other mods.
SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights).esp activates most of the vanilla lights AND adds more lights to several locations like Novac, Goodsprings, Freeside and more (see the EASY OVERVIEW MAP at the bottom of the page for all locations of the extra lights marked as an orange glow). Every new placed light was checked 3 or 4 times by me so you don't need to worry about misplaced lights or stuff.
To install, put ONE of the two included ESP files (don't use both) and the "meshes" folder in your Fallout New Vegas/Data folder and check the file in the game launcher or FOMM.
Remove the ESP file(s) from your Data folder and the "streetlights" folder in your meshes folder
Because all this mod does is to activate most of the vanilla lights it should be very compatible with almost every mod you have expect mods that already alter the lights in the game (like ELECTRO-CITY (or does it work with it? I don't know ;) )).
When you encounter some problems please PM me and I'll try my best to help with the problem.
This is a small map that gives you the ability to see all the locations of the activated lights at a look. The yellow glow shows all loactions of activated vanilla lights and the orange glow the loactions of extra added lights by SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights)
I really recommend SpeedyB64's light config as it makes your lights look more awesome at a long distance:
QUOTESpeedyB64: Set your lighting to these settings (in the fallout.ini) for awesomeness:
New Vegas' Fallout.ini is located in:
My DocumentsMy GamesFalloutNV
Other mods and files I recommend to use!
Project Nevada
Operation Fixed Terrain
Misc Item Icons
Fellout NV
Nevada Skies
When you like this mod please rate it!
Special thanks to:
Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks for Fallout: New Vegas
DekoMan91 (a german perfectionist)
Simple Street Lights

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Isn't that embarrassing? Over 200 years since the bombs fell and still the people of New Vegas haven't managed to get most of the lights in the Mojave Wasteland to work.
Not anymore! Simple Street Lights SIMPLY gets most of the lights in the west working again!
- Inspired by SpeedyB64's Fallout Street Lights mod for Fallout 3, this mod activates most of the lights in the game, giving you a better sight in the dark while having great compatibility with other mods.
- Not only that this mod activates most of the lights in the Mojave, it also fixes and improves a lot of vanilla stuff like floating lights, broken effects, LOD light problems and more!
- To make all lights (vanilla + new) work correctly and make them even better, Simple Street Lights changes the game's weather. Make sure to put weather changing mods like Fellout NV or Nevada Skies after Simple Street Lights in your load order so these mods can change things if necessary.
There are two ESP files included in this mod:
SimpleStreetLights.esp simply activates most of the vanilla lights in the game making it very compatible with other mods.
SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights).esp activates most of the vanilla lights AND adds more lights to several locations like Novac, Goodsprings, Freeside and more (see the EASY OVERVIEW MAP at the bottom of the page for all locations of the extra lights marked as an orange glow). Every new placed light was checked 3 or 4 times by me so you don't need to worry about misplaced lights or stuff.
To install, put ONE of the two included ESP files (don't use both) and the "meshes" folder in your Fallout New Vegas/Data folder and check the file in the game launcher or FOMM.
Remove the ESP file(s) from your Data folder and the "streetlights" folder in your meshes folder
Because all this mod does is to activate most of the vanilla lights it should be very compatible with almost every mod you have expect mods that already alter the lights in the game (like ELECTRO-CITY (or does it work with it? I don't know ;) )).
When you encounter some problems please PM me and I'll try my best to help with the problem.
This is a small map that gives you the ability to see all the locations of the activated lights at a look. The yellow glow shows all loactions of activated vanilla lights and the orange glow the loactions of extra added lights by SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights)
I really recommend SpeedyB64's light config as it makes your lights look more awesome at a long distance:
QUOTESpeedyB64: Set your lighting to these settings (in the fallout.ini) for awesomeness:
New Vegas' Fallout.ini is located in:
My DocumentsMy GamesFalloutNV
Other mods and files I recommend to use!
Project Nevada
Operation Fixed Terrain
Misc Item Icons
Fellout NV
Nevada Skies
When you like this mod please rate it!
Special thanks to:
Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks for Fallout: New Vegas
DekoMan91 (a german perfectionist)