20th Century Weapons:
M72_PPK12 Gauss Beta v3;
Peripherals (add-ons by other authors:)
Better Weapon Changing Scripts: http://modsreloaded.com/file1417.html
20thCenturyWeapons is 100% compatible with all official patches, DLC, and 3rd party content.
Fallout New Vegas and 19th&20th Century Weapons;
In response to PM flood;
Yes, there are still plans on bringing all 150+ historic and classic firearms into FO:NV.
I am still working to get my hands on a copy of the game and the new GECK and troubleshooting some 3d modeling software after my computer gave me blue screen of death and forced a hard drive wipe back sometime in September 2010.
In the meantime, this mod is designed as a stand-alone weapon pack and modders resource.
(3.0 GNU or Creative Commons licensing)
v5.12 mini update available; YOU MUST INSTALL v5.12 ONTOP OF v5.1;
v5.12 should now display the pipicons correctly, the problem in v5.1 was filepath related and this hopefully fixes this problem.
Surprise! An early summer release (v5.1 update) is available now!
V5.1 ETA ... NOW!
Several 20thCW Users have reported that security permissions in Windows 7 and Vista have caused their textures to not render ingame.
~I do not use Vista, so I am unsure of how to advise you specifically, but I have been informed by many users that you need to either DISABLE Windows7/Vista UAC or install Fallout3 to a folder OTHER THAN ../program files/
Major Community Contributors to this mod are:
Roguim, without whom the unending stream of new modders would certainly be lost. It is common knowledge that while they may know how to read, they choose to read only the answers to their own questions, even if it was asked 5 min ago.
NosRhyfelwr, reigning supreme for his complete awesomeness in creating the 20thCenturyWeapon WeaponSelectorScripts (WSS), which are currently being used as a template for weapons in this pack.
Zaku2, for his careful and exacting polish of most weapon meshes and for abridging their individual .nif animations.
Earache42, creator of eXCALIBR (which will packaged alongside with 19th, 20th, and 21st Century Weapons in the v6 update)
Killerbee256, for his incredible efforts in hunting down images and creating Pipboy icons for nearly every weapon included in 19/20thCW.
This is a W.i.P. (Work in Progress):
This is not the final version;
Officially Beta v5.1
Suggestions and requests are always welcome and appreciated*; though updates may not appear as timely as you'd like, which is no doubt immediately.
*Demands will be met with a big middle finger.
-=20th Century Weapons (W.I.P.)=-
Author: Einherjrar
** CALIBR Compatible**
** CALIBR Required!**
** ArchiveInvalidation Required!**
Extract .zip contents to a folder of your choice, copy/paste the data folder and the .esm and .esp files in the 19th&20thCenturyWeapon mod folder over your ....fallout3Data folder.
This is nearly the same method of manual installation required BY ALL MODS. Well over 90% of the reported problems reported are because of the assets failed to install properly.
If you are having problems with 19th/20thCW it is very likely that you are having problems with other weapon mods too.
If you're fresh to modding FO3, I recommend you check the stickies in the NEXUS Fallout3 forums on how to install most of the mods available.
***CAUTION*** There have been reports of installation problems through the FOMM installer.
~To avoid problems, it is required that installation of the mod assets be copied and pasted over the existing ../fallout3/data folder manually.
1)Search your ....fallout3 for '20thCentury'; this will find the root directories for all the mod assets and the FO3 .esm/.esp file.
2)Delete all material associated with '20th Century Weapons'
TROUBLESHOOTING; Easy solutions to common problems:
#1 - (Ensure that .esm and .esp files are dropped in the "....Fallout3Data)
#2 - (Ensure that Meshes & Textures folder are dropped in the "....Fallout3Data)
#3 - (Enable Archive Invalidate in your Fallout.ini or download 'Archive Invalidate Invalidated')
#4 - 'Yes to all'; (This allows the file path to remain correct for mod assets, it won't overwrite anything)
#5 - Check the sticky in the forums if you still have common problems before you PM me or report broken please.
**Requires CALIBR ; Community Ammunition Library**
~If you're not using CALIBR, expect your game to Crash to Desktop upon loading. It's the way it is.
<<20thCenturyWeapons is 100% compatible with any Official Bethesda Downloadable Content>>
-Compatible DLC Includes:
--Operation:Anchorage DLC
--The Pitt DLC
--Broken Steel DLC
--Point Lookout DLC
--Mothership Zeta DLC
**Kudo's to 'Zeonic Glory' and 'Bravodwg' for their contribution to the compatibility notes**
Troubleshooting for Red Exclamation Point and Missing Textures
Currently, there are several common reasons that models will NOT display correctly ingame:
~Problem: Mod assets have not been installed to the correct location.
~Solution: Check if you have a /data folder in your /fallout3/data folder (/fallout3/data/data).
FYI - If you weren't asked to overwrite anything when you installed the mod assets, you installed it wrong.
~Problem: ArchiveInvalidation value has not been changed by either manual or automatic programs.
~Solution: Use the option in FalloutModManager (FOMM) or ArchiveInvalidateInvaliated (AII). You can also edit the value yourself in the fallout.ini (not recommended).
FYI - IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ONLY USE ONE ARCHIVEINVALIDATE SOLUTION! Multiple ArchiveInvalidation solutions can conflict with each other and prevent any meshes or textures from loading correctly.
For best results and compatibility, your load list should resemble the following:
OperationAnchorage.esm (Optional, but still supported and compatible!)
ThePitt.esm (Optional, but still supported and compatible!)
BrokenSteel.esm (Optional, but still supported and compatible!)
20th Century ALIVE Explained:
20thCW v3 contains 1 master file (20thCenturyWeapons.esm), and several plugin files.
The Master file contains ALL ADDITIONS to Fallout3;
The Plugin Files contain ALL CHANGES to Fallout3;
Additions = New weapon entries, sounds, shells, ect.
Changes = Altered existing SuperMutant, Raider, NPC, Talon, Regulator, ect. spawned loot lists.
You can use 20thCenturyWeapons.esm WITHOUT any ALIVE plugins with 0% chance of conflict between other mods.
However, without the ALIVE plugins, the weapons WILL NOT SPAWN on anything or be available in vendors.
If you don't use any ALIVE plugins, you can still add in weapons with console commands, and unselecting any ALIVE plugins will not remove any collected 20thCenturyWeapons (unless you unselect the 20thCenturyWeapons.esm).
NOTE: To access the TEST CONTAINERS, activate the TEST CONTAINER A.L.I.V.E. plugin and travel to Alexandria Arms where you will find a set of lockers against the right wall.
If you are starting a new game the lockers are located in the adult player starting room.
Troubleshooting 20thCWALIVE(SuperMutants):
SuperMutantWeapons Q&A (Common Problem and Troubleshooting)
[Q] SuperMutants will not equip the 20thCenturyWeapons in the inventory and will rush me with fists, what can I do?
[A] MOVE 20thCenturyWeaponsALIVE(SuperMutants).esp TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR LOAD LIST.
LONG EXPLANATION: (If you want to know why)
Supermutants are very discerning about the weapons they can use; among other restrictions they cannot use 1handedPistol or 1handedAutomatic weapons of any kind and will freeze in place if they attempt to equip the weapon since there is no animation support for these weapons on the Supermutant body type.
Supermutants will only recognize an object as a weapon if that object is included in a form list titled 'SuperMutantWeapons'.
In this list is every weapon the SuperMutants will ever attempt to equip, and the plugin file 20thCenturyWeaponsALIVE(SuperMutant).esp contains all necessary weapon references to every weapon usable by SuprtMutants.
BTW - If you encounter any SuperMutants 'Freezing' in place (they may pan view to follow you and will likely appear hostile (red post on radar), it will be because a 1handed weapon was erroneously included in their SuperMutantWeapons form list and it will be due to a core problem with the plugin and I will correct it if notified.
Any other mod which adds new weapons to supermutants will overwrite the 'SuperMutantWeapons' form list included in the 20thCenturyWeaponsALIVE(SuperMutant).esp plugin file.
Short of creating your own custom plugin containing a combined list from whatever other mods you are using the only solutions are either to move the 20thCWALIVESuperMutant.esp BELOW EVERY OTHER PLUGIN WHICH MAY AFFECT SUPERMUTANT SPAWNED EQUIPMENT, don't use the other mod, or don't use the 20thCenturyWeaponsALIVE(SuperMutants).esp file.
FYI - Don't bother asking me to create the compatibility plugin for you, since it is impossible to create the custom list for you. I can't know and almost certainly don't have many of the conflicting mods you will be using; which will most likely be different for everyone, and would not probably not work between different combinations of mods (would cause CTD if they tried).
You will either have to understand the GECK SDK well enough to accomplish a relatively simple task, or use a method above.
Weapon Types; Advantages and Penalties:
20thCenturyWeapons uses a combination of several variables to distinguish themselves from other weapon types and caliber families.
These variables (and their basic advantages/penalties) are:
~Standard Weapons = -0% base damage
~Silenced Weapons = -10% base damage
~1HandedWeapons = Base Spread +1/AP cost +0
~2HandedWeapons = Base Spread +0/AP cost +5
~RepeatingWeapons = Base Spread x0.10%/AP cost +5
~Repeating (Revolver/Bolt-Action): Base DMG/x4CritMult/x4CritDmg/1 BulletPerVATS
~Repeating (Revolver/Bolt-Action): AP cost +5/Base Spread x0.10/1 BulletPerVATS
~Semi-Auto (Pistol/Rifle): Base DMG/x2CritMult/x2CritDmg
~Semi-Auto (Pistol/Rifle): AP cost +0/Base Spread +0/1 BulletPerVATS
~Full-Auto (Pistol/Rifle): Base DMG-20%/x1CritMult/x1CritDmg
~Full-Auto (Pistol/Rifle): AP cost +5/Base Spread 2/3-5 BulletPerVATS
~MachineGun (Carbine/MG): Base DMG/x1CrotMult/x1CritDmg
~MachineGun (Carbine/MG): AP cost +10/Base Spread 4/8-10 BulletPerVATS
~1HandedSemi-Auto AP Cost = 7 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~1HandedFull-Auto AP Cost = 12 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~2HandedSemi-Auto AP Cost = 10 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~2handedFull-Auto AP Cost = 15 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~1HandedRepeating AP Cost = 12 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~2HandedRepeating AP Cost = 15 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~2HandedMachineGun AP Cost = 20 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
*- There are ten ammo tiers, which will provide new available equipment every two levels;
~NPC's use their level to calculate spawned gear.
~Vendors and Crates use the Player's level to calculate available inventory and contents.
Ammo Tiers:
lvl 1 = .22LR/.22Magnum
lvl 2 = 9x18mmMakarov/.32ACP/.38Special
lvl 4 = 9x19mmPara/.357Magnum
lvl 6 = .40S&W/.45ACP/.44Magnum
lvl 8 = 7.62x23mmTokarev/.30Carbine/.454Casull
lvl10 = 4.6x30mmHK/5.7x28mmFN/.50AE/.500Nitro
lvl12 = 5.45x39mm/5.56x45mm/.22-250
lvl14 = 7.62x39mm/7.62x51mm/.30-30
lvl16 = 7.62x54mm/30.06/8mmMauser/.303British/.45-70Govt
lvl18 = .50BMG/.50Sov
[Q]-Is this mod CALIBR Compatible?
[A]-Yes, and any future weapon packs (19th and 21st century) are planned around CALIBR. Stop asking.
[Q]-Do these weapons replace anything?
[A]-The 20thCW.esm does not, and the ALIVE.esp's only add weapons to the SpawnTables/LootLists for Combatants (NPC, Raider, Mutant, ect)
[Q]-Where can I find some of these weapons?
[A]-In testing the alpha and beta versions of this mod, I could find them nearly anywhere.
[Q]-Describe 'Anywhere'
[A]-Any NPC, Raider, Talon/Regulator, Brotherhood/Outcast, Enclave, or Supermutant has a chance to spawn a '20th century weapon'.
[Q]-I can't seem to find any weapons in .50 BMG! HELP!
[A]-IIRC, .50 caliber weapons won't spawn on any character who's not level 18 or over. The .50 BMG weapon are incredibly destructive, so expect appearences to be rare.
[Q]-Gimme the console add commands!
[A]-Ugh, no. I'm not transscribing the console commands of over 100 seperate weapon entries.
[A] The ALIVE TEST CONTAINER.esp will spawn several lockers in several locations which contain the entire 20thCW inventory and 50k of each ammunition.
These are lockers are located @: Vault 101 Start, Alexandria Arms, and the Citadel Armory.
[Q] Uhh, I have some serious questions with this projects devotion to realism; I mean, you *are* aware that the AS-50 is a semiautomatic anti-material marksman rifle and not an assault rifle, right?
...And that there is no 3 round burst on a M82Barrett or M1Garand...
...and when has the M1918BrowningAutomaticRifle ever been scoped or silenced...?
Are you mad as a hatter?
[A] This is not a realism mod, it is a mod that seeks to give the player a variety of leveled armament over the course of their wasteland experience;
-I could drown all the current complaining over what 20cent adds with my own criticism over the variety, flexibility, and general representation of all firearm groups in vanilla. Vanilla firearms and projectile physics were both lazy and silly; I was not happy and set out to change that.
[Q]-OMG! these weapons are too overpowered (also, underpowered)!
Where is the balance!
[A]- The numerical representation of a weapon in your pipboy does not represent a weapons usefulness or hidden Benefits, Penalties, and Costs;
20thCW is constructed to encourage smart players to use the cheaper (and more accurate) repeating weapons when he can, and the more expensive automatics when he must.
~Bolt Action (and to a lesser degree Semi-Auto) Rifles:
Important for Frugal Snipers and Stealthy Ninjas.
~Automatic Rifles (and MachineGuns):
Highly sought after by Wealthy Soldiers and Noisy Pirates.
Be Warned - Advantages have costs; Even though it's possible to give the wasteland a liberal hosing down with automatic weapons, consider how much automatic weapon fire is ending up hitting nothing but air especially at longer ranges, which equals lost caps.
FYI - If your most common entry solution to a combat situation involves spraying a hail of bullets at everything that moves until they've gibbed, it'll be no mystery why your magazines are empty and you are becoming penniless;
[Q] Hey, I really want to see 'X' Scope with 'Y' Weapon using 'Z' silencer, can you be a pal and move the accessories around for me since the materials are already included anyway?
[A] ...I 'can' move any accessory onto any other weapon; I 'did' do this once (obviously), and I've already made 4 versions of every weapon (normal, silent, scoped, silentscope). If something looks awful, it will change, if its passable, it may slide beneath the radar but be upgraded later on. I also will not part any weapons in this mod into single weapon mods; that level of preference will always require the player to learn how to open the GECK and do it themselves, if for no better reason than because I have a life to live and (actual) updates to host.
[Q] This mod is huge! How was it possible to compile all this material in one place?
[A] As much as some and certainly more than many, this mod stands tall on the shoulders of giants. My own personal giant is represented as the collaborative effort of probably now literally hundreds of individual authors who created new, changed old, or contributed material that eventually wound up in this mod. This mod wouldn't exist without me, sure; but without the raw material provided by various modding communities I would have had nothing but a burning drive to add what will soon be hundred(s) of weapons into Fallout3, a series which has always been a personal favorite.
[Q] That's all pretty awesome, but there are some improvements that could stand to be made; how can I influence some change in this mod?
[A] Luckily, I'm very populist and changes are made as my audience demands them (provided via community feedback).
What the public demands is what I strive to produce, so long as that demand is more or less unanimous and not tied to personal profit or tailored to individual taste.
The most direct way to influence the development of 20thCenturyWeapons is of course to contribute something.
With the number of weapons in this pack approaching the *hundred(s)*, there will always be room for improvements that may be relatively easy, but that I cannot find time to correct personally;
~Major problems and compatibility concerns take top priority and are my largest concern;
Contributions will of course earn you a place in the credits with the rest of us, as well as give you the warm feeling of knowing you've participated in a massive compilation of community acheivement that is used by thousands of players and has been translated into several other languages.
If you have some experience in modding FO3 and want to affect change in this mod by contributing something, drop me a PM;
-ein out.
the works contained within are free to use with Fallout 3.
Permission is hereby granted to anyone who wishes to include these works in conjunction with a "pack"
under the terms of:
1a) The VERSION 1 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before April 30th, 2009.
1b) The VERSION 2 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before June 30th, 2009.
1c) The VERSION 3 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before August 30th, 2009.
1d) The VERSION 4 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before October 30th, 2009.
1e) The VERSION 5 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before February 30th, 2010.
-=-='1a', '1b', '1c', '1d' and '1e' are designed to give the original page a healthy chance to receive basic updates before export=-=-
2) Any and all contributing authors of each work to be used are credited by name for their contributions and displayed in plain view within the description of the release and the Readme.txt accompanying the release.
3) The works contained within are never to be used for profit.
4) Requests will be universally denied to export the following weapon(s)/weapon model(s) frmo 20thCenturyWeapons:
(FYI - this includes FOOK team)
4a) Remington1858Army Revolver (v5) by Penis Colada*
4b) HeritageArms1858Replica Revolver (v5) by Penis Colada*
*-Permission was received by Penis Colada to use his model in this weapon pack provided it is titled 'PenisColada's Remington1858' and prevent his work from being repackaged or used in any mods but this one;
~Contact him @ FPSBanana.com if you really want to use it.
x) at any time at the discretion of the authors of the works contained in these permissions may be revoked
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::END LEGAL::::::::::::::::::::::::
Incredible efforts have been made to ensure that the credit section is filled out completely and that all authors are given credit for their contributions to this project, but I'm not perfect, and the credit section has become enormous.
If I have not properly credited an author, or if you know someone who contributed work and was not properly credited;
-Please PM me and I will correct the discrepancy immediately.
If you recognize non-freely licensed material in this pack;
~Please PM me immediately and I will investigate the model source to verify.
Console Commands for Ammo (Use Test Container.esp for weapons)
Itemcode Ammotype
xx101bf4 5.45x39mm Round
xx101bf5 7.62x39mm Round
xx101bf6 7.62x51mm Round
xx101bf7 7.62x54mmR Round
xx101bf8 9x39mm Subsonic Round
xx101bf9 .50 BMG Round
xx101bfa 7.62x25mm Tokarev Round
xx101bfb .38 Special Round
xx101bfc 9x18mm Makarov Round
xx101bfd 9x19mm Round
xx101bfe .45 ACP Round
xx101bff 14mm Round
xx101c00 .50 AE Round
xx101c01 2mm EC Round
xx101c02 HN Needler Cartridge
xx101c03 4.73x33mm Caseless Round
xx100ea6 .22LR Round
xx105303 .44-40 Winchester Round
xx105304 .32-20 Winchester Round
xx105305 .30-30 Winchester Round
xx1059ac .30-06 Springfield Round
xx106053 .30 Carbine Round
xx1066fa .380 ACP Round
xx106da1 .357 Magnum Round
xx107aef .416 Barrett Round
xx108196 .357 SIG Round
xx10883d .455 Webley Round
xx108ee4 40mm Grenade
xx108ee5 5.7x28mm Round
xx108ee6 4.6x30mm Round
xx10958d 12.7x108mm Round
xx10958e 14.5x114mm Round
xx109c35 Rocket Propelled Grenade
xx109c36 .45 Long Colt Round
Mod Author : Einherjrar (plugin file)
Code Monkey : Einherjrar (.nif/.dds/.esp/model import/format/compile/port)
Formatting/Compile : Einherjrar (.nif/model orientation, dimensions, scale, positions, ect)
Original Model Author(s):
REM700 and SSG82 (wood and black)
Mesh: Black_Skull
Source Compile: Crosis
Ref maps: Crosis
V Model Mirror Correction: psychoticD
Ref Map Fix: psychoticD
Wood Skin Edit: Mullet
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Mini14 -
Rifle model : Nomad
Rifle skin : -Poly- edited by Splintercell (heatshroud)
Scope model : Shrike
Scope skin : Ratty
Scope mount & rails : Version_2
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
AR-15 Armalite
M16 Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Twinke Masta, Polygon
Skin Edits: Eggwhites
Silencer Model/Skin: Stoke
CS:S Compile: Solid_Snake
Producer: Cardboard Box Productions
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M249 SAW
Model:Schmung, Twinke Masta, MBPRODUCTIONS, Soul_Slayer, SureShot
Skin:Twinke Masta, Schmung, Flamshmizer, Geno, Acid Snake, MBPRODUCTIONS, kimono, SureShot
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M24 Remington:
Models: Endorphin, Kais, Bullethead, Murdock
Textures: SixShooter, !NC!Furious, Murdock, Chumpchange
CS:S Compile/vgui: Smith
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M14 Springfield
M14 : Spezz
Reflex Sight : Dav0r
scope : Ace,Snark
M14 : Enron
Reflex Sight : the_tub
scope : Ace,Snark
CS:S Compile:3dstart
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
AR-10 Armalite
Model: SoulSlayer (m4 body), Twinkie Masta (stock), Hav0c (scope) Murdock (Bipod), Stoke (nato bullet/silencer)
Skin: Kimono (m4 body/scope), Twinkie masta (stock), Stoke (nato bullet/silencer), Geno (lens), Murdock (bipod)
CS:S Compile/smoothing/normals/wees: L0RDN00B
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model: Twinke Masta
UV: Twinke Masta & Flamshmizer
Skin: Kimono
Compile: Rev. Ted
Model: Twinke Masta
UV: Twinke Masta & Flamshmizer
Skin: Kimono
CS:S Compile: Ellum
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M1903 Springfield
Model: PR0PEN
Skin/Texture: [SLHR]Gen (a.k.a. GenForral)
Normal Maps: [SLHR]Gen
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M1 Garand
SKin: Millenia
CS:S Compile:Skladfin
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
Model: Soul_Slayer
UVMap: Bullet-Head
Skin: Twinke Masta
CS:S Compile: Soul_Slayer/haggard
Small CS:S Compile: Haggard
bumpmap : djibe89
phong : djibe89
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Author1: Splinter
Author2: Marzy
Author3: Brutalization
Author4: Dillinger
Author5: Kraut Killer
Author6: Millenia
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model/Texture- Lonewolf/Shrike
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Barrett M82
Model: Hav0c
Skin: Twinke Masta (m82), Geno (lens)
Model smoothing, animation edits, Normal mapps, World Models, Compile: L0RDN00B
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
AS-50 Accuracy International
Model: DaveW
Origiran Texture: DaveW
Re-color: Me
Scope Model: Hav0c
Scope Texture: Twinke Masta, Geno (lens)
Scope Recolor: Me
Sounds: xLongWayHome
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M2 BMG -:
Author Unknown.
**Model Edited heavily by Einherjrar, Verified free release**
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Texture: Einherjrar
M92 Beretta
Model: Twinkie Masta / Sureshot
Skin: Maiu / Twinke Masta
Sounds: Vunsunta
CS:S Compile: Solid_Snake
Producer: Cardboard Box Productions
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Uzi I.M.I:
Model: Duffman
Skin: Crosis
Animations: Stoke, Mike-
Sounds: Phiesope
Original CS Compile: Pete
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Tec9 Intratec:
model: dav0r
skin: downloadable skills
Original Compile: fub
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
CAR M635 9mm:
The Lama
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
M1911 Colt
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Dayofdfeat123 (Viet/Brushed)
Skin: Defeat (Silver/Gold/Viet2)
CS:S Compile: DaEllum67
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Mac 10 Ingram:
Model: Pete
Skin: Millenia
Compile: Rachael
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
M3 Grease:
Model and UVMap by RedRogueXIII
Skin by TehSnake
Sounds by Vunsunta
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
M1928 Thompson: (unused)
Model - Kitteh
Skin - Kitteh
Compile - Kitteh
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Thompson M1A1:
Model: DayofDefeat123
Skin: NZ-Reason
CS:S Compile, Bolt Model, and Refs: JIHAD
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
AMT AutomagIII
RedRogueXIII - Model/UV
Futon - Texture/Sound/Animz/CS:S Compile
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
*MaFiAdoOsAmA :
High Resolution skin
High Resolution accessories
Sprites & Gfx
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
USAS Daewoo:
Model:Teh Snake
Skin:Teh Snake
Uv's:Teh Snake
Anims:Teh Snake
Compile:Teh Snake
FO3 Compile/Format: Einherjrar
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
Benelli XM1014:
Model: Millenia
uvs: Millenia
textures: Millenia
compile: Millenia
Model: RedrogueXIII
UV: RedrogueXIII
Texture: Einherjrar (blank)
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
*-New Legal Section: See above;
Model/UVs - RedRogueXIII
Renders/Texport - DarthFaceMan
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model and UV; RedRogueXIII
Special thanks to Darthfaceman for textport UV;
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
AK-74 Kalashnikov;
Model: TwinkeMasta/N.R
Texture: NCfurious/Dreadus
CS Compile/hack: RedArmySoldier
Render: -Unrated-
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
AK-47 Kalashnikov;
Model - Twinke Masta
Textures - Millenia
Compiling - FxDarkLoki
model tweaking/smoothing - FxDarkLoki
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model by; Havok101
UVW Maps by; Malignant
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Bizon PP-19
Model - cryomerk
Uvmaps - readersdigest & Millenia
Textures - Millenia
Compile - James-
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model: Endorphin
Skin: SixShooter
Reskin: Rootbeerz
Original compile: MonkeyMan
Model tweaking: Ocularis
Model fixes/Turbosmooth: candied_clown
Norma/Ref maps: candied_clown
Compile: candied_clown
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
SVT-40 Tokarev
Original model : Rus_Ivan
Texture : Rus_Ivan
Normal mapping : masQ
Screenshot : masQ
Some parts of exponent map : Wile E Coyote
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
MP-443 Grach (DP-51 K-5 temporarily)
UV and Skin : DeadPixel
Black Recolor : kannoe
Compiles : kannoe
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Unknown Author;
Verified Free release.
Carriage Model and Skin; Bethesda
Edited Heavily by Einherjrar;
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Gepard M1; <<
Carriage Skin; Bethesda
PKMT Skin; GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Edited Heavily by Einherjrar
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Gepard M4; <<>>
Model - Twinke Masta
Textures - Millenia
Compiling - FxDarkLoki
model tweaking/smoothing - FxDarkLoki
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
PM Makarov;
Skin/Texture: TehSnake
Compile/World Models/Port (From CZ): Solid_Snake
Bump Maps: W1LLDAB3AST
Cardboard Box Productions
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
M1891-30 MosinNagant
Original model : Rus_Ivan
Texture : Rus_Ivan
Normal mapping : Rus_Ivan
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
OSV96; <<
model; ettubrutesbro
skin; wangchung
compile; fub
Render; Timittytim
alt origins; Timittytim
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
PKMT Kalashnikov;
Model: GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Texture: GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Original HL Compile; superpele
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model: Deadpixel
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model: Cheeto
Skin: Blackheart
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Original model : Rus_Ivan
Texture : Rus_Ivan
Normal mapping : Rus_Ivan
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
RPD; <<
Model: GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Texture: GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Original HL Compile; superpele
Magazine model : Rus_Ivan
Magazine Texture : Rus_Ivan
Magazine Normal mapping : Rus_Ivan
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
RPK-74; <<
Model - Twinke Masta
Textures - Millenia
Compiling - FxDarkLoki
model tweaking/smoothing - FxDarkLoki
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Saiga-545; <<>>
Model: TwinkeMasta/N.R
Texture: NCfurious/Dreadus
CS Compile/hack: RedArmySoldier
Render: -Unrated-
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
SKS Simunov;
Skin by ; Walmarx
RustyReskin by ; Mr.Bond
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
SVD Dragunov
model: Twinke_Masta
Skin: -SmokyJoe- (TWeaked by Twinke Masta)
CS:S Compile: Hav0c
New CS:S Compile: Twinke Masta
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
TT-33 Tokarev;
Model: Hav0c / Twinke Masta
Skin: Twinke Masta
Original DODS Compile :Teh Snake
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
VEPR12; <<
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Vz.48 Sa.26; <<
Model: Dav0r
Texture: Millenia
Original Compile: SilentAssassin12
Original Compile: Modderfreak (Fixed compile)
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Vz.82 Skorpion;
Model: Ettubrutesbro
Skin: Millenia (Recolor by Futon)
Original Compile: The_AntiPirate
Older Compile: Futon
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
TOZ 87
Model: Millenia
Unwrap: Millenia
Skin: Millenia
Shell Model: Twinkie Masta
Shell Unwrap: Flamshmizer (Chop: Toxic Kitty!!!)
Shell Skin: Geno
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Saiga12 Sporting <<
Texture: NCfurious/Dreadus
CS Compile/hack: RedArmySoldier
Render: -Unrated-
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Saiga12K <<
Model: GSC Gameworld
Texture: GSC Gameworld
FO3 Compile: Toxi
VEPR12 <<>>
Model: GSC Gameworld
Texture: GSC Gameworld
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
M72 LAW Rocket Launcher:
Model and UV: Lachtan
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
M79GL Rifle and Sawn-Off
Model: EdisLeado
ModelEdit: Hellspike
Skin(s): flamshmizer
Skin(s): Millenia
UV Mapping: Hellspike
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Model & UVs: Ultimate Bastard
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Mk.19 AGL
*see M2 Browning for credits
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Formatting: Einherjrar
Other Equipment
Black Silencer - Intel
Gucci Silencer - Stoke
Vanilla Silencer - Bethesda
Vanilla Scope - Bethesda
VSS Scope Optic - Pelinor
Mosin Nagant Optic - Pelinor (VSS reticle modified)
v3 New Additions
Luger P08
model: flakk
textures: millenia
animations: mike-
sounds: vunsunta
previous CS:S Compile: james-
model smoothing & reCS:S Compile: modderfreak
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
C96 Mauser
Author2: Funth,
Author1: LeonScottKennedy
(M712 Stock)
Model and UVmaps by Havok101
Skin by Sylon
CS:S Compile and Refmaps by modderfreak
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model: Soul-Slayer
Uv-Mapping: Soul-Slayer
Texture: Kimono
Normal Maps: Twinke Masta
Sounds: Mullet, Vunsunta
Original DOD:S Compile: Soul-Slayer
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
MP5 Heckler&Koch
Model: Twinke Masta
Textures: Millenia
CS:S Compile: Millenia
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
USP Heckler&Koch
Model/UV/Skin: Thanez
Model/UV Edits: Racer445
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
UMP45 Heckler&Koch
UMP45: HellSpike,Logger
SPR Foregrip: Stoke
SureFire 900A: Silvio Dante
Eotech: Twinke Masta
UMP45: Cyper
SPR Foregrip: Stoke
SureFire 900A: WangChung(UV: The Spork)
Eotech: Twinke Masta
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
UMP Heckler&Koch
UMP45: HellSpike,Logger
SPR Foregrip: Stoke
SureFire 900A: Silvio Dante
Eotech: Twinke Masta
UMP45: Cyper
SPR Foregrip: Stoke
SureFire 900A: WangChung(UV: The Spork)
Eotech: Twinke Masta
Hack CS:S Compile: 3dstart
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
UCP Heckler&Koch
model:loom (edits)
model:afterburner (silencer)
model:twinkmasta (bullet)
CS:S Compile:reinier
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
MP7 Heckler&Koch
Model: Schmung
Skin: the_tub
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Smokey Joe
Model: Schmung
Skin: SureShot, DarkElfa® and Thanez
CS:S Compile, Origins, Wees, Hack and Skin Edits: DarkElfa®
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model: Darkstrorn
UV maps: Dreadus & Darkstorn
Textures: IppE
CS:S Compile: vagrant
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Heckler&Koch SL-8
Model ~ Cypherion
Skin ~ [K.o.S]-*[bh]*-Mike
Compiling ~ Hitman
Camo : MurdocK
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Heckler&Koch G36
Lama's G36c:
Very High Quality Model by TheLama!
Ultimate Textures by Thanez!
Realistic Shaders and Normal Maps!
G36c model:
Model: TheLama
UV's: Flamshmizer
Skin: Thanez
Normals, Phong, and Refmaps: Fxdarkloki
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Thanez and Twinke Masta
Refmaps: Thanez
CS:S Compile: ZeeJ
Previous CS:S Compile, turbosmoothing: Fxdarkloki
CS:S Compile Edits: TheStealthyOne
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
G41 Heckler&Koch
g41 original model:
Model - DarthFaceMan
Textures - Teh Snake
CS:S Compile - Teh Snake & Unkn0wn
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Base Model: Twinke Masta
Base Skin: NZ-Reason
CS:S Compile v: Hav0c
CS:S Compile w: Mullet
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Scout Steyr
Twinkie Masta Scout
Model: Scout-twinkie masta
Scope- Hav0c
Textures: Scout-Thanez
CS:S Compile: zer0 cool
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
PSG-1 Heckler&Koch
Model: Twinkie Masta, fallschirmjager, L0RDN00B (smoothing)
Skin: Twinkie Masta, Sproily
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
G3 Heckler&Koch
Model: Fallschirmjager,Twinke Masta(Scope)
Skin: Pete,Xero(Scope normal map)
CS:S Compile/Origins/Animation Hack: Sarqune
UV maps: Twinke Masta
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
HK21 Heckler&Koch
Producer: 586 studios
Model - DarthFaceMan
Textures - Teh Snake
CS:S Compile - Teh Snake
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Kar-98 Mauser
Kraut Killer
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model: Sproily
Textures & conversion: Millenia
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model & Texture´s: Sproily
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Authors: Splinter
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
GO team - model
Gi777 - convert and rig
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
CAWS Heckler&Koch
Ported from War1982 'Classic Fallout Weapons BETA'
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Pancor Jackhammer
Dav0r's Jackhammer
Model: Dav0r
UV: Dav0r
Skin: Unbreakable
Reflects: Unbreakable
CS:S Compile: Mullet
Wees: Unbreakable
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
UVmaps: DeadPixel
Textures: Cigano
CS:S Compile: Ultimate Bastard
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
V4 EU part 2 CREDITS
Model: Bullet_Head (Glock), Twinke Masta (C-Mag), X-Convict, Kissle (stock)
Skin: klla_syc3 (Glock), Sureshot (C-Mag), N|rvy (Stock)
UV Map: Bullet_Head, klla_syc3 (Edits)
Original CSS Compile: Skladfin
Adjusted CSS Compile: DeadPixel
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Original Compile: ZeeJ
Model: Havok101: Glock Model.
Texture: El Maestro De Graffiti
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
MPL Walther
Skin:Twinke Masta
CZ Compile:Sedj
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
P35 Browning Hi-Power 1935
Model: Silvio Dante
UV: Fallschirmjager
Skin: WangChung
Original CSS Compile: Phong: Unseen_1
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
MP9 TMP Steyr
model: logger
skin: expert
Original CSS compile: Mullet
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
M12 Beretta
Model: Teh Snake
Skin: Teh Snake
Uv's: STeh Snake
Compile: Teh Snake
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
P99 Walther
Model: Fiblah
Skin: rayzian
refmaps: the necropimp
Original CSS Compile: The Necropimp
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
5ive 7even FN
Model (LAM): TheLama
Model (Gun): Twinke Masta
UV: Flamshmizer
Textures/Normals: Racer445
Compiles/LOD's: Vagrant
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
P90 FN
Short_Fuse - Base p90
Soul Slayer - Integrated Aimpoint Receiver
Will - Silencer
Thanez - P90
Enin - Magazine Edits
Stoke - Bullets
Cyper - Spring
FxDarkloki - Normals/Phong/Ref/Trans
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
SU-16 KelTec
Key Authors: Daisukekazama
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Sg552 Sig Commando
Model: Hav0c
Skin: Twinke Masta
Foregrip Elcan Scope: Stoke
Original CSS Compile: Elfa-X
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Shrike Ares
Model: Ettubrutesbro
UVW: Ettubrutesbro
Skin: Ettubrutesbro
Compile: james-
Wees: vagrant
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
PPK Walther
Model, Unwrap, Textures: Kimono
Compile/Refmaps: Hazik
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
P38 Walther
Model: Sproily / Twinke Masta
Skin: The Expert / Tub
Compile: The Expert
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
SSG3000 Sig
Origional Model& Skin : Lord NighthawkDingo Chavez
Model Rebuild & Alteration By De@dMe@t.
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Remington 7615 Patrol Rifle
Gun Model: fallschirmjager
Uvmap: Twinke Masta
Skin: Twinke Masta
Scope Edit: DarkElfa
Compile (v/w): Mullet
Model Fix/Edits: HellSpike
Model-Side Bullet Holder: End of Days
Skin-Side Bullet Holder: H4wk
Original CSS Compile: Biggs
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
M76 Zastava
Base AK
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Millenia
Meshsmooth, phong, etc.: Fxdarkloki
Scope Rail
Model: Pete
Skin: Pete
Skin Edit: Millenia
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Thanez
Meshsmooth, phong, refs: Fxdarkloki
Barrel, Magazine
Model: Pete
Skin: Millenia
Phong, refs: modderfreak
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: !NC! Furious
Skin Edit: Millenia
Original CSS Compile: Bathroom Security
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Model and UVMaps by: Pete
Skins by: Acid_Snake and Enron
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Px4 Storm Beretta
Model : Duztey
UVMaps : The Spork
Skin : WangChung
Compile : Greg_Boyington
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Mk3 Lee-Enfield
Model: RedRogueXIII
Texture: Einherjrar
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Original Authors: Splinter, Marzy, Brutalization, Dillinger, Kraut Killer, Millenia.
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
v5 Content Credits:
Penis Colada's Remington 1858 Army (+Heritage 1858 replica)
polygone's - Penis Colada
vertexe's - Penis Colada
uv map's - Penis Colada
textile's - Penis Colada
fong map's - Penis Colada
normul map's - Penis Colada
pixel's - Penis Colada
grafick's - Penis Colada
material's - Penis Colada
Original CSS compile's - Penis Colada
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Winchester M1894 Leveraction (+ Heritage 1894 replica)
model: Dav0r
Skin: Kimono
Original CSS compile: L0RDN00B
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Ruger MkII
Model: TheLama
Uvmaps: Vee
Skin: LOOM+brownpoop22
Original CSS Compile (v/w): Soul_Slayer
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
10/22 Ruger Carbine
Hackjob by Einherjrar
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
10/22 Ruger Charger
Hackjob by Einherjrar
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Version 1 M1928 Thompson Body +
Version 3 M1928 Stock +
Version 2 PPSh-41 Drum
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Remington 220 SPR Sawn-off
Original CSS Compile:TehSnake
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Silverhawk 470 Beretta
Original CSS Compiler, Shaders: Unkn0wn
Skin, Shaders: Teh Snake
Model, UV Maps: Z3RO
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Winchester 101
Model - Fearfisch
UVMaps - Meltdown
Skin - Kitteh
Original TS Compile - Kitteh
Geniune Sexiness - Corporal Dogmeat <3
LAM, Rail - Mbproductions
Red Dot sight - Rosa Jonas, NeoShroomish
Original HL2 Compile - Cliffton_Vlodhammer
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Winchester M1887
Original Mesh/Texture: Hamburghannes
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Winchester M1897
animations: Jennifer!!
Original CSS compile: L0RDN00B
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
NoIIMkI Enfield
Model and UVMaps: Dav0r
Skin: Kimono
Original CSS Compiles, Skin Edits, Normal Maps: modderfreak
Phong Maps and Sound Edits: modderfreak
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Python Colt
Model & Normal maps : Agressive Napkin
Textures & Compile : Teh Snake
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Model29 Smith&Wesson
Model: Bingo Johnson
Skin: NZ-Reason
Unwrap, Optimization: Schmung
Original Compile: Sober
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
SuperRedhawk Ruger
Textures: Millenia
Original CSS Compile (v/w): SureShot
Debugging: Soul_Slayer, Monkeh
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Model500 Smith&Wesson
Vanilla .44 Magnum Recycled
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
BLR Browning
Original Mesh/Texture: hamburghannes@gmx.de
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Marlin M336 +M1895 +444
Model by Enron and GIR (Shell)
Skins by NCFurious, Sylon, modderfreak and SA12 (Shell)
Original CSS Compiles, Normal Maps, Refmaps and Buy Menu Pics by modderfreak
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
DesertEagle XIX
Original CSS Compile/coded by: ZeeJ
Model by: Vashts1985
Textures by: Millenia
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Aug Steyr
Model: Sproily, Twinke Masta
Skin: Sproily, Twinke Masta
Original CSS Compile: 3DStart
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Model: Snipa Masta
Skin: Snipa Masta
Original CSS Compile, Origins, Wees and Edits: DarkElfa
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
SA80 Enfield
L85A1 Model:Ettubrutesbro
L85A1 Skin:Kimono
L85A1 UV Choppage:Sean`
Elcan Model:Stoke
Elcan Skin:Stoke
Mag Model:Twinke Masta
Mag SKin:Polygon, !NC! Furious
Original CZ Compile:Sean`
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
OC-14 Groza
Model - GSC Game World
Textures - Millenia
Original CSS Compile - Modderfreak
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
M4A1: Soul_Slayer
M203: Twinkie Masta
Eotech And Magnifier: Twinkie Masta
M900a: Silvio Dante
Acog: Twinkie Masta
RIS: Soul_Slayer
M4 frame/silencer smoothing: L0RDN00B
Aimpoint: Twinkie Masta
AN PEQ: The Spork
M4A1: Kimono
M203: Twinkie Masta with edits by El maestro de graffiti
Eotech and Magnifier: Wang Chung
M900a: Wang Chung
RIS: Thanez (edits by sarqune)
Acog: Twinkie Masta
Aimpoint: Twinkie Masta
AN PEQ: El Maestro de Graffiti
Original CSS Compile: Sarqune, (with compile help from Henron)
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
AC-556 Ruger
Original Authors/Contributors: Pete,CadeOpreto,Nomad,-Poly-,Splintercell,
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Sounds; Honnou (Realistic Weapon Sounds mod)
All Animations are done by: Bethesda (vanilla)
Special Thanks to:
3dModel Hosting; FPSBanana.com
19th and 20th Century Weapons

Downloads offline
20th Century Weapons:
M72_PPK12 Gauss Beta v3;
Peripherals (add-ons by other authors:)
Better Weapon Changing Scripts: http://modsreloaded.com/file1417.html
20thCenturyWeapons is 100% compatible with all official patches, DLC, and 3rd party content.
Fallout New Vegas and 19th&20th Century Weapons;
In response to PM flood;
Yes, there are still plans on bringing all 150+ historic and classic firearms into FO:NV.
I am still working to get my hands on a copy of the game and the new GECK and troubleshooting some 3d modeling software after my computer gave me blue screen of death and forced a hard drive wipe back sometime in September 2010.
In the meantime, this mod is designed as a stand-alone weapon pack and modders resource.
(3.0 GNU or Creative Commons licensing)
v5.12 mini update available; YOU MUST INSTALL v5.12 ONTOP OF v5.1;
v5.12 should now display the pipicons correctly, the problem in v5.1 was filepath related and this hopefully fixes this problem.
Surprise! An early summer release (v5.1 update) is available now!
V5.1 ETA ... NOW!
Several 20thCW Users have reported that security permissions in Windows 7 and Vista have caused their textures to not render ingame.
~I do not use Vista, so I am unsure of how to advise you specifically, but I have been informed by many users that you need to either DISABLE Windows7/Vista UAC or install Fallout3 to a folder OTHER THAN ../program files/
Major Community Contributors to this mod are:
Roguim, without whom the unending stream of new modders would certainly be lost. It is common knowledge that while they may know how to read, they choose to read only the answers to their own questions, even if it was asked 5 min ago.
NosRhyfelwr, reigning supreme for his complete awesomeness in creating the 20thCenturyWeapon WeaponSelectorScripts (WSS), which are currently being used as a template for weapons in this pack.
Zaku2, for his careful and exacting polish of most weapon meshes and for abridging their individual .nif animations.
Earache42, creator of eXCALIBR (which will packaged alongside with 19th, 20th, and 21st Century Weapons in the v6 update)
Killerbee256, for his incredible efforts in hunting down images and creating Pipboy icons for nearly every weapon included in 19/20thCW.
This is a W.i.P. (Work in Progress):
This is not the final version;
Officially Beta v5.1
Suggestions and requests are always welcome and appreciated*; though updates may not appear as timely as you'd like, which is no doubt immediately.
*Demands will be met with a big middle finger.
-=20th Century Weapons (W.I.P.)=-
Author: Einherjrar
** CALIBR Compatible**
** CALIBR Required!**
** ArchiveInvalidation Required!**
Extract .zip contents to a folder of your choice, copy/paste the data folder and the .esm and .esp files in the 19th&20thCenturyWeapon mod folder over your ....fallout3Data folder.
This is nearly the same method of manual installation required BY ALL MODS. Well over 90% of the reported problems reported are because of the assets failed to install properly.
If you are having problems with 19th/20thCW it is very likely that you are having problems with other weapon mods too.
If you're fresh to modding FO3, I recommend you check the stickies in the NEXUS Fallout3 forums on how to install most of the mods available.
***CAUTION*** There have been reports of installation problems through the FOMM installer.
~To avoid problems, it is required that installation of the mod assets be copied and pasted over the existing ../fallout3/data folder manually.
1)Search your ....fallout3 for '20thCentury'; this will find the root directories for all the mod assets and the FO3 .esm/.esp file.
2)Delete all material associated with '20th Century Weapons'
TROUBLESHOOTING; Easy solutions to common problems:
#1 - (Ensure that .esm and .esp files are dropped in the "....Fallout3Data)
#2 - (Ensure that Meshes & Textures folder are dropped in the "....Fallout3Data)
#3 - (Enable Archive Invalidate in your Fallout.ini or download 'Archive Invalidate Invalidated')
#4 - 'Yes to all'; (This allows the file path to remain correct for mod assets, it won't overwrite anything)
#5 - Check the sticky in the forums if you still have common problems before you PM me or report broken please.
**Requires CALIBR ; Community Ammunition Library**
~If you're not using CALIBR, expect your game to Crash to Desktop upon loading. It's the way it is.
<<20thCenturyWeapons is 100% compatible with any Official Bethesda Downloadable Content>>
-Compatible DLC Includes:
--Operation:Anchorage DLC
--The Pitt DLC
--Broken Steel DLC
--Point Lookout DLC
--Mothership Zeta DLC
**Kudo's to 'Zeonic Glory' and 'Bravodwg' for their contribution to the compatibility notes**
Troubleshooting for Red Exclamation Point and Missing Textures
Currently, there are several common reasons that models will NOT display correctly ingame:
~Problem: Mod assets have not been installed to the correct location.
~Solution: Check if you have a /data folder in your /fallout3/data folder (/fallout3/data/data).
FYI - If you weren't asked to overwrite anything when you installed the mod assets, you installed it wrong.
~Problem: ArchiveInvalidation value has not been changed by either manual or automatic programs.
~Solution: Use the option in FalloutModManager (FOMM) or ArchiveInvalidateInvaliated (AII). You can also edit the value yourself in the fallout.ini (not recommended).
FYI - IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ONLY USE ONE ARCHIVEINVALIDATE SOLUTION! Multiple ArchiveInvalidation solutions can conflict with each other and prevent any meshes or textures from loading correctly.
For best results and compatibility, your load list should resemble the following:
OperationAnchorage.esm (Optional, but still supported and compatible!)
ThePitt.esm (Optional, but still supported and compatible!)
BrokenSteel.esm (Optional, but still supported and compatible!)
20th Century ALIVE Explained:
20thCW v3 contains 1 master file (20thCenturyWeapons.esm), and several plugin files.
The Master file contains ALL ADDITIONS to Fallout3;
The Plugin Files contain ALL CHANGES to Fallout3;
Additions = New weapon entries, sounds, shells, ect.
Changes = Altered existing SuperMutant, Raider, NPC, Talon, Regulator, ect. spawned loot lists.
You can use 20thCenturyWeapons.esm WITHOUT any ALIVE plugins with 0% chance of conflict between other mods.
However, without the ALIVE plugins, the weapons WILL NOT SPAWN on anything or be available in vendors.
If you don't use any ALIVE plugins, you can still add in weapons with console commands, and unselecting any ALIVE plugins will not remove any collected 20thCenturyWeapons (unless you unselect the 20thCenturyWeapons.esm).
NOTE: To access the TEST CONTAINERS, activate the TEST CONTAINER A.L.I.V.E. plugin and travel to Alexandria Arms where you will find a set of lockers against the right wall.
If you are starting a new game the lockers are located in the adult player starting room.
Troubleshooting 20thCWALIVE(SuperMutants):
SuperMutantWeapons Q&A (Common Problem and Troubleshooting)
[Q] SuperMutants will not equip the 20thCenturyWeapons in the inventory and will rush me with fists, what can I do?
[A] MOVE 20thCenturyWeaponsALIVE(SuperMutants).esp TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR LOAD LIST.
LONG EXPLANATION: (If you want to know why)
Supermutants are very discerning about the weapons they can use; among other restrictions they cannot use 1handedPistol or 1handedAutomatic weapons of any kind and will freeze in place if they attempt to equip the weapon since there is no animation support for these weapons on the Supermutant body type.
Supermutants will only recognize an object as a weapon if that object is included in a form list titled 'SuperMutantWeapons'.
In this list is every weapon the SuperMutants will ever attempt to equip, and the plugin file 20thCenturyWeaponsALIVE(SuperMutant).esp contains all necessary weapon references to every weapon usable by SuprtMutants.
BTW - If you encounter any SuperMutants 'Freezing' in place (they may pan view to follow you and will likely appear hostile (red post on radar), it will be because a 1handed weapon was erroneously included in their SuperMutantWeapons form list and it will be due to a core problem with the plugin and I will correct it if notified.
Any other mod which adds new weapons to supermutants will overwrite the 'SuperMutantWeapons' form list included in the 20thCenturyWeaponsALIVE(SuperMutant).esp plugin file.
Short of creating your own custom plugin containing a combined list from whatever other mods you are using the only solutions are either to move the 20thCWALIVESuperMutant.esp BELOW EVERY OTHER PLUGIN WHICH MAY AFFECT SUPERMUTANT SPAWNED EQUIPMENT, don't use the other mod, or don't use the 20thCenturyWeaponsALIVE(SuperMutants).esp file.
FYI - Don't bother asking me to create the compatibility plugin for you, since it is impossible to create the custom list for you. I can't know and almost certainly don't have many of the conflicting mods you will be using; which will most likely be different for everyone, and would not probably not work between different combinations of mods (would cause CTD if they tried).
You will either have to understand the GECK SDK well enough to accomplish a relatively simple task, or use a method above.
Weapon Types; Advantages and Penalties:
20thCenturyWeapons uses a combination of several variables to distinguish themselves from other weapon types and caliber families.
These variables (and their basic advantages/penalties) are:
~Standard Weapons = -0% base damage
~Silenced Weapons = -10% base damage
~1HandedWeapons = Base Spread +1/AP cost +0
~2HandedWeapons = Base Spread +0/AP cost +5
~RepeatingWeapons = Base Spread x0.10%/AP cost +5
~Repeating (Revolver/Bolt-Action): Base DMG/x4CritMult/x4CritDmg/1 BulletPerVATS
~Repeating (Revolver/Bolt-Action): AP cost +5/Base Spread x0.10/1 BulletPerVATS
~Semi-Auto (Pistol/Rifle): Base DMG/x2CritMult/x2CritDmg
~Semi-Auto (Pistol/Rifle): AP cost +0/Base Spread +0/1 BulletPerVATS
~Full-Auto (Pistol/Rifle): Base DMG-20%/x1CritMult/x1CritDmg
~Full-Auto (Pistol/Rifle): AP cost +5/Base Spread 2/3-5 BulletPerVATS
~MachineGun (Carbine/MG): Base DMG/x1CrotMult/x1CritDmg
~MachineGun (Carbine/MG): AP cost +10/Base Spread 4/8-10 BulletPerVATS
~1HandedSemi-Auto AP Cost = 7 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~1HandedFull-Auto AP Cost = 12 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~2HandedSemi-Auto AP Cost = 10 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~2handedFull-Auto AP Cost = 15 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~1HandedRepeating AP Cost = 12 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~2HandedRepeating AP Cost = 15 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
~2HandedMachineGun AP Cost = 20 + (1 PerAmmoTier*)
*- There are ten ammo tiers, which will provide new available equipment every two levels;
~NPC's use their level to calculate spawned gear.
~Vendors and Crates use the Player's level to calculate available inventory and contents.
Ammo Tiers:
lvl 1 = .22LR/.22Magnum
lvl 2 = 9x18mmMakarov/.32ACP/.38Special
lvl 4 = 9x19mmPara/.357Magnum
lvl 6 = .40S&W/.45ACP/.44Magnum
lvl 8 = 7.62x23mmTokarev/.30Carbine/.454Casull
lvl10 = 4.6x30mmHK/5.7x28mmFN/.50AE/.500Nitro
lvl12 = 5.45x39mm/5.56x45mm/.22-250
lvl14 = 7.62x39mm/7.62x51mm/.30-30
lvl16 = 7.62x54mm/30.06/8mmMauser/.303British/.45-70Govt
lvl18 = .50BMG/.50Sov
[Q]-Is this mod CALIBR Compatible?
[A]-Yes, and any future weapon packs (19th and 21st century) are planned around CALIBR. Stop asking.
[Q]-Do these weapons replace anything?
[A]-The 20thCW.esm does not, and the ALIVE.esp's only add weapons to the SpawnTables/LootLists for Combatants (NPC, Raider, Mutant, ect)
[Q]-Where can I find some of these weapons?
[A]-In testing the alpha and beta versions of this mod, I could find them nearly anywhere.
[Q]-Describe 'Anywhere'
[A]-Any NPC, Raider, Talon/Regulator, Brotherhood/Outcast, Enclave, or Supermutant has a chance to spawn a '20th century weapon'.
[Q]-I can't seem to find any weapons in .50 BMG! HELP!
[A]-IIRC, .50 caliber weapons won't spawn on any character who's not level 18 or over. The .50 BMG weapon are incredibly destructive, so expect appearences to be rare.
[Q]-Gimme the console add commands!
[A]-Ugh, no. I'm not transscribing the console commands of over 100 seperate weapon entries.
[A] The ALIVE TEST CONTAINER.esp will spawn several lockers in several locations which contain the entire 20thCW inventory and 50k of each ammunition.
These are lockers are located @: Vault 101 Start, Alexandria Arms, and the Citadel Armory.
[Q] Uhh, I have some serious questions with this projects devotion to realism; I mean, you *are* aware that the AS-50 is a semiautomatic anti-material marksman rifle and not an assault rifle, right?
...And that there is no 3 round burst on a M82Barrett or M1Garand...
...and when has the M1918BrowningAutomaticRifle ever been scoped or silenced...?
Are you mad as a hatter?
[A] This is not a realism mod, it is a mod that seeks to give the player a variety of leveled armament over the course of their wasteland experience;
-I could drown all the current complaining over what 20cent adds with my own criticism over the variety, flexibility, and general representation of all firearm groups in vanilla. Vanilla firearms and projectile physics were both lazy and silly; I was not happy and set out to change that.
[Q]-OMG! these weapons are too overpowered (also, underpowered)!
Where is the balance!
[A]- The numerical representation of a weapon in your pipboy does not represent a weapons usefulness or hidden Benefits, Penalties, and Costs;
20thCW is constructed to encourage smart players to use the cheaper (and more accurate) repeating weapons when he can, and the more expensive automatics when he must.
~Bolt Action (and to a lesser degree Semi-Auto) Rifles:
Important for Frugal Snipers and Stealthy Ninjas.
~Automatic Rifles (and MachineGuns):
Highly sought after by Wealthy Soldiers and Noisy Pirates.
Be Warned - Advantages have costs; Even though it's possible to give the wasteland a liberal hosing down with automatic weapons, consider how much automatic weapon fire is ending up hitting nothing but air especially at longer ranges, which equals lost caps.
FYI - If your most common entry solution to a combat situation involves spraying a hail of bullets at everything that moves until they've gibbed, it'll be no mystery why your magazines are empty and you are becoming penniless;
[Q] Hey, I really want to see 'X' Scope with 'Y' Weapon using 'Z' silencer, can you be a pal and move the accessories around for me since the materials are already included anyway?
[A] ...I 'can' move any accessory onto any other weapon; I 'did' do this once (obviously), and I've already made 4 versions of every weapon (normal, silent, scoped, silentscope). If something looks awful, it will change, if its passable, it may slide beneath the radar but be upgraded later on. I also will not part any weapons in this mod into single weapon mods; that level of preference will always require the player to learn how to open the GECK and do it themselves, if for no better reason than because I have a life to live and (actual) updates to host.
[Q] This mod is huge! How was it possible to compile all this material in one place?
[A] As much as some and certainly more than many, this mod stands tall on the shoulders of giants. My own personal giant is represented as the collaborative effort of probably now literally hundreds of individual authors who created new, changed old, or contributed material that eventually wound up in this mod. This mod wouldn't exist without me, sure; but without the raw material provided by various modding communities I would have had nothing but a burning drive to add what will soon be hundred(s) of weapons into Fallout3, a series which has always been a personal favorite.
[Q] That's all pretty awesome, but there are some improvements that could stand to be made; how can I influence some change in this mod?
[A] Luckily, I'm very populist and changes are made as my audience demands them (provided via community feedback).
What the public demands is what I strive to produce, so long as that demand is more or less unanimous and not tied to personal profit or tailored to individual taste.
The most direct way to influence the development of 20thCenturyWeapons is of course to contribute something.
With the number of weapons in this pack approaching the *hundred(s)*, there will always be room for improvements that may be relatively easy, but that I cannot find time to correct personally;
~Major problems and compatibility concerns take top priority and are my largest concern;
Contributions will of course earn you a place in the credits with the rest of us, as well as give you the warm feeling of knowing you've participated in a massive compilation of community acheivement that is used by thousands of players and has been translated into several other languages.
If you have some experience in modding FO3 and want to affect change in this mod by contributing something, drop me a PM;
-ein out.
the works contained within are free to use with Fallout 3.
Permission is hereby granted to anyone who wishes to include these works in conjunction with a "pack"
under the terms of:
1a) The VERSION 1 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before April 30th, 2009.
1b) The VERSION 2 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before June 30th, 2009.
1c) The VERSION 3 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before August 30th, 2009.
1d) The VERSION 4 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before October 30th, 2009.
1e) The VERSION 5 contents of this mod are not to be re-released or repackaged before February 30th, 2010.
-=-='1a', '1b', '1c', '1d' and '1e' are designed to give the original page a healthy chance to receive basic updates before export=-=-
2) Any and all contributing authors of each work to be used are credited by name for their contributions and displayed in plain view within the description of the release and the Readme.txt accompanying the release.
3) The works contained within are never to be used for profit.
4) Requests will be universally denied to export the following weapon(s)/weapon model(s) frmo 20thCenturyWeapons:
(FYI - this includes FOOK team)
4a) Remington1858Army Revolver (v5) by Penis Colada*
4b) HeritageArms1858Replica Revolver (v5) by Penis Colada*
*-Permission was received by Penis Colada to use his model in this weapon pack provided it is titled 'PenisColada's Remington1858' and prevent his work from being repackaged or used in any mods but this one;
~Contact him @ FPSBanana.com if you really want to use it.
x) at any time at the discretion of the authors of the works contained in these permissions may be revoked
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::END LEGAL::::::::::::::::::::::::
Incredible efforts have been made to ensure that the credit section is filled out completely and that all authors are given credit for their contributions to this project, but I'm not perfect, and the credit section has become enormous.
If I have not properly credited an author, or if you know someone who contributed work and was not properly credited;
-Please PM me and I will correct the discrepancy immediately.
If you recognize non-freely licensed material in this pack;
~Please PM me immediately and I will investigate the model source to verify.
Console Commands for Ammo (Use Test Container.esp for weapons)
Itemcode Ammotype
xx101bf4 5.45x39mm Round
xx101bf5 7.62x39mm Round
xx101bf6 7.62x51mm Round
xx101bf7 7.62x54mmR Round
xx101bf8 9x39mm Subsonic Round
xx101bf9 .50 BMG Round
xx101bfa 7.62x25mm Tokarev Round
xx101bfb .38 Special Round
xx101bfc 9x18mm Makarov Round
xx101bfd 9x19mm Round
xx101bfe .45 ACP Round
xx101bff 14mm Round
xx101c00 .50 AE Round
xx101c01 2mm EC Round
xx101c02 HN Needler Cartridge
xx101c03 4.73x33mm Caseless Round
xx100ea6 .22LR Round
xx105303 .44-40 Winchester Round
xx105304 .32-20 Winchester Round
xx105305 .30-30 Winchester Round
xx1059ac .30-06 Springfield Round
xx106053 .30 Carbine Round
xx1066fa .380 ACP Round
xx106da1 .357 Magnum Round
xx107aef .416 Barrett Round
xx108196 .357 SIG Round
xx10883d .455 Webley Round
xx108ee4 40mm Grenade
xx108ee5 5.7x28mm Round
xx108ee6 4.6x30mm Round
xx10958d 12.7x108mm Round
xx10958e 14.5x114mm Round
xx109c35 Rocket Propelled Grenade
xx109c36 .45 Long Colt Round
Mod Author : Einherjrar (plugin file)
Code Monkey : Einherjrar (.nif/.dds/.esp/model import/format/compile/port)
Formatting/Compile : Einherjrar (.nif/model orientation, dimensions, scale, positions, ect)
Original Model Author(s):
REM700 and SSG82 (wood and black)
Mesh: Black_Skull
Source Compile: Crosis
Ref maps: Crosis
V Model Mirror Correction: psychoticD
Ref Map Fix: psychoticD
Wood Skin Edit: Mullet
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Mini14 -
Rifle model : Nomad
Rifle skin : -Poly- edited by Splintercell (heatshroud)
Scope model : Shrike
Scope skin : Ratty
Scope mount & rails : Version_2
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
AR-15 Armalite
M16 Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Twinke Masta, Polygon
Skin Edits: Eggwhites
Silencer Model/Skin: Stoke
CS:S Compile: Solid_Snake
Producer: Cardboard Box Productions
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M249 SAW
Model:Schmung, Twinke Masta, MBPRODUCTIONS, Soul_Slayer, SureShot
Skin:Twinke Masta, Schmung, Flamshmizer, Geno, Acid Snake, MBPRODUCTIONS, kimono, SureShot
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M24 Remington:
Models: Endorphin, Kais, Bullethead, Murdock
Textures: SixShooter, !NC!Furious, Murdock, Chumpchange
CS:S Compile/vgui: Smith
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M14 Springfield
M14 : Spezz
Reflex Sight : Dav0r
scope : Ace,Snark
M14 : Enron
Reflex Sight : the_tub
scope : Ace,Snark
CS:S Compile:3dstart
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
AR-10 Armalite
Model: SoulSlayer (m4 body), Twinkie Masta (stock), Hav0c (scope) Murdock (Bipod), Stoke (nato bullet/silencer)
Skin: Kimono (m4 body/scope), Twinkie masta (stock), Stoke (nato bullet/silencer), Geno (lens), Murdock (bipod)
CS:S Compile/smoothing/normals/wees: L0RDN00B
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model: Twinke Masta
UV: Twinke Masta & Flamshmizer
Skin: Kimono
Compile: Rev. Ted
Model: Twinke Masta
UV: Twinke Masta & Flamshmizer
Skin: Kimono
CS:S Compile: Ellum
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M1903 Springfield
Model: PR0PEN
Skin/Texture: [SLHR]Gen (a.k.a. GenForral)
Normal Maps: [SLHR]Gen
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M1 Garand
SKin: Millenia
CS:S Compile:Skladfin
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
Model: Soul_Slayer
UVMap: Bullet-Head
Skin: Twinke Masta
CS:S Compile: Soul_Slayer/haggard
Small CS:S Compile: Haggard
bumpmap : djibe89
phong : djibe89
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Author1: Splinter
Author2: Marzy
Author3: Brutalization
Author4: Dillinger
Author5: Kraut Killer
Author6: Millenia
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model/Texture- Lonewolf/Shrike
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Barrett M82
Model: Hav0c
Skin: Twinke Masta (m82), Geno (lens)
Model smoothing, animation edits, Normal mapps, World Models, Compile: L0RDN00B
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
AS-50 Accuracy International
Model: DaveW
Origiran Texture: DaveW
Re-color: Me
Scope Model: Hav0c
Scope Texture: Twinke Masta, Geno (lens)
Scope Recolor: Me
Sounds: xLongWayHome
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
M2 BMG -:
Author Unknown.
**Model Edited heavily by Einherjrar, Verified free release**
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Texture: Einherjrar
M92 Beretta
Model: Twinkie Masta / Sureshot
Skin: Maiu / Twinke Masta
Sounds: Vunsunta
CS:S Compile: Solid_Snake
Producer: Cardboard Box Productions
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Uzi I.M.I:
Model: Duffman
Skin: Crosis
Animations: Stoke, Mike-
Sounds: Phiesope
Original CS Compile: Pete
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Tec9 Intratec:
model: dav0r
skin: downloadable skills
Original Compile: fub
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
CAR M635 9mm:
The Lama
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
M1911 Colt
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Dayofdfeat123 (Viet/Brushed)
Skin: Defeat (Silver/Gold/Viet2)
CS:S Compile: DaEllum67
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Mac 10 Ingram:
Model: Pete
Skin: Millenia
Compile: Rachael
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
M3 Grease:
Model and UVMap by RedRogueXIII
Skin by TehSnake
Sounds by Vunsunta
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
M1928 Thompson: (unused)
Model - Kitteh
Skin - Kitteh
Compile - Kitteh
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Thompson M1A1:
Model: DayofDefeat123
Skin: NZ-Reason
CS:S Compile, Bolt Model, and Refs: JIHAD
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
AMT AutomagIII
RedRogueXIII - Model/UV
Futon - Texture/Sound/Animz/CS:S Compile
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
*MaFiAdoOsAmA :
High Resolution skin
High Resolution accessories
Sprites & Gfx
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3Compile/Format: Einherjrar
USAS Daewoo:
Model:Teh Snake
Skin:Teh Snake
Uv's:Teh Snake
Anims:Teh Snake
Compile:Teh Snake
FO3 Compile/Format: Einherjrar
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
Benelli XM1014:
Model: Millenia
uvs: Millenia
textures: Millenia
compile: Millenia
Model: RedrogueXIII
UV: RedrogueXIII
Texture: Einherjrar (blank)
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
*-New Legal Section: See above;
Model/UVs - RedRogueXIII
Renders/Texport - DarthFaceMan
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model and UV; RedRogueXIII
Special thanks to Darthfaceman for textport UV;
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
AK-74 Kalashnikov;
Model: TwinkeMasta/N.R
Texture: NCfurious/Dreadus
CS Compile/hack: RedArmySoldier
Render: -Unrated-
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
AK-47 Kalashnikov;
Model - Twinke Masta
Textures - Millenia
Compiling - FxDarkLoki
model tweaking/smoothing - FxDarkLoki
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model by; Havok101
UVW Maps by; Malignant
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Bizon PP-19
Model - cryomerk
Uvmaps - readersdigest & Millenia
Textures - Millenia
Compile - James-
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model: Endorphin
Skin: SixShooter
Reskin: Rootbeerz
Original compile: MonkeyMan
Model tweaking: Ocularis
Model fixes/Turbosmooth: candied_clown
Norma/Ref maps: candied_clown
Compile: candied_clown
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
SVT-40 Tokarev
Original model : Rus_Ivan
Texture : Rus_Ivan
Normal mapping : masQ
Screenshot : masQ
Some parts of exponent map : Wile E Coyote
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
MP-443 Grach (DP-51 K-5 temporarily)
UV and Skin : DeadPixel
Black Recolor : kannoe
Compiles : kannoe
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Unknown Author;
Verified Free release.
Carriage Model and Skin; Bethesda
Edited Heavily by Einherjrar;
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Gepard M1; <<
Carriage Skin; Bethesda
PKMT Skin; GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Edited Heavily by Einherjrar
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Gepard M4; <<>>
Model - Twinke Masta
Textures - Millenia
Compiling - FxDarkLoki
model tweaking/smoothing - FxDarkLoki
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
PM Makarov;
Skin/Texture: TehSnake
Compile/World Models/Port (From CZ): Solid_Snake
Bump Maps: W1LLDAB3AST
Cardboard Box Productions
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
M1891-30 MosinNagant
Original model : Rus_Ivan
Texture : Rus_Ivan
Normal mapping : Rus_Ivan
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
OSV96; <<
model; ettubrutesbro
skin; wangchung
compile; fub
Render; Timittytim
alt origins; Timittytim
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
PKMT Kalashnikov;
Model: GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Texture: GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Original HL Compile; superpele
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model: Deadpixel
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Model: Cheeto
Skin: Blackheart
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Original model : Rus_Ivan
Texture : Rus_Ivan
Normal mapping : Rus_Ivan
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
RPD; <<
Model: GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Texture: GSC Gameworld (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Original HL Compile; superpele
Magazine model : Rus_Ivan
Magazine Texture : Rus_Ivan
Magazine Normal mapping : Rus_Ivan
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
RPK-74; <<
Model - Twinke Masta
Textures - Millenia
Compiling - FxDarkLoki
model tweaking/smoothing - FxDarkLoki
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Saiga-545; <<>>
Model: TwinkeMasta/N.R
Texture: NCfurious/Dreadus
CS Compile/hack: RedArmySoldier
Render: -Unrated-
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
SKS Simunov;
Skin by ; Walmarx
RustyReskin by ; Mr.Bond
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
SVD Dragunov
model: Twinke_Masta
Skin: -SmokyJoe- (TWeaked by Twinke Masta)
CS:S Compile: Hav0c
New CS:S Compile: Twinke Masta
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
TT-33 Tokarev;
Model: Hav0c / Twinke Masta
Skin: Twinke Masta
Original DODS Compile :Teh Snake
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
VEPR12; <<
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Vz.48 Sa.26; <<
Model: Dav0r
Texture: Millenia
Original Compile: SilentAssassin12
Original Compile: Modderfreak (Fixed compile)
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Vz.82 Skorpion;
Model: Ettubrutesbro
Skin: Millenia (Recolor by Futon)
Original Compile: The_AntiPirate
Older Compile: Futon
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
TOZ 87
Model: Millenia
Unwrap: Millenia
Skin: Millenia
Shell Model: Twinkie Masta
Shell Unwrap: Flamshmizer (Chop: Toxic Kitty!!!)
Shell Skin: Geno
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Saiga12 Sporting <<
Texture: NCfurious/Dreadus
CS Compile/hack: RedArmySoldier
Render: -Unrated-
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 .nif Compile/Format: Einherjrar
Saiga12K <<
Model: GSC Gameworld
Texture: GSC Gameworld
FO3 Compile: Toxi
VEPR12 <<>>
Model: GSC Gameworld
Texture: GSC Gameworld
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
M72 LAW Rocket Launcher:
Model and UV: Lachtan
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
M79GL Rifle and Sawn-Off
Model: EdisLeado
ModelEdit: Hellspike
Skin(s): flamshmizer
Skin(s): Millenia
UV Mapping: Hellspike
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Model & UVs: Ultimate Bastard
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Mk.19 AGL
*see M2 Browning for credits
MinorEdits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Formatting: Einherjrar
Other Equipment
Black Silencer - Intel
Gucci Silencer - Stoke
Vanilla Silencer - Bethesda
Vanilla Scope - Bethesda
VSS Scope Optic - Pelinor
Mosin Nagant Optic - Pelinor (VSS reticle modified)
v3 New Additions
Luger P08
model: flakk
textures: millenia
animations: mike-
sounds: vunsunta
previous CS:S Compile: james-
model smoothing & reCS:S Compile: modderfreak
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
C96 Mauser
Author2: Funth,
Author1: LeonScottKennedy
(M712 Stock)
Model and UVmaps by Havok101
Skin by Sylon
CS:S Compile and Refmaps by modderfreak
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model: Soul-Slayer
Uv-Mapping: Soul-Slayer
Texture: Kimono
Normal Maps: Twinke Masta
Sounds: Mullet, Vunsunta
Original DOD:S Compile: Soul-Slayer
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
MP5 Heckler&Koch
Model: Twinke Masta
Textures: Millenia
CS:S Compile: Millenia
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
USP Heckler&Koch
Model/UV/Skin: Thanez
Model/UV Edits: Racer445
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
UMP45 Heckler&Koch
UMP45: HellSpike,Logger
SPR Foregrip: Stoke
SureFire 900A: Silvio Dante
Eotech: Twinke Masta
UMP45: Cyper
SPR Foregrip: Stoke
SureFire 900A: WangChung(UV: The Spork)
Eotech: Twinke Masta
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
UMP Heckler&Koch
UMP45: HellSpike,Logger
SPR Foregrip: Stoke
SureFire 900A: Silvio Dante
Eotech: Twinke Masta
UMP45: Cyper
SPR Foregrip: Stoke
SureFire 900A: WangChung(UV: The Spork)
Eotech: Twinke Masta
Hack CS:S Compile: 3dstart
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
UCP Heckler&Koch
model:loom (edits)
model:afterburner (silencer)
model:twinkmasta (bullet)
CS:S Compile:reinier
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
MP7 Heckler&Koch
Model: Schmung
Skin: the_tub
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Smokey Joe
Model: Schmung
Skin: SureShot, DarkElfa® and Thanez
CS:S Compile, Origins, Wees, Hack and Skin Edits: DarkElfa®
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model: Darkstrorn
UV maps: Dreadus & Darkstorn
Textures: IppE
CS:S Compile: vagrant
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Heckler&Koch SL-8
Model ~ Cypherion
Skin ~ [K.o.S]-*[bh]*-Mike
Compiling ~ Hitman
Camo : MurdocK
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Heckler&Koch G36
Lama's G36c:
Very High Quality Model by TheLama!
Ultimate Textures by Thanez!
Realistic Shaders and Normal Maps!
G36c model:
Model: TheLama
UV's: Flamshmizer
Skin: Thanez
Normals, Phong, and Refmaps: Fxdarkloki
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Thanez and Twinke Masta
Refmaps: Thanez
CS:S Compile: ZeeJ
Previous CS:S Compile, turbosmoothing: Fxdarkloki
CS:S Compile Edits: TheStealthyOne
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
G41 Heckler&Koch
g41 original model:
Model - DarthFaceMan
Textures - Teh Snake
CS:S Compile - Teh Snake & Unkn0wn
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Base Model: Twinke Masta
Base Skin: NZ-Reason
CS:S Compile v: Hav0c
CS:S Compile w: Mullet
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Scout Steyr
Twinkie Masta Scout
Model: Scout-twinkie masta
Scope- Hav0c
Textures: Scout-Thanez
CS:S Compile: zer0 cool
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
PSG-1 Heckler&Koch
Model: Twinkie Masta, fallschirmjager, L0RDN00B (smoothing)
Skin: Twinkie Masta, Sproily
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
G3 Heckler&Koch
Model: Fallschirmjager,Twinke Masta(Scope)
Skin: Pete,Xero(Scope normal map)
CS:S Compile/Origins/Animation Hack: Sarqune
UV maps: Twinke Masta
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
HK21 Heckler&Koch
Producer: 586 studios
Model - DarthFaceMan
Textures - Teh Snake
CS:S Compile - Teh Snake
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Kar-98 Mauser
Kraut Killer
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model: Sproily
Textures & conversion: Millenia
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Model & Texture´s: Sproily
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Authors: Splinter
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
GO team - model
Gi777 - convert and rig
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
CAWS Heckler&Koch
Ported from War1982 'Classic Fallout Weapons BETA'
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
Pancor Jackhammer
Dav0r's Jackhammer
Model: Dav0r
UV: Dav0r
Skin: Unbreakable
Reflects: Unbreakable
CS:S Compile: Mullet
Wees: Unbreakable
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
UVmaps: DeadPixel
Textures: Cigano
CS:S Compile: Ultimate Bastard
Fallout3 Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments: Einherjrar
V4 EU part 2 CREDITS
Model: Bullet_Head (Glock), Twinke Masta (C-Mag), X-Convict, Kissle (stock)
Skin: klla_syc3 (Glock), Sureshot (C-Mag), N|rvy (Stock)
UV Map: Bullet_Head, klla_syc3 (Edits)
Original CSS Compile: Skladfin
Adjusted CSS Compile: DeadPixel
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Original Compile: ZeeJ
Model: Havok101: Glock Model.
Texture: El Maestro De Graffiti
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
MPL Walther
Skin:Twinke Masta
CZ Compile:Sedj
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
P35 Browning Hi-Power 1935
Model: Silvio Dante
UV: Fallschirmjager
Skin: WangChung
Original CSS Compile: Phong: Unseen_1
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
MP9 TMP Steyr
model: logger
skin: expert
Original CSS compile: Mullet
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
M12 Beretta
Model: Teh Snake
Skin: Teh Snake
Uv's: STeh Snake
Compile: Teh Snake
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
P99 Walther
Model: Fiblah
Skin: rayzian
refmaps: the necropimp
Original CSS Compile: The Necropimp
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
5ive 7even FN
Model (LAM): TheLama
Model (Gun): Twinke Masta
UV: Flamshmizer
Textures/Normals: Racer445
Compiles/LOD's: Vagrant
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
P90 FN
Short_Fuse - Base p90
Soul Slayer - Integrated Aimpoint Receiver
Will - Silencer
Thanez - P90
Enin - Magazine Edits
Stoke - Bullets
Cyper - Spring
FxDarkloki - Normals/Phong/Ref/Trans
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
SU-16 KelTec
Key Authors: Daisukekazama
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Sg552 Sig Commando
Model: Hav0c
Skin: Twinke Masta
Foregrip Elcan Scope: Stoke
Original CSS Compile: Elfa-X
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Shrike Ares
Model: Ettubrutesbro
UVW: Ettubrutesbro
Skin: Ettubrutesbro
Compile: james-
Wees: vagrant
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
PPK Walther
Model, Unwrap, Textures: Kimono
Compile/Refmaps: Hazik
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
P38 Walther
Model: Sproily / Twinke Masta
Skin: The Expert / Tub
Compile: The Expert
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
SSG3000 Sig
Origional Model& Skin : Lord NighthawkDingo Chavez
Model Rebuild & Alteration By De@dMe@t.
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Remington 7615 Patrol Rifle
Gun Model: fallschirmjager
Uvmap: Twinke Masta
Skin: Twinke Masta
Scope Edit: DarkElfa
Compile (v/w): Mullet
Model Fix/Edits: HellSpike
Model-Side Bullet Holder: End of Days
Skin-Side Bullet Holder: H4wk
Original CSS Compile: Biggs
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
M76 Zastava
Base AK
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Millenia
Meshsmooth, phong, etc.: Fxdarkloki
Scope Rail
Model: Pete
Skin: Pete
Skin Edit: Millenia
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Thanez
Meshsmooth, phong, refs: Fxdarkloki
Barrel, Magazine
Model: Pete
Skin: Millenia
Phong, refs: modderfreak
Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: !NC! Furious
Skin Edit: Millenia
Original CSS Compile: Bathroom Security
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Model and UVMaps by: Pete
Skins by: Acid_Snake and Enron
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Px4 Storm Beretta
Model : Duztey
UVMaps : The Spork
Skin : WangChung
Compile : Greg_Boyington
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Mk3 Lee-Enfield
Model: RedRogueXIII
Texture: Einherjrar
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
Original Authors: Splinter, Marzy, Brutalization, Dillinger, Kraut Killer, Millenia.
Minor Edits: Einherjrar
FO3 Compile: Einherjrar
v5 Content Credits:
Penis Colada's Remington 1858 Army (+Heritage 1858 replica)
polygone's - Penis Colada
vertexe's - Penis Colada
uv map's - Penis Colada
textile's - Penis Colada
fong map's - Penis Colada
normul map's - Penis Colada
pixel's - Penis Colada
grafick's - Penis Colada
material's - Penis Colada
Original CSS compile's - Penis Colada
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Winchester M1894 Leveraction (+ Heritage 1894 replica)
model: Dav0r
Skin: Kimono
Original CSS compile: L0RDN00B
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Ruger MkII
Model: TheLama
Uvmaps: Vee
Skin: LOOM+brownpoop22
Original CSS Compile (v/w): Soul_Slayer
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
10/22 Ruger Carbine
Hackjob by Einherjrar
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
10/22 Ruger Charger
Hackjob by Einherjrar
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Version 1 M1928 Thompson Body +
Version 3 M1928 Stock +
Version 2 PPSh-41 Drum
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Remington 220 SPR Sawn-off
Original CSS Compile:TehSnake
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Silverhawk 470 Beretta
Original CSS Compiler, Shaders: Unkn0wn
Skin, Shaders: Teh Snake
Model, UV Maps: Z3RO
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Winchester 101
Model - Fearfisch
UVMaps - Meltdown
Skin - Kitteh
Original TS Compile - Kitteh
Geniune Sexiness - Corporal Dogmeat <3
LAM, Rail - Mbproductions
Red Dot sight - Rosa Jonas, NeoShroomish
Original HL2 Compile - Cliffton_Vlodhammer
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Winchester M1887
Original Mesh/Texture: Hamburghannes
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Winchester M1897
animations: Jennifer!!
Original CSS compile: L0RDN00B
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
NoIIMkI Enfield
Model and UVMaps: Dav0r
Skin: Kimono
Original CSS Compiles, Skin Edits, Normal Maps: modderfreak
Phong Maps and Sound Edits: modderfreak
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Python Colt
Model & Normal maps : Agressive Napkin
Textures & Compile : Teh Snake
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Model29 Smith&Wesson
Model: Bingo Johnson
Skin: NZ-Reason
Unwrap, Optimization: Schmung
Original Compile: Sober
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
SuperRedhawk Ruger
Textures: Millenia
Original CSS Compile (v/w): SureShot
Debugging: Soul_Slayer, Monkeh
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Model500 Smith&Wesson
Vanilla .44 Magnum Recycled
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
BLR Browning
Original Mesh/Texture: hamburghannes@gmx.de
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Marlin M336 +M1895 +444
Model by Enron and GIR (Shell)
Skins by NCFurious, Sylon, modderfreak and SA12 (Shell)
Original CSS Compiles, Normal Maps, Refmaps and Buy Menu Pics by modderfreak
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
DesertEagle XIX
Original CSS Compile/coded by: ZeeJ
Model by: Vashts1985
Textures by: Millenia
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Aug Steyr
Model: Sproily, Twinke Masta
Skin: Sproily, Twinke Masta
Original CSS Compile: 3DStart
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Model: Snipa Masta
Skin: Snipa Masta
Original CSS Compile, Origins, Wees and Edits: DarkElfa
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
SA80 Enfield
L85A1 Model:Ettubrutesbro
L85A1 Skin:Kimono
L85A1 UV Choppage:Sean`
Elcan Model:Stoke
Elcan Skin:Stoke
Mag Model:Twinke Masta
Mag SKin:Polygon, !NC! Furious
Original CZ Compile:Sean`
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
OC-14 Groza
Model - GSC Game World
Textures - Millenia
Original CSS Compile - Modderfreak
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
M4A1: Soul_Slayer
M203: Twinkie Masta
Eotech And Magnifier: Twinkie Masta
M900a: Silvio Dante
Acog: Twinkie Masta
RIS: Soul_Slayer
M4 frame/silencer smoothing: L0RDN00B
Aimpoint: Twinkie Masta
AN PEQ: The Spork
M4A1: Kimono
M203: Twinkie Masta with edits by El maestro de graffiti
Eotech and Magnifier: Wang Chung
M900a: Wang Chung
RIS: Thanez (edits by sarqune)
Acog: Twinkie Masta
Aimpoint: Twinkie Masta
AN PEQ: El Maestro de Graffiti
Original CSS Compile: Sarqune, (with compile help from Henron)
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
AC-556 Ruger
Original Authors/Contributors: Pete,CadeOpreto,Nomad,-Poly-,Splintercell,
FO3 Formatting/Compile: Einherjrar
Minor Adjustments, .nif construction: Einherjrar
Sounds; Honnou (Realistic Weapon Sounds mod)
All Animations are done by: Bethesda (vanilla)
Special Thanks to:
3dModel Hosting; FPSBanana.com