Zooming bows version 2.3
A Morrowind mod by Timeslip, currently living on the elder scrolls forums. PM me there if you need to contact me.
Visit http://www.angelfire.com/games3/ccn/morrow.html for any updates.
Feel free to redistribute, but please keep the zip file contents identical to this original, inform me of where it's available and make an effort to keep it up to date.
This is an MGE mod and requires MWSE 0.92 or greater and MGE 1.9 or greater.
This mod assumes that you use the left mouse button to attack, and that you haven't changed any of the default movement controls.
*** what it is ***
This mod adds a few global scripts that modify the behaviour of all bows and crossbows. Bows zoom in at a rate dependent on your marksman skill. Fog is also reduced to allow you to see further. If you keep your bow drawn for too long, your aim will start to wobble, and eventually you will be forced to release the bow. Both wobble and forced release time are endurance based. This plugin is also capable of drawing a theif-style crosshair while you are aiming, although this is disabled by default.
The behaviour of this mod can be modified through global variables. Open the console and type 'set ... to ...' to change behaviour. The available variables are:
TS_B_Fog: Set this to 0 to prevent this plugin from reducing fog when you zoom in.
TS_B_Aim: Set this to 1 to enable a thief style crosshair while aiming
TS_B_Limit: Set this to 0 to prevent the bow automatically fireing if you keep it drawn too long
TS_B_Shake: Set this to 0 to stop your aim from shaking if you keep the bow drawn for too long
TS_B_Skilled: Set this to 0 to prevent rate of zoom being affected by your marksman skill, and draw time by your endurance.
TS_B_Sneak: Set this to 1 to only zoom in while sneaking. Draw time is uneffected.
TS_B_Scale: This float controls the size of the crosshair
*** Installation ***
To use, extract all files into morrowind's 'Data Files' directory. All files should automatically be placed in their correct folders, but if not the files must be placed as follows:
Zooming bows (v2).esp goes into 'Data Files'
BowCrosshair.x goes into 'Data FilesMGE meshesTimeslip'
BowCrosshair.fx goes into 'Data FilesShadersTimeslip'
BowCrosshair.bmp goes into 'Data FilesTexturesMGETimeslip'
Ensure that MGE is set up to connect to MWSE, or the bows will do nothing and you will not recieve any warning messages.
If you want to use the crosshair, then type 'startscript Timeslip_BowZoomScaleScript' into the console or the crosshair will be drawn at the wrong size. You will need to repeat this each time you change screen resolution. Alternativly, you can manually set the TS_B_Scale variable from the console.
*** Known Issues ***
The scripts do not check if you have an arrow equipped. As long as you have a bow drawn, you will trigger the script regardless of where ever or not you are actually allowed to attack.
If you set TS_B_Limit to 0 without setting TS_B_Shake to 0, your aim will move off in a single direction at the point where the bow would normally fire.
*** History ***
V1.0 and 1.1:
Contained 3 seperate esp's. One added new bows to the game, and the others added a script to all the normal morrowind bows that let them zoom in.
Switched over to using a global script so there are no longer any compatability problems with mods that add scripts to bows, and this mod now also works with bows added by other mods.
Completely new script. Now uses MGE 1.8's new input control features. Script behaviour can be changed by setting global variables, instead of having to switch between different esp's.
> The script checks your screen resolution, and sets the crosshair size accordingly
> Added a TS_B_Scale global variable to let the crosshair size be modified manually
> The crosshair is now switched off by default
> Uses proper startscripts instead of messing around with scripted jewellery
> The amount of time you can hold the bow drawn without side effects is now endurance based
> Quickloading while zoomed in no longer causes any problems
> Script optimizations and cleanup
> Added option to only zoom in when sneaking
Zooming Bows

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Zooming bows version 2.3
A Morrowind mod by Timeslip, currently living on the elder scrolls forums. PM me there if you need to contact me.
Visit http://www.angelfire.com/games3/ccn/morrow.html for any updates.
Feel free to redistribute, but please keep the zip file contents identical to this original, inform me of where it's available and make an effort to keep it up to date.
This is an MGE mod and requires MWSE 0.92 or greater and MGE 1.9 or greater.
This mod assumes that you use the left mouse button to attack, and that you haven't changed any of the default movement controls.
*** what it is ***
This mod adds a few global scripts that modify the behaviour of all bows and crossbows. Bows zoom in at a rate dependent on your marksman skill. Fog is also reduced to allow you to see further. If you keep your bow drawn for too long, your aim will start to wobble, and eventually you will be forced to release the bow. Both wobble and forced release time are endurance based. This plugin is also capable of drawing a theif-style crosshair while you are aiming, although this is disabled by default.
The behaviour of this mod can be modified through global variables. Open the console and type 'set ... to ...' to change behaviour. The available variables are:
TS_B_Fog: Set this to 0 to prevent this plugin from reducing fog when you zoom in.
TS_B_Aim: Set this to 1 to enable a thief style crosshair while aiming
TS_B_Limit: Set this to 0 to prevent the bow automatically fireing if you keep it drawn too long
TS_B_Shake: Set this to 0 to stop your aim from shaking if you keep the bow drawn for too long
TS_B_Skilled: Set this to 0 to prevent rate of zoom being affected by your marksman skill, and draw time by your endurance.
TS_B_Sneak: Set this to 1 to only zoom in while sneaking. Draw time is uneffected.
TS_B_Scale: This float controls the size of the crosshair
*** Installation ***
To use, extract all files into morrowind's 'Data Files' directory. All files should automatically be placed in their correct folders, but if not the files must be placed as follows:
Zooming bows (v2).esp goes into 'Data Files'
BowCrosshair.x goes into 'Data FilesMGE meshesTimeslip'
BowCrosshair.fx goes into 'Data FilesShadersTimeslip'
BowCrosshair.bmp goes into 'Data FilesTexturesMGETimeslip'
Ensure that MGE is set up to connect to MWSE, or the bows will do nothing and you will not recieve any warning messages.
If you want to use the crosshair, then type 'startscript Timeslip_BowZoomScaleScript' into the console or the crosshair will be drawn at the wrong size. You will need to repeat this each time you change screen resolution. Alternativly, you can manually set the TS_B_Scale variable from the console.
*** Known Issues ***
The scripts do not check if you have an arrow equipped. As long as you have a bow drawn, you will trigger the script regardless of where ever or not you are actually allowed to attack.
If you set TS_B_Limit to 0 without setting TS_B_Shake to 0, your aim will move off in a single direction at the point where the bow would normally fire.
*** History ***
V1.0 and 1.1:
Contained 3 seperate esp's. One added new bows to the game, and the others added a script to all the normal morrowind bows that let them zoom in.
Switched over to using a global script so there are no longer any compatability problems with mods that add scripts to bows, and this mod now also works with bows added by other mods.
Completely new script. Now uses MGE 1.8's new input control features. Script behaviour can be changed by setting global variables, instead of having to switch between different esp's.
> The script checks your screen resolution, and sets the crosshair size accordingly
> Added a TS_B_Scale global variable to let the crosshair size be modified manually
> The crosshair is now switched off by default
> Uses proper startscripts instead of messing around with scripted jewellery
> The amount of time you can hold the bow drawn without side effects is now endurance based
> Quickloading while zoomed in no longer causes any problems
> Script optimizations and cleanup
> Added option to only zoom in when sneaking