Udie Too
Ultimate Diablo Item Editor 2
Version 1.10.001 release 2003/10/31
New features
Works for 1.10 Final version of Diablo 2. New buttons in item editor for common tasks (Sockets, etc.). A few bugs found/fixed.
It may work with 1.09d . To switch just copy the txt files from the sub folder
over the ones in the base folder.
There is still a lot of properties that need to be fixed for 1.10. If you would like, you can edit the properties.txt. I have fixed down to 120+ but the new skill properties have a totally diferent format I'll have to recode to make them work.
Note to all mod users
To use Udie with a mod you must make a shortcut to udietoo.exe and set the "working path" / "Start In:" to the Diablo II directory. AND you need to put C:/UdieTooUdieToo.exe -direct as the command line. This works for TXT type mods. DLL mods probably won't work right.
When Diablo came out I loved it. I played more hours than I can count, Online and off. After killing diablo with each type character many times I started item hunting/collecting. I soon found that some items just didn't drop. So, being the consumate hacker I was, I wrote RHEU (runtime hex edit utility) and began exploring item formats. I figured out how to stick items in Griswolds list and buy them for 0 gp. I created many bizzaar items and had many more hours of Diablo fun. But RHEU was hard to use so I started UDIE (Ultimate Diablo Item Editor). After cutting & pasting screen shots, decoding cel file formats and loads of code, I had a nice little editor that I could use to stick items in Griswolds list. Not what I wanted. So,I added scripting code to allow total customization ... almost. The code got so convoluted I finally gave up.
Along came Diablo II. After playing it to death (plus the expansion) I got
the bug again. So I started UdieToo. Here it is.
UdieToo allows you to load your characters and change whatever you want. It works just like the game except you can edit the values you see and change the items anyway you want (within the bounds of the game). The editor uses the actual files Diablo II uses so if the game changes so does the editor.
Mod Maker Friendly
For you mod makers out there, I added the "-direct" command line switch. Just like the game, it tells the editor to use files extracted to a local directory structure in the working directory. This is an excellent way to test mods with new items,sets,uniques etc.
Using the item editor
After loading a character you can edit any item by right clicking it and picking 'edit' from the popup menu. The item editor opens with your item showing.
Binary Editor
There is a binary editor control to edit the actual data of the item. The bits show in reverse order from normal notation to allow continuous flow from field to field. It takes a little getting used to, but it's worth it when deciphering unknown data. Each field is an alternate color and each section (basic,item specific,property lists) has a different set of colors.
Status Display
As you move the cursor along the status display below shows current position etc. The field name/description is shown above along with the value of the field. Left-clicking the value will popup a dialog box that allows you to change it in human readable form ;-).
Arrows - move cursor around.
Space - toggle bit under cursor
0/1 - set bit to 0/1
INS - switch between insert and over-write
* Delete only works in insert mode. Be very careful inserting and
deleting bits. You can trash an item if you dont know what you are
Property List Boxes
There are several property lists that let you modify the item easily. You select the list you want using the button menu up right. Scroll through the list using the mouse (no kb control, sorry). Left click a property to 'grab' it. The cursor changes to show you have it. Left click your item to 'Apply' the property to it. What happens depends on the type of property.
This will insert the selection into the first property section of your item. All items except for Simple items (potions etc.) will
have this property section, although it may be empty. The parameters are all set max (1111 ...).
Rune Words
Will wipe the item down to a 'normal' except for the first property section. Then it will socket the item,insert the appropriate runes,
and apply the correct attributes for the selected runeword. BUT ... If the item is not the correct type, Diablo will reset the runeword to 0xFFFF "ITH". But the properties will remain.
Magic Prefix/Suffix
Wipes the item if it isn't Magic. Makes it magic, then add the correct attributes for the selection.
Rare Prefix/Sufix
Not implemented yet. Will make item rare if not already. Set the name selected. No attributes are added.
Unique Items
Drag a unique title onto your item. Will make the item a Unique item.
Not implemented yet. Will make the item a set item.
To make a socketed item: Move cursor until "Socketed" appears. The value should say 'False'. Make sure Insert Mode is off (cursor is wide). Press space bar to set bit to '1'. Display says 'True'. Move the cursor down to
find "number of sockets". Be sure insert mode is on (the cursor is thin).
Type '0100' (this will set 2 sockets, remember bits are in reverse).
Press INS to turn insert mode back off.
To remove sockets, reverse the process. Find 'Number of sockets'. With INS on, delete 4 bits. Find 'Socketed'. With INS off, Press SPACE to set bit to '0'.
Whenever you turn on a flag, you MUST insert bits to align the fields again
Whenever you turn off a flag you MUST delete "" "" "" ..
To change an existing value. Just overwrite it.(With INS off)
!!! CAUTION !!!
If you Unsocket an item you must remove the gems first !
Other things
Dead Body: You can view your dead body (Even if you dont have one ;-). If you put an item on it , your dead body will appear the next time you start Diablo.
Spell Tree
Clicking an spell icon will increase it's level. Shift-clicking will decrease it.
Quest Page
Each tab has a set of numbers. Each number is the state of a quest on the page. Selecting an icon will turn the corresponding number green.
The gray numbers are the Act start/end status. Act V is messed up because Blizzard had used those numbers for other data, So they had to move Act V down a few bytes reletive to the others. I haven't adjusted the tab yet. Keys work the same as the Item editor but there is no insert mode.
Palette Page
This doesnt do anything. I used it when deciphering item coloring. I thought modders might like it so I left it.
Player Page
Lets you set the Difficulty/Act and Title of your character. The Title is set by selecting the highest difficulty completed. When you select a different Act, the map switches the that town. It loads really slow. I should put the 'Loading...' screen up but it's embeded in the character loading code. I'll add that sometime.
File Formats
Variable Structure Definition: I wanted to come up with a way to adjust the structure for items as needed (without rewriting any code). So I created this format to describe item data. I should use the extension '.vsd' but its a tabbed text file so I used .txt for easy editing. Here are the columns ...
'type' : resulting type for the field.
BYTE - 8 bit unsigned value. Displays as decimal(hex)
WORD - 16 bit value. Displays as Hex
DWRD - 32 bit value. Displays as Hex
BOOL - 16 bit value. Displays as "True/False"
ASC7 - 7 bit per character null terminated string. The bits field
is max number of characters. Displays as text.
ASC8 - 8 bit per character null terminated string. The bits field
is max number of characters. Displays as text.
FILE - Used to load other definition files. The 'name' column is
the filename to load in. Bits should be 0.
PROP - A built in type used for property lists. The data is decoded
using the 'properties.txt' file.
LOOK - Look up field in a list ... not implemented
'name' : name of field to use in conditions.
'bits' : actual size of field data in bits (unless noted above). Must
be smaller than the selected type.
'desc' : description. Shows in editor.
'cond1': condition result to include this field. If the comparison of
'condvar1' with 'condval1' results in this number, include this
field. Can be -1 , 0, 1 . In other words (less than),(equal to),
(greater than).
'condvar1' : the field name to use in compare.
'condval1' : a value to compared it to.
'condX ...' : more conditions
'fields.txt' : VSD file describing basic item format
'extend.txt' : VSD file describing extended item format. Included by
fields.txt if 'bSimple' == 0.
'controls.txt' : A quicky I used to tell where to put stuff on pages.
Could be better.
'properties.txt' : A great list of properties. Many thanks to 'Fuzzier' ,
the creator of 'Item Creator'. I added modcodeX columns to tell which
parameters to use with modcodes. Also fixed a few properties.
'fake.txt' : a list of 'Fake' properties Diablo uses. Used to expand out
the correct properties for the item.
'quests.txt' : Quest list with offsets for the binary editor and string.tbl
keys to lookup the right text.
'filenames.txt': List of all MPQ files used by the editor. If Blizzard
changes something, this needs to be changed.
only the item editor uses the VSD files at the moment. The rest of the code uses a fixed format so Diablo II vers 1.10 probably wont work. I'm working on converting everything over. Maybe by the beta release.
Thanks To
trevin, Fuzzier, TeLAMoN,shadowmaster, Stoned2000, ericjwin, Paul Siramy, Tom Amigo, AK74 and many more.
Thanks to all out there who have worked on character/item formats, dt1/ds1
files, MPQ viewers etc. I found most of the tech I needed from you guys so
I spent most of my time coding. (Most of it ... I did find a few pearls on
my own ;-)
Special Thanks to Jamella for making an almost great editor and leaving us
hangin. Every time I trashed a character I got one step closer to starting
this ;-) (sorry Jamella, couldn't resist ;-)
The author is not responsible for anything. Use at your own risk.
UdieToo Editor

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Udie Too
Ultimate Diablo Item Editor 2
Version 1.10.001 release 2003/10/31
New features
Works for 1.10 Final version of Diablo 2. New buttons in item editor for common tasks (Sockets, etc.). A few bugs found/fixed.
It may work with 1.09d . To switch just copy the txt files from the sub folder
over the ones in the base folder.
There is still a lot of properties that need to be fixed for 1.10. If you would like, you can edit the properties.txt. I have fixed down to 120+ but the new skill properties have a totally diferent format I'll have to recode to make them work.
Note to all mod users
To use Udie with a mod you must make a shortcut to udietoo.exe and set the "working path" / "Start In:" to the Diablo II directory. AND you need to put C:/UdieTooUdieToo.exe -direct as the command line. This works for TXT type mods. DLL mods probably won't work right.
When Diablo came out I loved it. I played more hours than I can count, Online and off. After killing diablo with each type character many times I started item hunting/collecting. I soon found that some items just didn't drop. So, being the consumate hacker I was, I wrote RHEU (runtime hex edit utility) and began exploring item formats. I figured out how to stick items in Griswolds list and buy them for 0 gp. I created many bizzaar items and had many more hours of Diablo fun. But RHEU was hard to use so I started UDIE (Ultimate Diablo Item Editor). After cutting & pasting screen shots, decoding cel file formats and loads of code, I had a nice little editor that I could use to stick items in Griswolds list. Not what I wanted. So,I added scripting code to allow total customization ... almost. The code got so convoluted I finally gave up.
Along came Diablo II. After playing it to death (plus the expansion) I got
the bug again. So I started UdieToo. Here it is.
UdieToo allows you to load your characters and change whatever you want. It works just like the game except you can edit the values you see and change the items anyway you want (within the bounds of the game). The editor uses the actual files Diablo II uses so if the game changes so does the editor.
Mod Maker Friendly
For you mod makers out there, I added the "-direct" command line switch. Just like the game, it tells the editor to use files extracted to a local directory structure in the working directory. This is an excellent way to test mods with new items,sets,uniques etc.
Using the item editor
After loading a character you can edit any item by right clicking it and picking 'edit' from the popup menu. The item editor opens with your item showing.
Binary Editor
There is a binary editor control to edit the actual data of the item. The bits show in reverse order from normal notation to allow continuous flow from field to field. It takes a little getting used to, but it's worth it when deciphering unknown data. Each field is an alternate color and each section (basic,item specific,property lists) has a different set of colors.
Status Display
As you move the cursor along the status display below shows current position etc. The field name/description is shown above along with the value of the field. Left-clicking the value will popup a dialog box that allows you to change it in human readable form ;-).
Arrows - move cursor around.
Space - toggle bit under cursor
0/1 - set bit to 0/1
INS - switch between insert and over-write
* Delete only works in insert mode. Be very careful inserting and
deleting bits. You can trash an item if you dont know what you are
Property List Boxes
There are several property lists that let you modify the item easily. You select the list you want using the button menu up right. Scroll through the list using the mouse (no kb control, sorry). Left click a property to 'grab' it. The cursor changes to show you have it. Left click your item to 'Apply' the property to it. What happens depends on the type of property.
This will insert the selection into the first property section of your item. All items except for Simple items (potions etc.) will
have this property section, although it may be empty. The parameters are all set max (1111 ...).
Rune Words
Will wipe the item down to a 'normal' except for the first property section. Then it will socket the item,insert the appropriate runes,
and apply the correct attributes for the selected runeword. BUT ... If the item is not the correct type, Diablo will reset the runeword to 0xFFFF "ITH". But the properties will remain.
Magic Prefix/Suffix
Wipes the item if it isn't Magic. Makes it magic, then add the correct attributes for the selection.
Rare Prefix/Sufix
Not implemented yet. Will make item rare if not already. Set the name selected. No attributes are added.
Unique Items
Drag a unique title onto your item. Will make the item a Unique item.
Not implemented yet. Will make the item a set item.
To make a socketed item: Move cursor until "Socketed" appears. The value should say 'False'. Make sure Insert Mode is off (cursor is wide). Press space bar to set bit to '1'. Display says 'True'. Move the cursor down to
find "number of sockets". Be sure insert mode is on (the cursor is thin).
Type '0100' (this will set 2 sockets, remember bits are in reverse).
Press INS to turn insert mode back off.
To remove sockets, reverse the process. Find 'Number of sockets'. With INS on, delete 4 bits. Find 'Socketed'. With INS off, Press SPACE to set bit to '0'.
Whenever you turn on a flag, you MUST insert bits to align the fields again
Whenever you turn off a flag you MUST delete "" "" "" ..
To change an existing value. Just overwrite it.(With INS off)
!!! CAUTION !!!
If you Unsocket an item you must remove the gems first !
Other things
Dead Body: You can view your dead body (Even if you dont have one ;-). If you put an item on it , your dead body will appear the next time you start Diablo.
Spell Tree
Clicking an spell icon will increase it's level. Shift-clicking will decrease it.
Quest Page
Each tab has a set of numbers. Each number is the state of a quest on the page. Selecting an icon will turn the corresponding number green.
The gray numbers are the Act start/end status. Act V is messed up because Blizzard had used those numbers for other data, So they had to move Act V down a few bytes reletive to the others. I haven't adjusted the tab yet. Keys work the same as the Item editor but there is no insert mode.
Palette Page
This doesnt do anything. I used it when deciphering item coloring. I thought modders might like it so I left it.
Player Page
Lets you set the Difficulty/Act and Title of your character. The Title is set by selecting the highest difficulty completed. When you select a different Act, the map switches the that town. It loads really slow. I should put the 'Loading...' screen up but it's embeded in the character loading code. I'll add that sometime.
File Formats
Variable Structure Definition: I wanted to come up with a way to adjust the structure for items as needed (without rewriting any code). So I created this format to describe item data. I should use the extension '.vsd' but its a tabbed text file so I used .txt for easy editing. Here are the columns ...
'type' : resulting type for the field.
BYTE - 8 bit unsigned value. Displays as decimal(hex)
WORD - 16 bit value. Displays as Hex
DWRD - 32 bit value. Displays as Hex
BOOL - 16 bit value. Displays as "True/False"
ASC7 - 7 bit per character null terminated string. The bits field
is max number of characters. Displays as text.
ASC8 - 8 bit per character null terminated string. The bits field
is max number of characters. Displays as text.
FILE - Used to load other definition files. The 'name' column is
the filename to load in. Bits should be 0.
PROP - A built in type used for property lists. The data is decoded
using the 'properties.txt' file.
LOOK - Look up field in a list ... not implemented
'name' : name of field to use in conditions.
'bits' : actual size of field data in bits (unless noted above). Must
be smaller than the selected type.
'desc' : description. Shows in editor.
'cond1': condition result to include this field. If the comparison of
'condvar1' with 'condval1' results in this number, include this
field. Can be -1 , 0, 1 . In other words (less than),(equal to),
(greater than).
'condvar1' : the field name to use in compare.
'condval1' : a value to compared it to.
'condX ...' : more conditions
'fields.txt' : VSD file describing basic item format
'extend.txt' : VSD file describing extended item format. Included by
fields.txt if 'bSimple' == 0.
'controls.txt' : A quicky I used to tell where to put stuff on pages.
Could be better.
'properties.txt' : A great list of properties. Many thanks to 'Fuzzier' ,
the creator of 'Item Creator'. I added modcodeX columns to tell which
parameters to use with modcodes. Also fixed a few properties.
'fake.txt' : a list of 'Fake' properties Diablo uses. Used to expand out
the correct properties for the item.
'quests.txt' : Quest list with offsets for the binary editor and string.tbl
keys to lookup the right text.
'filenames.txt': List of all MPQ files used by the editor. If Blizzard
changes something, this needs to be changed.
only the item editor uses the VSD files at the moment. The rest of the code uses a fixed format so Diablo II vers 1.10 probably wont work. I'm working on converting everything over. Maybe by the beta release.
Thanks To
trevin, Fuzzier, TeLAMoN,shadowmaster, Stoned2000, ericjwin, Paul Siramy, Tom Amigo, AK74 and many more.
Thanks to all out there who have worked on character/item formats, dt1/ds1
files, MPQ viewers etc. I found most of the tech I needed from you guys so
I spent most of my time coding. (Most of it ... I did find a few pearls on
my own ;-)
Special Thanks to Jamella for making an almost great editor and leaving us
hangin. Every time I trashed a character I got one step closer to starting
this ;-) (sorry Jamella, couldn't resist ;-)
The author is not responsible for anything. Use at your own risk.