...by MentalElf / Barney Blankenship
A tool for packaging all files in an Oblivion Mod, or uninstalling a Oblivion Mod. To automate the tedius work of tracking what files belong to a mod.
Now you can add files to your working Oblivion area with abandon, and know that when it's time to package your work, only those files actually required by the mod will be included in the released archive.
TES4FILES is a tool that packages a mod for you, all you do is tell it what ESM/ESP file to package and *poof* all the files are copied into a subdirectory suitable for zipping or raring up and sending off... !
This includes generating BSA type archives!
When you select a mod and "export", TES4FILES creates a subdirectory where it is located on disk by the name of the module (without the esm/esp suffix) and puts all the files needed for the mod in their respective places. Upon completion of the export, if you look in the subdirectory, you will find the _log.txt file _error.txt file
All messages are in the _log.txt file, only error messages are in the _error.txt file, and all exported files are in the output subdirectories (such as "meshes" etc).
This tool is for packaging all files in a Oblivion Mod, or uninstalling a Oblivion Mod. To automate the tedius work of tracking what files belong to a mod. Now you can add files to your working Oblivion area with abandon, and know that when it's
time to package your work, only those files actually required by the mod will be included in the released archive.
1. EZ install
...nothing but an "exe" and a "readme" text file.
2. EZ set up
...no additional downloads! No additional stuff required!
Just run the program and browse to your Oblivion Data
directory with the FIND button.
3. EZ mod config
Click the box [X] for the mod esp you want to export,
click the [X] BSA and [X] Fix NIF boxes and EXPORT!
Go to the output subdirectory where TESFILES is located,
select your ESP, Readme, and BSA with the mouse,
and "send to" zip file (or your favorite archiver).
All done!
Revision History...
V2.11: Added record types NIFT and WRLD, changed zombie and dog so their anim files would not show as missing.
V2.12: Fixed so .addon feature items go into the BSA too.
check added to NIF texture scan.
V2.13: Added grabbing normal maps that have shorter names, such as normal maps shared between multiple textures.
V2.2: Feature addition, last revision V2.13... added automatic support for ShiveringIsles, so that if you have that addition, any references to objects in SI will be seen as Oblivion BSA type library files.
Also changed .mp3/.mid/.wav StreamMusic script commands so that
including "data/music" in the path is treated properly.
V2.3: Fix for mods with NPC/creature animations. These ".kf" type files are grabbed now even if they are not referenced by the ESP (it appears this is the normal case... doh).
V2.4: The addition of supporting "new race" type mods was added! This includes the grabbing of egm, egt, and tri files. Tested with Winged
Twilight Race mod
V2.42: Changed the window size making it taller, so long lists of mods are easier to deal with.
V2.43: Fixed a problem where extraneous files could get copied over if they had a similar name to the mod being exported, due to the attempt to copy all types of readme files.
V2.44: Fixed a problem where an empty record would confuse things horribly. Updated to tolerate empty records in the esp/esm.
V2.45: Fixed a problem where an empty subrecord would confuse things horribly. Also updated to allow the book record type "XXXX" (occurs in Better Cities).
V2.5: Updated to grab LOD files, including the lod, nif, and dds files for distant land.
V2.6: Added feature to allow packing a group of esp files with a
master esm into a single BSA. Tested as working with Better cities.
V2.65: Fixed file selection for "esm mode" where you select multiple ESP files after selecting an ESM file. Tested on Open Cities as working.
V2.7: Added is the feature of grabbing "_far" nif files.
V2.71: Fixed bug where books images that specify height/width would be grabbed incorrectly and not found.
V2.76: Added feature that allows generation of non-compressed BSA files, by request.
V2.77: Execution speed improvement was made.
V2.8: Kill evil LOD grabbing bug that was introduced in 2.5, it would grab every Tamriel whatnot if you had those system files unpacked in the distantlod folder.
V2.81: Allow turning off grabbing LOD files with NoLOD checkbox,
as requested.
V3.0: Many speed up improvements, added feature
of being able to generate BSA without copying
the subdirectory files as well.
V3.1: Adding scanning of _far.nifs for textures.
V3.2: Fixed finding shared normal maps.
V3.3: Beta Fallout3 support.
V3.31: Fixed shared normal map copy.
V3.32: Fixed above again, was wrong.
V3.34: Changes requested to be more friendly with Wyre Bash... no data subdirectory in the output folder, and the option to delete a prior build.
Arthmoor: bug copy excluded esp/esm fixed
Aelis: bug "ROAD" unrecognized fixed wmj, Ismelda Lasombra, dev_akm, Arthmoor: "multiple ESP with ESM" option
ZiggyX for "no compression" option
PetrusOctavianus for option to make BSA without subdirectory copy, and option to not grab LOD files.
Arthmoor for scanning "_far.nif"s for textures fix.
The Chihuahua I helped give birth, who inspires me and keeps me company...

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...by MentalElf / Barney Blankenship
A tool for packaging all files in an Oblivion Mod, or uninstalling a Oblivion Mod. To automate the tedius work of tracking what files belong to a mod.
Now you can add files to your working Oblivion area with abandon, and know that when it's time to package your work, only those files actually required by the mod will be included in the released archive.
TES4FILES is a tool that packages a mod for you, all you do is tell it what ESM/ESP file to package and *poof* all the files are copied into a subdirectory suitable for zipping or raring up and sending off... !
This includes generating BSA type archives!
When you select a mod and "export", TES4FILES creates a subdirectory where it is located on disk by the name of the module (without the esm/esp suffix) and puts all the files needed for the mod in their respective places. Upon completion of the export, if you look in the subdirectory, you will find the _log.txt file _error.txt file
All messages are in the _log.txt file, only error messages are in the _error.txt file, and all exported files are in the output subdirectories (such as "meshes" etc).
This tool is for packaging all files in a Oblivion Mod, or uninstalling a Oblivion Mod. To automate the tedius work of tracking what files belong to a mod. Now you can add files to your working Oblivion area with abandon, and know that when it's
time to package your work, only those files actually required by the mod will be included in the released archive.
1. EZ install
...nothing but an "exe" and a "readme" text file.
2. EZ set up
...no additional downloads! No additional stuff required!
Just run the program and browse to your Oblivion Data
directory with the FIND button.
3. EZ mod config
Click the box [X] for the mod esp you want to export,
click the [X] BSA and [X] Fix NIF boxes and EXPORT!
Go to the output subdirectory where TESFILES is located,
select your ESP, Readme, and BSA with the mouse,
and "send to" zip file (or your favorite archiver).
All done!
Revision History...
V2.11: Added record types NIFT and WRLD, changed zombie and dog so their anim files would not show as missing.
V2.12: Fixed so .addon feature items go into the BSA too.
check added to NIF texture scan.
V2.13: Added grabbing normal maps that have shorter names, such as normal maps shared between multiple textures.
V2.2: Feature addition, last revision V2.13... added automatic support for ShiveringIsles, so that if you have that addition, any references to objects in SI will be seen as Oblivion BSA type library files.
Also changed .mp3/.mid/.wav StreamMusic script commands so that
including "data/music" in the path is treated properly.
V2.3: Fix for mods with NPC/creature animations. These ".kf" type files are grabbed now even if they are not referenced by the ESP (it appears this is the normal case... doh).
V2.4: The addition of supporting "new race" type mods was added! This includes the grabbing of egm, egt, and tri files. Tested with Winged
Twilight Race mod
V2.42: Changed the window size making it taller, so long lists of mods are easier to deal with.
V2.43: Fixed a problem where extraneous files could get copied over if they had a similar name to the mod being exported, due to the attempt to copy all types of readme files.
V2.44: Fixed a problem where an empty record would confuse things horribly. Updated to tolerate empty records in the esp/esm.
V2.45: Fixed a problem where an empty subrecord would confuse things horribly. Also updated to allow the book record type "XXXX" (occurs in Better Cities).
V2.5: Updated to grab LOD files, including the lod, nif, and dds files for distant land.
V2.6: Added feature to allow packing a group of esp files with a
master esm into a single BSA. Tested as working with Better cities.
V2.65: Fixed file selection for "esm mode" where you select multiple ESP files after selecting an ESM file. Tested on Open Cities as working.
V2.7: Added is the feature of grabbing "_far" nif files.
V2.71: Fixed bug where books images that specify height/width would be grabbed incorrectly and not found.
V2.76: Added feature that allows generation of non-compressed BSA files, by request.
V2.77: Execution speed improvement was made.
V2.8: Kill evil LOD grabbing bug that was introduced in 2.5, it would grab every Tamriel whatnot if you had those system files unpacked in the distantlod folder.
V2.81: Allow turning off grabbing LOD files with NoLOD checkbox,
as requested.
V3.0: Many speed up improvements, added feature
of being able to generate BSA without copying
the subdirectory files as well.
V3.1: Adding scanning of _far.nifs for textures.
V3.2: Fixed finding shared normal maps.
V3.3: Beta Fallout3 support.
V3.31: Fixed shared normal map copy.
V3.32: Fixed above again, was wrong.
V3.34: Changes requested to be more friendly with Wyre Bash... no data subdirectory in the output folder, and the option to delete a prior build.
Arthmoor: bug copy excluded esp/esm fixed
Aelis: bug "ROAD" unrecognized fixed wmj, Ismelda Lasombra, dev_akm, Arthmoor: "multiple ESP with ESM" option
ZiggyX for "no compression" option
PetrusOctavianus for option to make BSA without subdirectory copy, and option to not grab LOD files.
Arthmoor for scanning "_far.nif"s for textures fix.
The Chihuahua I helped give birth, who inspires me and keeps me company...