***After the newest patch I no longer use this. I suggest you also try the game again without.***
"This .dll file is essentially a light-wrapper for a 'supported' video card's .dll, which tricks the game into configuring its FaceGen software (which was causing a performance problem) in a more efficient manner." (HT @ "4000qails")
This will make your game run nearly like fallout 3 ran on your same computer. Like it should since there was very little visual improvements.
Must have "winrar" installed to unpack the file before putting in game directory.
This works with both Ati and Nvidia however the one at the below link is IMO the superior choice for ATI cards. It allows transparency AA so things like trees and grass will look much better if you have AA on.
cheers to Aleksei for his work.
Drop in "fallout new vegas" folder to force the game to use this dll instead.
If in right place launcher rescans/defaults settings. (After it defaults settings and shows as a "7900" or "8600" if you use 2nd file then *** remember to redo your preferred graphics settings.***)
I have a quad core/5870/8gb ram and perf was awful until I did this. I instantly got 4x framerate during "goodsprings event."
-sometimes crashes with 2 monitors
-most people report crashes with crossfire or SLI
-usually crashes with XFIRE
possible fix in XFIRE= (Tools>options>'game' tab)
Then click on the checkbox 'Disable Xfire in game'.
-2nd file does not work on my ATI 5870 it may work better for you.
-It goes in your regular game folder not in the "data" folder with the mods.
It does not change/replace any files just delete this one file and the game will go back to using the normal one in windows directory.
-If you are having crashes simply delete it. IFF you are still having crashes then obviously this was not the cause. (does this even need to be said?)
-this game is only dx 9 there are no dx 10 or dx 11 features.
-Until there is a proper mod manager launcher crashes from mods will be common regardless of this file.
-I have a lot of mods and sometimes after I enable/disable mods the launcher goes through several crashes before starting correctly. This file does not affect those launcher crashes in anyway.
-may crash during final cinematic (simply remove this single .dll file when you get near the ending)
Jotti scan showed perfect. Feel free to check for yourself.
Nvidia d3d9 perf fix

Downloads offline
***After the newest patch I no longer use this. I suggest you also try the game again without.***
"This .dll file is essentially a light-wrapper for a 'supported' video card's .dll, which tricks the game into configuring its FaceGen software (which was causing a performance problem) in a more efficient manner." (HT @ "4000qails")
This will make your game run nearly like fallout 3 ran on your same computer. Like it should since there was very little visual improvements.
Must have "winrar" installed to unpack the file before putting in game directory.
This works with both Ati and Nvidia however the one at the below link is IMO the superior choice for ATI cards. It allows transparency AA so things like trees and grass will look much better if you have AA on.
cheers to Aleksei for his work.
Drop in "fallout new vegas" folder to force the game to use this dll instead.
If in right place launcher rescans/defaults settings. (After it defaults settings and shows as a "7900" or "8600" if you use 2nd file then *** remember to redo your preferred graphics settings.***)
I have a quad core/5870/8gb ram and perf was awful until I did this. I instantly got 4x framerate during "goodsprings event."
-sometimes crashes with 2 monitors
-most people report crashes with crossfire or SLI
-usually crashes with XFIRE
possible fix in XFIRE= (Tools>options>'game' tab)
Then click on the checkbox 'Disable Xfire in game'.
-2nd file does not work on my ATI 5870 it may work better for you.
-It goes in your regular game folder not in the "data" folder with the mods.
It does not change/replace any files just delete this one file and the game will go back to using the normal one in windows directory.
-If you are having crashes simply delete it. IFF you are still having crashes then obviously this was not the cause. (does this even need to be said?)
-this game is only dx 9 there are no dx 10 or dx 11 features.
-Until there is a proper mod manager launcher crashes from mods will be common regardless of this file.
-I have a lot of mods and sometimes after I enable/disable mods the launcher goes through several crashes before starting correctly. This file does not affect those launcher crashes in anyway.
-may crash during final cinematic (simply remove this single .dll file when you get near the ending)
Jotti scan showed perfect. Feel free to check for yourself.