Welcome to those who discover Lilith and the World of Jalavia for the first time :-)
Jalavia's continent has become hostile since Lilith's armies invasion.
You will need to master the game before establishing yourself as the new Hero.
This game was designed for players who love fights and challenges.
Those who like easy and fast fights, without taking their character's weaknesses into account, will be disappointed for sure.
I do not recommend them to try this adventure.
Those who love epic battles, art of war, living a real adventure, these ones will adore Lilith's universe.
Attention has been focused on gameplay: global balance and each creature have been set so that Lilith offers excellent accessibility to all players from the beginning of the campaign, and then evolves into a stunning challenge.
There are also numerous subtleties, hiding places, and situations that will make you discover new things each time you will play the game again.
Information to those who already know Lilith 0.9x : I suggest them to forget all about previous version, and start this campaign as if it was their first time.
I strongly recommend all players to begin with a new character at the Normal level.
- It is better to have a preview before facing a greater difficulty. After a Normal experience, you will discover Epic in better conditions, with a lot more knowledges, and sagacity
- Discover the differences between the Difficulty levels. You will appreciate them fully if first you run Normal then Epic
- At last, I guarantee that if you like Lilith, you will really enjoy seeing your character's evolution through the 3 difficulty levels. Your feat will be even greater!
Well, I hope that you will have as much pleasure to play this mod as I had during its development.
It's up to you now! Report your experiences and raise high the flag of Victory and Liberty in:
" Lilith, The Will of Demon : Battles Of Jalavia "
Lilith 1.1 comes with:
17 navigation portals
+666 customized creatures **
+250 monstrous bosses **
+33 quests to accomplish **
+45 NPC et merchants
+15 000 words of dialogues, quests and names
+110 mysterious, great and dangerous, adventures areas **
+Dozen of immersing musics
+40 Respoints for faster navigation throughout the continent **
+70 levels at the end of legendary mode **
+150 hours of play
+2800 work hours **
What's new?
- A more complex campaign
- Lot of long new quests
- A game fully accessible for a level one (highly recommended)
- A game who match all players, as well a Casual gamer as a Hardcore players (or more) with a system of "Difficulty-Changer" **
- A powerful system allowing a fast travel
- A significant increase of the Jalavia's size
- Over-abundance of new challenging Bosses
- Lot of new creatures and graphic elements
- 100% custom creatures and some extremely customized!
- Optimizations and modifications in existing areas
- More loot and outstanding rewards after some quests
- Many original spells' monster
- Numerous new ambient sound, music or sound effect
- A clear display of quests, text and dialogs
- A full normalization and visibility of creature's resistance
- New nice panoramas and amazing landscapes
- A new mysterious zone
- Many secret paths
- More unforgettable epic battles!
- A full balance of all difficulties!
- A very, very long game!
- Countless changes between difficulties!
- An enjoyable rhythm of progression between levels
- More changing events between games
- A very high progression of your avatar
- A very nice and hard challenge for high Level players
- Fully multiplayer
- A stronger feeling of liberty
- Available in English, in French, in German and in Italian! **
And much, much more!
Lilith includes the very nice Mod from Lufe: AllSkins Mod
This means all players will be able to change their character skin directly in Lilith, also allowing them to share their looks with other connected players.
NOTE : Despite a good integration of the mod, I strongly suggest to download the file Creatures.zip and to unzip it in the database folder of the game, this to avoid long texture
- Normal : 1
- Epic : ~49 (Master gamers)
- Legendary : > 60 (Hardcore gamers)
Recommended configuration :
- Recent video card (256Mo or 512Mo)
- 1Go of ram or more
- X2 CPU or more, ideally any Core Duo
- Bidonvil « Artist golfer » for his hard work and his brilliant realizations until version 0.90. This mod wouldn't be the same without him.
- Moukraine for the complete English translation of Lilith 0.9x and 1.0. and Lilith 1.1 Well done, this job was huge and was done the most seriously. He is also the author of the "Chapel" musical theme.
- FOE about his work for the German translation of Lilith 1.0 and Lilith 1.1. He is very perfectionist! **
- ThePonz for the complete Italian translation of Lilith 1.1, just in time **
- Congratulation to Ulysse86. He is te reincarnation of the Greek Hero!
He has done a lot for Lilith 1.0, with his ideas and his original creations. The enormous work he has done brought Lilith a step forward!
I salute you Sir, you are the Ace of Spade.
> Special thanks:
- I would like to thank Evil666 for his unfailing enthusiasm about Lilith since the very beginning. He always supported me more than anyone. He has always been there to provide help and animation. He gave his time and paid a great attention during the whole Beta test 1.0. He is the kindest "Evil" that could be met!
- Thank also to Kamide, his bravery, his pugnacity and his sharp eye have been helpfull during the tests 1.0. You would better treat her as allied than enemy!
Lilith 1.1: **
- I thank ALTF4 for all time shared with me testing Lilith 1.1. His conscientious work and his abilities have permit to clean Lilith from nasty bugs. He is a modern Gladiator!
- Thank to Djinn who make an excellent test with Lilith 1.1. He is very sharp and his advices was precious, Lilith is glad about him. Is he really a Djinn ?
- Thank to ShadowLich who gave me a "nice record database" from Masteries!
> Specific thanks :
- PinkFrog who often helped me with his great knowledge about TQ and all his kindness. Like I said once, he is a priest in TQ !
- Madman for his precious advices and his generosity
- Toklidan for his excellent tutorials
- Rayek for his script
- Munderbunny for all reports and game advices **
- I would like to thank also "wise Jo36", "Pertinent Stilteg", "Artist Ferrovipathe", "Moviemaker Alan" and the "Enthusiast Alix" for all their contributions on the french forum **
- Blizzard « The Master » for the Diablo series!
- The excellent FreeSound Project website and the terrific Audacity
- For their wonderful musics : Matt Uelman, Howard Shore, James Horner, Hans Zimmer and Carmina Burana
And the most respectful thank to Iron Lore for their great tools. I hope they will come back, full packed with new games soon.
And at last... Thanks to all players who tried Lilith, to all who wrote something about this quest, and who supported me, and of course, all who followed silently, but with the deepest interest. I thank you all !
The World of Jalavia:
It was 430 years ago that Infernal Wars against The Darkness came to an end.
After years and years of battles, Armies of the Great Redemption emerged victorious.
Nevertheless, this was a bitter victory, flooded by blood and suffering.
Lilith, a cruel and inflexible Demon was leading the War for the Darkness.
Once defeated, she was confined in the entrails of the Mountain Of Order, from where no demon can escape.
It is a Human being that committed the unforgivable.
A man, Sartena-Bomi, betrayed Mankind by opening the Vault Of Eternity, in the heart of the Mountain of Order, and therefore freed Lilith.
In a short period of time, she built up a new army, stronger, greater, more terrifying than the one she led during the Infernal Wars.
Lilith's power never stopped growing.
She is now able to corrupt souls by her own will.
During the night of the third new moon, Lilith extended her will to our world, modifying natural laws.
She took control of some power men's minds, reducing them to mere slaves, to assist in fulfilling her evil plans.
She also hid her armies moves to take some Angerderre areas by surprise.
And shortly after the Night Of The Great Change, Lilith dispatched her Death Legions...
Known Issues
- Navigation portals might not appear if you load Lilith after another mod or after the original game. quit and launch the game again and load Lilith directly.
- In the Hel'Gon's garden, some objects "don't work", and the avatar can walk through them.
- A map of Hel'Gon's promenade disappears when walking over it (in map mode).
- If the game is loading again and again, some maps may come without texture. Quit the game as soon as possible, and restart it. To avoid heavy lags, quit from time to time to empty the cache.
- The Chapel's map is not entirely visible (superposition)
- NEVER USE YOUR LILITH CHARACTER IN ANOTHER QUEST OR IN THE ORIGINAL GAME. You would automatically lose all your special items!
- Music or Sounds might not start when entering a new area. Come back in previous one and enter again.
- Using some mods that boost loots may crash the game with some Lilith's chests. Please disable this kind of mod if you meet a crash problem.
- For Lan Party : If you summon a pet in a different territory than your other party member, and portal to that member (or the member portals to you), they can kill your pet. So, make sure to summon your pet with other party member. However, if they die, when they portal to rejoin you, they'll be able to kill your pet again, which means having to disband it and resummon it
- There is a "Tag not found" on the Evil Shield but this message will disappear after a quest during the game. **
- I noticed it could be possible to have - strangely - 2 "turtles" or Ssamyr stone - don't care. **
- Strangely a white texture might appear in The Level of The Dead. That is not a long phenomena **
- Unhappily it is possible to have a crash game in the Forbidden Mountain, it is very randomly **
Do not hesitate to report any bug you may encounter. Thanks !
A graphical interface will guide you to install Lilith easily **
- Download the file SetupLilithClassical11.exe
- Download the file LilithClassicalDifficultyChanger.exe
- Download the file Creatures.zip
- Double click the SetupLilithClassical11 and read the messages
Note : Language selection will automatically setup Lilith in French, in English, in German and in Italian
All others language will install Lilith in English.
- Choose your difficulty : 1 is easiest and 10 hardest (see below for more explanation).
- Lilith will be automatically installed in "My Documents/My Games/Titan Quest ' Immortal Throne / CustomMaps" folder
- Just unzip Creatures.zip (Allskin Mod) in the Database folder from TQIT (the game) : [drive letter]:[path where TQIT is installed]Database
(after unzip you will have [tqfolder]databaseCreaturespc -> with male and female folder inside)
- Launch TQ-IT >> Custom Quest and choose Lilith ~ Jalavia
- Enjoy :-)
Note : If you have a Lilith (0.9x or 1.0) folder, remove it.
== Difficulty Changer ==
Lilith bring a new dimension in this game: Play how do you like with the Difficulty Changer! **
Lilith is really seriously balanced for all 3 difficulties but we are all different.
Some of us may only play a few hours in a week or less, other are good gamer but do what they can for surviving, and at least, we have very good players like "Hardcore Gamer".
It is very difficult to make a game that pleases immediately anyone with the difficulty. Each of us wants to play exactly how we like, at start.
So, it is the function of the Difficulty Changer.
Lilith offer 9 difficulties, just choose yours during the install or later.
Let's see:
First we have:
Discovery Lilith
-> You are a casual gamer ? You do like when everything work well ? This difficulty is for you!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") (read "-" as minus):
-40% HP
-25% Attack Speed
-20% Move Speed
Secondary choice:
Piece of Cake Lilith
-> You like a bit difficulties but not too much? You don't like dying to often? Choose this one!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") (read "-" as minus):
-20% HP
-15% Attack Speed
Third choice :
Fast Lilith
-> You like challenge but you don't have any much time ? Don't look futher, take this difficulty!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") (read "-" as minus):
-40% HP
Max Fast Lilith
-> You do like when there are many many creatures ? You have a very good Mouse ? You'll enjoy this difficulty!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
-40% HP
+50/100% additional creatures
Original Lilith:
Excellent Lilith
-> You do like strong, nervous and without concession H'n'S ? This is THE version par excellence!
6: Harder choice:
Heroic Lilith
-> Your character is the reincarnation of Achill? You are as smart as Ulysses? This difficulty put you to the test!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+15% HP
+15% Attack Speed
+10% Move Speed
+15% XP (Bonus monster)
MAX Heroic Lilith
-> Do you want more ? Do you want really more ? Do you want to kill kill and kill again monsters or Die ? All right, here is what you need:
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+15% HP
+15% Attack Speed
+10% Move Speed
+15% XP (Bonus monster)
+50/100% additional creatures
8: Be warn, from here the Death is smiling
Insane Lilith
-> You have all the time a feeling that you are unbreakable? You are a Master among Masters ? Here you'll find a right taste of the blood!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+25% HP
+20% Attack Speed
+15% Move Speed
Normal : + 5 * level in OA et en DA
Epic : + 10 * level in OA et en DA
Legendary : + 15 * level in OA et en DA
+25% XP (Bonus monster)
Max Insane Lilith
-> -> You do like when there are many many creatures and you are really unbreakable? Don't wait anymore, choose this powerful difficulty!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+25% HP
+20% Attack Speed
+15% Move Speed
Normal : + 5 * level in OA et en DA
Epic : + 10 * level in OA et en DA
Legendary : + 15 * level in OA et en DA
+25% XP (Bonus monster)
+50/100% additional creatures
10: Hardest choice, don't even try!
Infinite Lilith
-> You are not Human ? Good! Not Lilith neither!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+50% HP
+25% Attack Speed
+25% Move Speed
Normal : + 10 * level in OA et en DA
Epic : + 15 * level in OA et en DA
Legendary: + 20 * level in OA et en DA
+35% XP (Bonus monster)
As you see, everyone, I hope, will find his happiness.
With the Difficulty Changer you can change when you want the difficulty.
-> Your character is weak from enemies somewhere for the campaign and you have no miracle item with you yet? Choose an easier difficulty at this moment.
-> You are feeling your character a little bit stronger for fun? Change for a harder difficulty on the fly.
I hope every player could play Lilith as wished, just Play how do you like!
Please, start with a brand new character, thanks.
Before playing :
Triple-Load trick: If you have a brand new character, the easiest way is to simply load the character into normal, epic, and legendary before playing normal.
Really, it's just that simple. Make your new character, and load the game on normal. Once the game has loaded and you see your character standing in the village, exit the game, and start a new game on epic difficulty.
Then again on legendary. Once you've loaded the village on all 3 difficulties,
you may return to normal to begin your adventure.
=> This trick is to keep all your Bonus when you change to another difficulty
=> Don't do it during your current game, you'll lose all what you have done during your game and could reset some quest or your Masteries (in the Masteries Edition).
If you have a game on the way Just wait the end of your current difficulty to do this trick.
== What's new in Lilith 1.1 ==
- Minor bugs fix sound
- Several minor graphic changes
- Minor bugs fix in quests
- Several fix about rewards
- Accumulation reward is now possible between all difficulties
- Different rewards between difficulties
- Some change about thieves in the Mausoleum of the Ancestors
- Revision of estimate XP points from all creatures (math formula)
- Minor change of creatures balancing
- Minor visual change
- Change on custom items
- Creatures have now a chance to be disrupt in Epic and Legendary
- Many creatures are now stronger against Mana attack
- Fix many text mistakes (French)
- Color change on the quest map
- 3 more quests
- Add a new area (only for Epic and Legendary - NEED A "Normal" Objet (Ssamyr stone) for Epic or an "Epic" object for Legendary) + new music
- Lag optimization in Siran
- A new panoramic scene in Siran
- Add a new item
- 2 more languages in the setup file (German and Italian)
- Add a difficulty changer with 10 difficulties
- More life regeneration for bosses in Legendary
- Add new creatures and Bosses
- Add a new Secret Path
- Add some "Base"
- Increase XP point for Legendary (Quest reward)
- Lilith form now a family: Classical Lilith and Lilith Masteries Edition (see Masteries thread)
Lilith The Will of Demon Battles of Jalavia

Downloads offline
Welcome to those who discover Lilith and the World of Jalavia for the first time :-)
Jalavia's continent has become hostile since Lilith's armies invasion.
You will need to master the game before establishing yourself as the new Hero.
This game was designed for players who love fights and challenges.
Those who like easy and fast fights, without taking their character's weaknesses into account, will be disappointed for sure.
I do not recommend them to try this adventure.
Those who love epic battles, art of war, living a real adventure, these ones will adore Lilith's universe.
Attention has been focused on gameplay: global balance and each creature have been set so that Lilith offers excellent accessibility to all players from the beginning of the campaign, and then evolves into a stunning challenge.
There are also numerous subtleties, hiding places, and situations that will make you discover new things each time you will play the game again.
Information to those who already know Lilith 0.9x : I suggest them to forget all about previous version, and start this campaign as if it was their first time.
I strongly recommend all players to begin with a new character at the Normal level.
- It is better to have a preview before facing a greater difficulty. After a Normal experience, you will discover Epic in better conditions, with a lot more knowledges, and sagacity
- Discover the differences between the Difficulty levels. You will appreciate them fully if first you run Normal then Epic
- At last, I guarantee that if you like Lilith, you will really enjoy seeing your character's evolution through the 3 difficulty levels. Your feat will be even greater!
Well, I hope that you will have as much pleasure to play this mod as I had during its development.
It's up to you now! Report your experiences and raise high the flag of Victory and Liberty in:
" Lilith, The Will of Demon : Battles Of Jalavia "
Lilith 1.1 comes with:
17 navigation portals
+666 customized creatures **
+250 monstrous bosses **
+33 quests to accomplish **
+45 NPC et merchants
+15 000 words of dialogues, quests and names
+110 mysterious, great and dangerous, adventures areas **
+Dozen of immersing musics
+40 Respoints for faster navigation throughout the continent **
+70 levels at the end of legendary mode **
+150 hours of play
+2800 work hours **
What's new?
- A more complex campaign
- Lot of long new quests
- A game fully accessible for a level one (highly recommended)
- A game who match all players, as well a Casual gamer as a Hardcore players (or more) with a system of "Difficulty-Changer" **
- A powerful system allowing a fast travel
- A significant increase of the Jalavia's size
- Over-abundance of new challenging Bosses
- Lot of new creatures and graphic elements
- 100% custom creatures and some extremely customized!
- Optimizations and modifications in existing areas
- More loot and outstanding rewards after some quests
- Many original spells' monster
- Numerous new ambient sound, music or sound effect
- A clear display of quests, text and dialogs
- A full normalization and visibility of creature's resistance
- New nice panoramas and amazing landscapes
- A new mysterious zone
- Many secret paths
- More unforgettable epic battles!
- A full balance of all difficulties!
- A very, very long game!
- Countless changes between difficulties!
- An enjoyable rhythm of progression between levels
- More changing events between games
- A very high progression of your avatar
- A very nice and hard challenge for high Level players
- Fully multiplayer
- A stronger feeling of liberty
- Available in English, in French, in German and in Italian! **
And much, much more!
Lilith includes the very nice Mod from Lufe: AllSkins Mod
This means all players will be able to change their character skin directly in Lilith, also allowing them to share their looks with other connected players.
NOTE : Despite a good integration of the mod, I strongly suggest to download the file Creatures.zip and to unzip it in the database folder of the game, this to avoid long texture
- Normal : 1
- Epic : ~49 (Master gamers)
- Legendary : > 60 (Hardcore gamers)
Recommended configuration :
- Recent video card (256Mo or 512Mo)
- 1Go of ram or more
- X2 CPU or more, ideally any Core Duo
- Bidonvil « Artist golfer » for his hard work and his brilliant realizations until version 0.90. This mod wouldn't be the same without him.
- Moukraine for the complete English translation of Lilith 0.9x and 1.0. and Lilith 1.1 Well done, this job was huge and was done the most seriously. He is also the author of the "Chapel" musical theme.
- FOE about his work for the German translation of Lilith 1.0 and Lilith 1.1. He is very perfectionist! **
- ThePonz for the complete Italian translation of Lilith 1.1, just in time **
- Congratulation to Ulysse86. He is te reincarnation of the Greek Hero!
He has done a lot for Lilith 1.0, with his ideas and his original creations. The enormous work he has done brought Lilith a step forward!
I salute you Sir, you are the Ace of Spade.
> Special thanks:
- I would like to thank Evil666 for his unfailing enthusiasm about Lilith since the very beginning. He always supported me more than anyone. He has always been there to provide help and animation. He gave his time and paid a great attention during the whole Beta test 1.0. He is the kindest "Evil" that could be met!
- Thank also to Kamide, his bravery, his pugnacity and his sharp eye have been helpfull during the tests 1.0. You would better treat her as allied than enemy!
Lilith 1.1: **
- I thank ALTF4 for all time shared with me testing Lilith 1.1. His conscientious work and his abilities have permit to clean Lilith from nasty bugs. He is a modern Gladiator!
- Thank to Djinn who make an excellent test with Lilith 1.1. He is very sharp and his advices was precious, Lilith is glad about him. Is he really a Djinn ?
- Thank to ShadowLich who gave me a "nice record database" from Masteries!
> Specific thanks :
- PinkFrog who often helped me with his great knowledge about TQ and all his kindness. Like I said once, he is a priest in TQ !
- Madman for his precious advices and his generosity
- Toklidan for his excellent tutorials
- Rayek for his script
- Munderbunny for all reports and game advices **
- I would like to thank also "wise Jo36", "Pertinent Stilteg", "Artist Ferrovipathe", "Moviemaker Alan" and the "Enthusiast Alix" for all their contributions on the french forum **
- Blizzard « The Master » for the Diablo series!
- The excellent FreeSound Project website and the terrific Audacity
- For their wonderful musics : Matt Uelman, Howard Shore, James Horner, Hans Zimmer and Carmina Burana
And the most respectful thank to Iron Lore for their great tools. I hope they will come back, full packed with new games soon.
And at last... Thanks to all players who tried Lilith, to all who wrote something about this quest, and who supported me, and of course, all who followed silently, but with the deepest interest. I thank you all !
The World of Jalavia:
It was 430 years ago that Infernal Wars against The Darkness came to an end.
After years and years of battles, Armies of the Great Redemption emerged victorious.
Nevertheless, this was a bitter victory, flooded by blood and suffering.
Lilith, a cruel and inflexible Demon was leading the War for the Darkness.
Once defeated, she was confined in the entrails of the Mountain Of Order, from where no demon can escape.
It is a Human being that committed the unforgivable.
A man, Sartena-Bomi, betrayed Mankind by opening the Vault Of Eternity, in the heart of the Mountain of Order, and therefore freed Lilith.
In a short period of time, she built up a new army, stronger, greater, more terrifying than the one she led during the Infernal Wars.
Lilith's power never stopped growing.
She is now able to corrupt souls by her own will.
During the night of the third new moon, Lilith extended her will to our world, modifying natural laws.
She took control of some power men's minds, reducing them to mere slaves, to assist in fulfilling her evil plans.
She also hid her armies moves to take some Angerderre areas by surprise.
And shortly after the Night Of The Great Change, Lilith dispatched her Death Legions...
Known Issues
- Navigation portals might not appear if you load Lilith after another mod or after the original game. quit and launch the game again and load Lilith directly.
- In the Hel'Gon's garden, some objects "don't work", and the avatar can walk through them.
- A map of Hel'Gon's promenade disappears when walking over it (in map mode).
- If the game is loading again and again, some maps may come without texture. Quit the game as soon as possible, and restart it. To avoid heavy lags, quit from time to time to empty the cache.
- The Chapel's map is not entirely visible (superposition)
- NEVER USE YOUR LILITH CHARACTER IN ANOTHER QUEST OR IN THE ORIGINAL GAME. You would automatically lose all your special items!
- Music or Sounds might not start when entering a new area. Come back in previous one and enter again.
- Using some mods that boost loots may crash the game with some Lilith's chests. Please disable this kind of mod if you meet a crash problem.
- For Lan Party : If you summon a pet in a different territory than your other party member, and portal to that member (or the member portals to you), they can kill your pet. So, make sure to summon your pet with other party member. However, if they die, when they portal to rejoin you, they'll be able to kill your pet again, which means having to disband it and resummon it
- There is a "Tag not found" on the Evil Shield but this message will disappear after a quest during the game. **
- I noticed it could be possible to have - strangely - 2 "turtles" or Ssamyr stone - don't care. **
- Strangely a white texture might appear in The Level of The Dead. That is not a long phenomena **
- Unhappily it is possible to have a crash game in the Forbidden Mountain, it is very randomly **
Do not hesitate to report any bug you may encounter. Thanks !
A graphical interface will guide you to install Lilith easily **
- Download the file SetupLilithClassical11.exe
- Download the file LilithClassicalDifficultyChanger.exe
- Download the file Creatures.zip
- Double click the SetupLilithClassical11 and read the messages
Note : Language selection will automatically setup Lilith in French, in English, in German and in Italian
All others language will install Lilith in English.
- Choose your difficulty : 1 is easiest and 10 hardest (see below for more explanation).
- Lilith will be automatically installed in "My Documents/My Games/Titan Quest ' Immortal Throne / CustomMaps" folder
- Just unzip Creatures.zip (Allskin Mod) in the Database folder from TQIT (the game) : [drive letter]:[path where TQIT is installed]Database
(after unzip you will have [tqfolder]databaseCreaturespc -> with male and female folder inside)
- Launch TQ-IT >> Custom Quest and choose Lilith ~ Jalavia
- Enjoy :-)
Note : If you have a Lilith (0.9x or 1.0) folder, remove it.
== Difficulty Changer ==
Lilith bring a new dimension in this game: Play how do you like with the Difficulty Changer! **
Lilith is really seriously balanced for all 3 difficulties but we are all different.
Some of us may only play a few hours in a week or less, other are good gamer but do what they can for surviving, and at least, we have very good players like "Hardcore Gamer".
It is very difficult to make a game that pleases immediately anyone with the difficulty. Each of us wants to play exactly how we like, at start.
So, it is the function of the Difficulty Changer.
Lilith offer 9 difficulties, just choose yours during the install or later.
Let's see:
First we have:
Discovery Lilith
-> You are a casual gamer ? You do like when everything work well ? This difficulty is for you!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") (read "-" as minus):
-40% HP
-25% Attack Speed
-20% Move Speed
Secondary choice:
Piece of Cake Lilith
-> You like a bit difficulties but not too much? You don't like dying to often? Choose this one!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") (read "-" as minus):
-20% HP
-15% Attack Speed
Third choice :
Fast Lilith
-> You like challenge but you don't have any much time ? Don't look futher, take this difficulty!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") (read "-" as minus):
-40% HP
Max Fast Lilith
-> You do like when there are many many creatures ? You have a very good Mouse ? You'll enjoy this difficulty!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
-40% HP
+50/100% additional creatures
Original Lilith:
Excellent Lilith
-> You do like strong, nervous and without concession H'n'S ? This is THE version par excellence!
6: Harder choice:
Heroic Lilith
-> Your character is the reincarnation of Achill? You are as smart as Ulysses? This difficulty put you to the test!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+15% HP
+15% Attack Speed
+10% Move Speed
+15% XP (Bonus monster)
MAX Heroic Lilith
-> Do you want more ? Do you want really more ? Do you want to kill kill and kill again monsters or Die ? All right, here is what you need:
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+15% HP
+15% Attack Speed
+10% Move Speed
+15% XP (Bonus monster)
+50/100% additional creatures
8: Be warn, from here the Death is smiling
Insane Lilith
-> You have all the time a feeling that you are unbreakable? You are a Master among Masters ? Here you'll find a right taste of the blood!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+25% HP
+20% Attack Speed
+15% Move Speed
Normal : + 5 * level in OA et en DA
Epic : + 10 * level in OA et en DA
Legendary : + 15 * level in OA et en DA
+25% XP (Bonus monster)
Max Insane Lilith
-> -> You do like when there are many many creatures and you are really unbreakable? Don't wait anymore, choose this powerful difficulty!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+25% HP
+20% Attack Speed
+15% Move Speed
Normal : + 5 * level in OA et en DA
Epic : + 10 * level in OA et en DA
Legendary : + 15 * level in OA et en DA
+25% XP (Bonus monster)
+50/100% additional creatures
10: Hardest choice, don't even try!
Infinite Lilith
-> You are not Human ? Good! Not Lilith neither!
Creatures (From "Excellent Lilith") :
+50% HP
+25% Attack Speed
+25% Move Speed
Normal : + 10 * level in OA et en DA
Epic : + 15 * level in OA et en DA
Legendary: + 20 * level in OA et en DA
+35% XP (Bonus monster)
As you see, everyone, I hope, will find his happiness.
With the Difficulty Changer you can change when you want the difficulty.
-> Your character is weak from enemies somewhere for the campaign and you have no miracle item with you yet? Choose an easier difficulty at this moment.
-> You are feeling your character a little bit stronger for fun? Change for a harder difficulty on the fly.
I hope every player could play Lilith as wished, just Play how do you like!
Please, start with a brand new character, thanks.
Before playing :
Triple-Load trick: If you have a brand new character, the easiest way is to simply load the character into normal, epic, and legendary before playing normal.
Really, it's just that simple. Make your new character, and load the game on normal. Once the game has loaded and you see your character standing in the village, exit the game, and start a new game on epic difficulty.
Then again on legendary. Once you've loaded the village on all 3 difficulties,
you may return to normal to begin your adventure.
=> This trick is to keep all your Bonus when you change to another difficulty
=> Don't do it during your current game, you'll lose all what you have done during your game and could reset some quest or your Masteries (in the Masteries Edition).
If you have a game on the way Just wait the end of your current difficulty to do this trick.
== What's new in Lilith 1.1 ==
- Minor bugs fix sound
- Several minor graphic changes
- Minor bugs fix in quests
- Several fix about rewards
- Accumulation reward is now possible between all difficulties
- Different rewards between difficulties
- Some change about thieves in the Mausoleum of the Ancestors
- Revision of estimate XP points from all creatures (math formula)
- Minor change of creatures balancing
- Minor visual change
- Change on custom items
- Creatures have now a chance to be disrupt in Epic and Legendary
- Many creatures are now stronger against Mana attack
- Fix many text mistakes (French)
- Color change on the quest map
- 3 more quests
- Add a new area (only for Epic and Legendary - NEED A "Normal" Objet (Ssamyr stone) for Epic or an "Epic" object for Legendary) + new music
- Lag optimization in Siran
- A new panoramic scene in Siran
- Add a new item
- 2 more languages in the setup file (German and Italian)
- Add a difficulty changer with 10 difficulties
- More life regeneration for bosses in Legendary
- Add new creatures and Bosses
- Add a new Secret Path
- Add some "Base"
- Increase XP point for Legendary (Quest reward)
- Lilith form now a family: Classical Lilith and Lilith Masteries Edition (see Masteries thread)