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    •  Downloads: 1123

    •  File Size: 1530727

    •  Version: 0.7
    •  Author: SomeWelshGuy

Please note that All Natural is REQUIRED for this mod to function.
If you don't have it installed then you will CTD. Wrye Bash is recommend in order to preserve All Natural's indoor weather. If you get black or dark exteriors then you'll need to merge All Natural into your bashed patch as detailed in the All Natural Readme.

After downloading, please leave a comment and give an endorsement if you enjoy the mod, I would really appreciate it. If you really enjoy the mod, maybe consider voting it for FOTM ;)

I welcome you to upload your own pictures of the views you see through the windows too!

For the latest development news, updates and screenshots, visit the Bethesda Games Studios Forum thread.

== What is Immersive Interiors? ==

Let's face it, we all like Oblivion to be immersive. Some of us just like a bit more realism, others like to add tons of mods which change how the game works in order to make it as immersive as possible. One thing that's a real let down in vanilla Oblivion are interiors. They look great, but day or night, rain or shine, they always have the same level of light inside them. This, to me, was extremely un-immersive.

All Naturals spectacular Natural Interiors came along, which allowed you to see through the windows of interiors, and the light levels and weather depended on the weather and time of day outside. This added a lot of realism. But you still had a simple problem. Every time you looked out of the window, you saw a void. Nothing. This mod looks to change that.

Immersive Interiors aims to bring huge amounts of immersion into the game. By using All Natural's superb interior weather system, this mod adds new found realism to the game, allowing you to see out of the interiors windows. This means you can be in the local pub, staring out of the window at the town around you, or watch the sun set behind the city walls out of your home's bedroom window.

This mod is released in stages, city by city. This is the current release plan. Bold indicates a released version. Note that this is not modular, for example version 0.5 will contain both Anvil and Skingrad.

0.4 - Anvil
0.5 - Skingrad
0.6 - Chorrol
0.7 - Bruma
0.8 - Cheydinhal
0.9 - Leyawiin
1.0 - Bravil

The Imperial City will then follow a separate release scheme. The Imperial City will be available as a complete package along with the vanilla towns, or as a separate ESP.

1.1 - IC Market District
1.2 - IC Temple District
1.3 - IC Talos Plaza District
1.4 - IC Elven Gardens District
1.5 - IC Waterfront
1.6 - Arcane University

Kvatch will be released as a separate esp. This is to ensure compatibility for people using Kvatch Rebuilt style mods.

== Requirements ==
All Natural - This controls the weather and has the special transparent window meshes. This requires OBSE.

== Performance ==
Performance is, of course, a high priority. The mod has been especially designed and optimised so that only visible meshes are added. For example, if there's no windows to the east, there will be nothing added to the east. Why add something you won't be able to see? In addition to this, only statics and trees are added. No lights, NPCs, activators or sounds are added to the interiors.

The majority of users of will see no performance decrease.
However at worst, expect this mod to lower your interior FPS in the cells it effects by 2-5fps, depending on your computer.
The optional Lights Addon in version 0.5 may come with a performance hit if your computer isn't up to it.

== Compatibility ==
Whilst it is impossible to be compatible with every mod, this mod is compatible with the majority. However a few minor issues will be faced with these mods. It will not stop you from enjoying Immersive Interiors however.

Better Cities - When looking from within the interiors you will see the vanilla style cities, and as such is slightly inconsistent. However this is completely visual, it does not effect the main cities in any shape or form, and they will continue to be their "better" counterparts.

Anvil Bay Expansion - If looking out of the two Anvil Ships, you will see the "vanilla" ports.

Open Cities Reborn - This is where it starts getting a bit tricky. The mod is still compatible, but when you look through the windows you'll see the vanilla cities, which while not game breaking, will be hugely inconsistent with the redesigned placements in the OCR mod. If enough people want one then a compatibility patch could be arranged, but unfortunately due to the work involved I doubt one will come anytime soon. Sorry.

== Load Order ==
See readme file

== Recommended Mods ==
There are some mods that are recommended to compliment Immersive Interiors:

Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - Looks stunning anyway, but really adds to the effect of seeing lit up windows through interiors at night.

== FAQ ==
I'll add questions here as I get them.

I have spotted a visual glitch/bug!
Please report it to me either in the comments or the Bethesda Game Studios Forum thread, and I will fix it ready for the next release.

Looking out of the windows doesn't give an accurate view of the cities?
This is only meant to be something to see out of the windows. If you go scouting around hard enough I'm sure you'll find that the interior "cities" are a bit different to the real versions. This is because it is not only impossible to have real water and ground in interiors, but also the interior meshes are usually bigger than their exterior versions, which mean things don't match up perfectly in terms of size and space.

If I use one version, can I upgrade when more cities are completed?
Yes, you can. The next version, for example, will contain all the cities of the current version plus another. Each successive upgrade will contain all the previous versions content, and can be upgraded using existing saves no problem.

Why does this require All Natural?
All Natural is required for a few reasons. Firstly, All Natural contains modified vanilla meshes of all the interiors. These meshes not only have transparent windows, but also have been specially adapted to correct any visual issues. The quality of these meshes are amazing, and without them you wouldn't be able to see out of the windows, rendering the way I have created Immersive Interiors useless.

Secondly, All Natural includes a feature that makes the interiors have "weather". What this means is that if it's sunny outside, it's sunny inside. If it's dark outside, it's dark inside. This adds to the immersion and also makes Immersive Interiors possible, because if there was no weather outside then you wouldn't be able to see anything. This is a time consuming process as the weathers have been specially modified to remove rain which glitches through meshes.

Because of this, it is impossible to have Immersive Interiors without first installing All Natural, and it simply can't be compatible with any other weather mod. Sorry.

== Links ==

Bethesda Games Studios Thread

== Thanks to ==
The All Natural team for their awesome mod. Without that this mod wouldn't be possible.

Texian for his static water meshes. Much appreciated.

wrinklyninja, Arthmoor and br0sk1 for beta testing before release. A huge thanks to you all.

You may only edit or change this mod for personal use. You may not re-distribute it, re-upload it or claim credit for it in any way.

If you're a modder and are interested in creating any compatibility patches, please PM me either here or on the Bethesda Game Studios forums.

If you're looking to translate this mod, send me a PM. I'll get back to you ASAP :)

Immersive Interiors

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Please note that All Natural is REQUIRED for this mod to function.
If you don't have it installed then you will CTD. Wrye Bash is recommend in order to preserve All Natural's indoor weather. If you get black or dark exteriors then you'll need to merge All Natural into your bashed patch as detailed in the All Natural Readme.

After downloading, please leave a comment and give an endorsement if you enjoy the mod, I would really appreciate it. If you really enjoy the mod, maybe consider voting it for FOTM ;)

I welcome you to upload your own pictures of the views you see through the windows too!

For the latest development news, updates and screenshots, visit the Bethesda Games Studios Forum thread.

== What is Immersive Interiors? ==

Let's face it, we all like Oblivion to be immersive. Some of us just like a bit more realism, others like to add tons of mods which change how the game works in order to make it as immersive as possible. One thing that's a real let down in vanilla Oblivion are interiors. They look great, but day or night, rain or shine, they always have the same level of light inside them. This, to me, was extremely un-immersive.

All Naturals spectacular Natural Interiors came along, which allowed you to see through the windows of interiors, and the light levels and weather depended on the weather and time of day outside. This added a lot of realism. But you still had a simple problem. Every time you looked out of the window, you saw a void. Nothing. This mod looks to change that.

Immersive Interiors aims to bring huge amounts of immersion into the game. By using All Natural's superb interior weather system, this mod adds new found realism to the game, allowing you to see out of the interiors windows. This means you can be in the local pub, staring out of the window at the town around you, or watch the sun set behind the city walls out of your home's bedroom window.

This mod is released in stages, city by city. This is the current release plan. Bold indicates a released version. Note that this is not modular, for example version 0.5 will contain both Anvil and Skingrad.

0.4 - Anvil
0.5 - Skingrad
0.6 - Chorrol
0.7 - Bruma
0.8 - Cheydinhal
0.9 - Leyawiin
1.0 - Bravil

The Imperial City will then follow a separate release scheme. The Imperial City will be available as a complete package along with the vanilla towns, or as a separate ESP.

1.1 - IC Market District
1.2 - IC Temple District
1.3 - IC Talos Plaza District
1.4 - IC Elven Gardens District
1.5 - IC Waterfront
1.6 - Arcane University

Kvatch will be released as a separate esp. This is to ensure compatibility for people using Kvatch Rebuilt style mods.

== Requirements ==
All Natural - This controls the weather and has the special transparent window meshes. This requires OBSE.

== Performance ==
Performance is, of course, a high priority. The mod has been especially designed and optimised so that only visible meshes are added. For example, if there's no windows to the east, there will be nothing added to the east. Why add something you won't be able to see? In addition to this, only statics and trees are added. No lights, NPCs, activators or sounds are added to the interiors.

The majority of users of will see no performance decrease.
However at worst, expect this mod to lower your interior FPS in the cells it effects by 2-5fps, depending on your computer.
The optional Lights Addon in version 0.5 may come with a performance hit if your computer isn't up to it.

== Compatibility ==
Whilst it is impossible to be compatible with every mod, this mod is compatible with the majority. However a few minor issues will be faced with these mods. It will not stop you from enjoying Immersive Interiors however.

Better Cities - When looking from within the interiors you will see the vanilla style cities, and as such is slightly inconsistent. However this is completely visual, it does not effect the main cities in any shape or form, and they will continue to be their "better" counterparts.

Anvil Bay Expansion - If looking out of the two Anvil Ships, you will see the "vanilla" ports.

Open Cities Reborn - This is where it starts getting a bit tricky. The mod is still compatible, but when you look through the windows you'll see the vanilla cities, which while not game breaking, will be hugely inconsistent with the redesigned placements in the OCR mod. If enough people want one then a compatibility patch could be arranged, but unfortunately due to the work involved I doubt one will come anytime soon. Sorry.

== Load Order ==
See readme file

== Recommended Mods ==
There are some mods that are recommended to compliment Immersive Interiors:

Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - Looks stunning anyway, but really adds to the effect of seeing lit up windows through interiors at night.

== FAQ ==
I'll add questions here as I get them.

I have spotted a visual glitch/bug!
Please report it to me either in the comments or the Bethesda Game Studios Forum thread, and I will fix it ready for the next release.

Looking out of the windows doesn't give an accurate view of the cities?
This is only meant to be something to see out of the windows. If you go scouting around hard enough I'm sure you'll find that the interior "cities" are a bit different to the real versions. This is because it is not only impossible to have real water and ground in interiors, but also the interior meshes are usually bigger than their exterior versions, which mean things don't match up perfectly in terms of size and space.

If I use one version, can I upgrade when more cities are completed?
Yes, you can. The next version, for example, will contain all the cities of the current version plus another. Each successive upgrade will contain all the previous versions content, and can be upgraded using existing saves no problem.

Why does this require All Natural?
All Natural is required for a few reasons. Firstly, All Natural contains modified vanilla meshes of all the interiors. These meshes not only have transparent windows, but also have been specially adapted to correct any visual issues. The quality of these meshes are amazing, and without them you wouldn't be able to see out of the windows, rendering the way I have created Immersive Interiors useless.

Secondly, All Natural includes a feature that makes the interiors have "weather". What this means is that if it's sunny outside, it's sunny inside. If it's dark outside, it's dark inside. This adds to the immersion and also makes Immersive Interiors possible, because if there was no weather outside then you wouldn't be able to see anything. This is a time consuming process as the weathers have been specially modified to remove rain which glitches through meshes.

Because of this, it is impossible to have Immersive Interiors without first installing All Natural, and it simply can't be compatible with any other weather mod. Sorry.

== Links ==

Bethesda Games Studios Thread

== Thanks to ==
The All Natural team for their awesome mod. Without that this mod wouldn't be possible.

Texian for his static water meshes. Much appreciated.

wrinklyninja, Arthmoor and br0sk1 for beta testing before release. A huge thanks to you all.

You may only edit or change this mod for personal use. You may not re-distribute it, re-upload it or claim credit for it in any way.

If you're a modder and are interested in creating any compatibility patches, please PM me either here or on the Bethesda Game Studios forums.

If you're looking to translate this mod, send me a PM. I'll get back to you ASAP :)
