A simple "one-click" program for users to quickly optimize and avoid detrimental conflicts in their Fallout New Vegas mod load-order.
* Correctly positions over 1000 mods and counting.
* Provides Wrye Flash Tag suggestions that are automatically applied by Wrye Flash.
* Provides useful load order notes for many mods.
* Displays the version number of mods when it is available.
* Sorts mod files ghosted by Wrye Flash.
* Is mostly right (most of the time)!
* Is under constant development and improvement by a team of modders and Fallout experts.
Better Oblivion Sorting Software (BOSS) for Fallout New Vegas will reorder your mods to their correct positions (as listed in the masterlist.txt database file), putting any mods it doesn't recognize after them, in the same order as they were before BOSS was run.BOSS is designed to assist in the installation and usage of mods and help mod users avoid serious conflicts. It is not a complete solution to load ordering issues, as there are far more mods out there than BOSS knows about. To properly place mods BOSS doesn't know about, a good working knowledge of New Vegas mod load ordering is still necessary, for which some research and documentation reading will go a long way.REQUIREMENTS:
Windows (or Wine), Fallout New Vegas, and some mods.
There are no official mirrors at this time.
1. If you have Wrye Flash, make sure the "Lock Times" function is deactivated.
2. Unzip the to your ..OblivionData folder, so that BOSS.exe is in the same folder as your mods.
3. Run the "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" file to get the latest masterlist from the Internet and sort your mods.
4. When running BOSS normally, do so from the BOSS.exe, but remember to run the "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" regularly to ensure you have a recent masterlist.
Once BOSS has finished running, the output will be displayed automatically. Read any notes, and make any relevant changes that are suggested by them. Wrye Flash will automatically import and apply Bash Tag suggestions from BOSS. Some Bash Tag suggestions can come with conditions and notes that require human intervention though, so read the suggestions makes thoroughly and adjust tags by hand in Wrye Flash if necessary.
You will need to reorder "unknown" mods by hand using FOMM or Wrye Flash.
You can update your masterlist to the latest version by running the "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" file. This will replace your copy with the latest available online, and then run BOSS as normal using the updated masterlist. If you have an edited masterlist, using this updater will cause you to lose all your edits.
Delete BOSS.exe, "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat", "BOSS - Undo Last Run.bat" and, if BOSS has been run, the BOSS folder in your ..OblivionData folder.
Won't run: BOSS not extracted (unzipped) to ...fallout new vegasdata but a sub-folder or the fallout new vegas folder.
All BOSS exe/bat files must share the same folder as your mods.
Check you have:
* BOSS.exe
* BOSS - Undo Last Run.bat (optional)
* BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat (optional)
in your ...fallout new vegasdata folder.and* masterlist.txt (will be created if it doesn't exist if you run update (via batch file, cmd prompt or Wrye Flash)
* userlist.txt (optional)
* BOSS ReadMe.html (optional)
* BOSS User Rules ReadMe.html (optional)
in your ...fallout new vegasdataBOSSWon't change load order: OS is Vista and Fallout New Vegas is installed in Program Files.Temporarily deactivate UAC.Won't Change load order and generating a blank text file: OS is Windows 7:Give group or users name: BATCH controls of the Oblivion folder.Won't change load order: Wrye Flash's load order locking feature is enabled.Disable before changing load order.A text box flashes up but disappears.Run BOSS.bat not BOSS.exeFURTHER DETAILS:Command Line ArgumentsBOSS has a few command-line arguments. The syntax is:BOSS [--update | -u] [--help | -h] [--disable-version-parse | -V-] [--revert-level | -r] [level]-h, --help:This prints a short description of BOSS and some information on the function of the command line arguments.-u, --update:If this switch is used, BOSS will automatically update the local copy of the masterlist using the latest version on the Google Code repository, and then sort your mods. Since this replaces your current masterlist, don't run this if you have an edited copy and wish to keep the changes. The "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" runs BOSS with this switch.-V-, --disable-version-parse:Disables the parsing of each mod's description to extract the author's version information, so it is not printed alongside other data in the generated BOSSlog.html. This can be used if the version parsing is not working properly for some of your mods, and you wish to remove the version notes.-r level, --revert-level level:Sets BOSS to undo its changes by reverting back the number of levels given by level to the load order at that point. level can take values of 1 or 2. A value of 1 will restore the load order to that stored in modlist.txt. A value of 2 will restore the load order to that stored in modlist.old. If the modlist that you are reverting to does not exist, BOSS will cancel the undo and display an error message. The modlist files are not updated when BOSS is run with this parameter.BOSS Changes and FilesThe only changes BOSS makes to your Fallout New Vegas install are to re-date the .esp and .esm files in your Data folder, to create a BOSS folder there, and create a few text files in that BOSS folder. FalloutNV.esm is never touched, and all dates are derived from it.The text files that are used and created by BOSS are all found in the ..fallout new vegasdataBOSS folder, and they are: * masterlist.txt - This is the master list of mods that BOSS recognises, listing them in order and which includes notes attached to them. It is the most frequently updated component of BOSS, receiving updates almost every day.
* BOSSlog.html - This log is where the output that BOSS generates and displays once the program ends is stored. It is replaced every time you run BOSS. You can view it in any web browser.
* modlist.txt - This file contains the list of your mods in the order they were before you last ran BOSS, which can be used to undo changes to your load order.
* modlist.old - This file contains the contents of your modlist.txt before you last ran BOSS, providing a second level of undo for load order changes.
* userlist.txt - This file contains your custom rules to be implemented by the User Rules feature.
Undoing ChangesTo undo the changes BOSS makes to your load order, you can use the included "BOSS - Undo Last Run.bat" file. The .bat file will, by default, revert to the load order before the last run of BOSS, as stored in modlist.txt. If you want to revert back to the load order before that, as stored in modlist.old, you will need to edit your "BOSS - Undo Last Run.bat" file:1. Right-click it and select "Edit" to open it up in Notepad.2. On the line containing "BOSS.exe -r 1", replace the 1 with a 2 to give "BOSS.exe -r 2".3. Then save the file and run it to revert your load order back two levels.Customizing How BOSS WorksThe best way that users can customize how BOSS works is by using the included User Rules feature. This feature allows you to define the positions of mods not in the masterlist, and to override the masterlist positions of mods, as well as edit the output messages of mods, and more. In addition, this is all done without editing the masterlist.txt, so when you update it using the built-in updater, your changes shall not be lost. All the information on the User Rules feature can be found in the "BOSS User Rules ReadMe.html" file.CONTRIBUTIONS AND HELP:Questions, suggestions, unrecognized mods and general discussion takes place HERE.User corrections to the masterlist are vital. Let us know what you know.Lists of unrecognized mods are welcome but the only way we can include them in the database in a timely way is if we get: 1. The ESP/ESM file name(s) and 2. A link to where the description, download or readme can be found to read or download. 3. A brief description of each mod will also help. Feel free to make load order suggestions.UPDATES:Updates are published at the New Vegas Nexus BOSS page.For those not using the masterlist updater, the latest masterlist is always on the Google Code repository.Always make sure to use the latest release of the BOSS program, and the latest masterlist.CREDITS:Sources for the mod list and its order include: Agiel's Annotated Load Order; Fivefries load order; dev_akm's official expanded FCOM load order (FCOM 0.9.9); suggestions and instructions from Mart's Monster Mod, Better Cities, Open Cities and Open Better Cities developers; suggestions and instructions from many other modders; lots of advice and information from users. Some people have gone out of their way and provided continuing, expert and detailed help - thank you very much!Thanks go to Wrye for implementing the importing of BOSS's Bashed Patch tag suggestions into Wrye Bash.Thanks also go to the Beta Testing & Analysis Guild at TESAlliance and Surazal for testing and giving feedback on v1.6 prior to release.Project MembersSince June 2009, BOSS has been a collaborative project on Google Code using the SVN version tracking and editing engine. In alphabetical order, the project members are:Google Code Administrators* Arthmoor
* PacificMorrowind
* Random007
* WrinklyNinja
Oblivion Masterlist Developers
* Alithelord
* Arthmoor
* PacificMorrowind
* Random007
* RiddlingLynx
* Tokc/Tokc.D.K.
* Vacuity
* WrinklyNinja
* ZiggyX
Fallout 3 Masterlist Developers
* Alithelord
* Arthmoor
* SpaceOden
* Mosanger
* PacificMorrowind
* Valda
Fallout: New Vegas Masterlist Developers
* Loucifer
* SpaceOden
* Valda
Nehrim - At Fate's Edge Masterlist Developers
* Psymon
Source Code Developers
* Alithelord
* Leandro Conde
* Leus
* PacificMorrowind
* Random007
* WrinklyNinja
Most project members can be contacted on the Bethesda Game Studios forums, in the Oblivion Mods and Fallout 3 Mods sub-forums. Most can also be contacted on TES Nexus/Fallout 3 Nexus.LICENSE:Better Oblivion Sorting Software and periodic updates are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported copyright license, some rights reserved, 2009-2010. Copyright is owned wholly by the Better Oblivion Sorting Software development team (see list of project members).
* BOSS may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is not changed and includes all the original files including this documentation.
* Commercial use of this software or masterlist.txt file is not permitted without permission.
* Publishing derivations and customisations of the program or masterlist.txt file is not permitted without permission. Ask first.
QUICK LINKS:BOSS for New Vegas on New Vegas NexusTopic on Bethesda Game Studios Fallout New Vegas modding forumDue to a 200 maximum post limit, a new "official" thread is created periodically (with the end of one thread providing a link to the next) so the link provided may refer to an old thread by the time you read this. Just navigate your way through to the latest thread to post a message.You must register for free to post messages.
Boss NV

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A simple "one-click" program for users to quickly optimize and avoid detrimental conflicts in their Fallout New Vegas mod load-order.
* Correctly positions over 1000 mods and counting.
* Provides Wrye Flash Tag suggestions that are automatically applied by Wrye Flash.
* Provides useful load order notes for many mods.
* Displays the version number of mods when it is available.
* Sorts mod files ghosted by Wrye Flash.
* Is mostly right (most of the time)!
* Is under constant development and improvement by a team of modders and Fallout experts.
Better Oblivion Sorting Software (BOSS) for Fallout New Vegas will reorder your mods to their correct positions (as listed in the masterlist.txt database file), putting any mods it doesn't recognize after them, in the same order as they were before BOSS was run.BOSS is designed to assist in the installation and usage of mods and help mod users avoid serious conflicts. It is not a complete solution to load ordering issues, as there are far more mods out there than BOSS knows about. To properly place mods BOSS doesn't know about, a good working knowledge of New Vegas mod load ordering is still necessary, for which some research and documentation reading will go a long way.REQUIREMENTS:
Windows (or Wine), Fallout New Vegas, and some mods.
There are no official mirrors at this time.
1. If you have Wrye Flash, make sure the "Lock Times" function is deactivated.
2. Unzip the to your ..OblivionData folder, so that BOSS.exe is in the same folder as your mods.
3. Run the "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" file to get the latest masterlist from the Internet and sort your mods.
4. When running BOSS normally, do so from the BOSS.exe, but remember to run the "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" regularly to ensure you have a recent masterlist.
Once BOSS has finished running, the output will be displayed automatically. Read any notes, and make any relevant changes that are suggested by them. Wrye Flash will automatically import and apply Bash Tag suggestions from BOSS. Some Bash Tag suggestions can come with conditions and notes that require human intervention though, so read the suggestions makes thoroughly and adjust tags by hand in Wrye Flash if necessary.
You will need to reorder "unknown" mods by hand using FOMM or Wrye Flash.
You can update your masterlist to the latest version by running the "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" file. This will replace your copy with the latest available online, and then run BOSS as normal using the updated masterlist. If you have an edited masterlist, using this updater will cause you to lose all your edits.
Delete BOSS.exe, "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat", "BOSS - Undo Last Run.bat" and, if BOSS has been run, the BOSS folder in your ..OblivionData folder.
Won't run: BOSS not extracted (unzipped) to ...fallout new vegasdata but a sub-folder or the fallout new vegas folder.
All BOSS exe/bat files must share the same folder as your mods.
Check you have:
* BOSS.exe
* BOSS - Undo Last Run.bat (optional)
* BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat (optional)
in your ...fallout new vegasdata folder.and* masterlist.txt (will be created if it doesn't exist if you run update (via batch file, cmd prompt or Wrye Flash)
* userlist.txt (optional)
* BOSS ReadMe.html (optional)
* BOSS User Rules ReadMe.html (optional)
in your ...fallout new vegasdataBOSSWon't change load order: OS is Vista and Fallout New Vegas is installed in Program Files.Temporarily deactivate UAC.Won't Change load order and generating a blank text file: OS is Windows 7:Give group or users name: BATCH controls of the Oblivion folder.Won't change load order: Wrye Flash's load order locking feature is enabled.Disable before changing load order.A text box flashes up but disappears.Run BOSS.bat not BOSS.exeFURTHER DETAILS:Command Line ArgumentsBOSS has a few command-line arguments. The syntax is:BOSS [--update | -u] [--help | -h] [--disable-version-parse | -V-] [--revert-level | -r] [level]-h, --help:This prints a short description of BOSS and some information on the function of the command line arguments.-u, --update:If this switch is used, BOSS will automatically update the local copy of the masterlist using the latest version on the Google Code repository, and then sort your mods. Since this replaces your current masterlist, don't run this if you have an edited copy and wish to keep the changes. The "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" runs BOSS with this switch.-V-, --disable-version-parse:Disables the parsing of each mod's description to extract the author's version information, so it is not printed alongside other data in the generated BOSSlog.html. This can be used if the version parsing is not working properly for some of your mods, and you wish to remove the version notes.-r level, --revert-level level:Sets BOSS to undo its changes by reverting back the number of levels given by level to the load order at that point. level can take values of 1 or 2. A value of 1 will restore the load order to that stored in modlist.txt. A value of 2 will restore the load order to that stored in modlist.old. If the modlist that you are reverting to does not exist, BOSS will cancel the undo and display an error message. The modlist files are not updated when BOSS is run with this parameter.BOSS Changes and FilesThe only changes BOSS makes to your Fallout New Vegas install are to re-date the .esp and .esm files in your Data folder, to create a BOSS folder there, and create a few text files in that BOSS folder. FalloutNV.esm is never touched, and all dates are derived from it.The text files that are used and created by BOSS are all found in the ..fallout new vegasdataBOSS folder, and they are: * masterlist.txt - This is the master list of mods that BOSS recognises, listing them in order and which includes notes attached to them. It is the most frequently updated component of BOSS, receiving updates almost every day.
* BOSSlog.html - This log is where the output that BOSS generates and displays once the program ends is stored. It is replaced every time you run BOSS. You can view it in any web browser.
* modlist.txt - This file contains the list of your mods in the order they were before you last ran BOSS, which can be used to undo changes to your load order.
* modlist.old - This file contains the contents of your modlist.txt before you last ran BOSS, providing a second level of undo for load order changes.
* userlist.txt - This file contains your custom rules to be implemented by the User Rules feature.
Undoing ChangesTo undo the changes BOSS makes to your load order, you can use the included "BOSS - Undo Last Run.bat" file. The .bat file will, by default, revert to the load order before the last run of BOSS, as stored in modlist.txt. If you want to revert back to the load order before that, as stored in modlist.old, you will need to edit your "BOSS - Undo Last Run.bat" file:1. Right-click it and select "Edit" to open it up in Notepad.2. On the line containing "BOSS.exe -r 1", replace the 1 with a 2 to give "BOSS.exe -r 2".3. Then save the file and run it to revert your load order back two levels.Customizing How BOSS WorksThe best way that users can customize how BOSS works is by using the included User Rules feature. This feature allows you to define the positions of mods not in the masterlist, and to override the masterlist positions of mods, as well as edit the output messages of mods, and more. In addition, this is all done without editing the masterlist.txt, so when you update it using the built-in updater, your changes shall not be lost. All the information on the User Rules feature can be found in the "BOSS User Rules ReadMe.html" file.CONTRIBUTIONS AND HELP:Questions, suggestions, unrecognized mods and general discussion takes place HERE.User corrections to the masterlist are vital. Let us know what you know.Lists of unrecognized mods are welcome but the only way we can include them in the database in a timely way is if we get: 1. The ESP/ESM file name(s) and 2. A link to where the description, download or readme can be found to read or download. 3. A brief description of each mod will also help. Feel free to make load order suggestions.UPDATES:Updates are published at the New Vegas Nexus BOSS page.For those not using the masterlist updater, the latest masterlist is always on the Google Code repository.Always make sure to use the latest release of the BOSS program, and the latest masterlist.CREDITS:Sources for the mod list and its order include: Agiel's Annotated Load Order; Fivefries load order; dev_akm's official expanded FCOM load order (FCOM 0.9.9); suggestions and instructions from Mart's Monster Mod, Better Cities, Open Cities and Open Better Cities developers; suggestions and instructions from many other modders; lots of advice and information from users. Some people have gone out of their way and provided continuing, expert and detailed help - thank you very much!Thanks go to Wrye for implementing the importing of BOSS's Bashed Patch tag suggestions into Wrye Bash.Thanks also go to the Beta Testing & Analysis Guild at TESAlliance and Surazal for testing and giving feedback on v1.6 prior to release.Project MembersSince June 2009, BOSS has been a collaborative project on Google Code using the SVN version tracking and editing engine. In alphabetical order, the project members are:Google Code Administrators* Arthmoor
* PacificMorrowind
* Random007
* WrinklyNinja
Oblivion Masterlist Developers
* Alithelord
* Arthmoor
* PacificMorrowind
* Random007
* RiddlingLynx
* Tokc/Tokc.D.K.
* Vacuity
* WrinklyNinja
* ZiggyX
Fallout 3 Masterlist Developers
* Alithelord
* Arthmoor
* SpaceOden
* Mosanger
* PacificMorrowind
* Valda
Fallout: New Vegas Masterlist Developers
* Loucifer
* SpaceOden
* Valda
Nehrim - At Fate's Edge Masterlist Developers
* Psymon
Source Code Developers
* Alithelord
* Leandro Conde
* Leus
* PacificMorrowind
* Random007
* WrinklyNinja
Most project members can be contacted on the Bethesda Game Studios forums, in the Oblivion Mods and Fallout 3 Mods sub-forums. Most can also be contacted on TES Nexus/Fallout 3 Nexus.LICENSE:Better Oblivion Sorting Software and periodic updates are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported copyright license, some rights reserved, 2009-2010. Copyright is owned wholly by the Better Oblivion Sorting Software development team (see list of project members).
* BOSS may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is not changed and includes all the original files including this documentation.
* Commercial use of this software or masterlist.txt file is not permitted without permission.
* Publishing derivations and customisations of the program or masterlist.txt file is not permitted without permission. Ask first.
QUICK LINKS:BOSS for New Vegas on New Vegas NexusTopic on Bethesda Game Studios Fallout New Vegas modding forumDue to a 200 maximum post limit, a new "official" thread is created periodically (with the end of one thread providing a link to the next) so the link provided may refer to an old thread by the time you read this. Just navigate your way through to the latest thread to post a message.You must register for free to post messages.