Body Control(New School Body Replacer):
I have compiled a body pack with 11 female (12 if you include the base body) and 8 male bodies in it. You can switch the player body on the fly or give a body to a NPC. Just the thing if you have clothes from 2 or more different body meshes that aren't easily compatible.
This has been all set up so that the base underlining textures don't get changed, and you can change instantly between the fallout base body and any of the 11 bodies on the fly with each having their own skin texture. Females will have their face texture change to match the body maker's face if I could find it, or make-up if I could not.
Archive Invaladate is not even needed
Once you start the game you will have a Item added Called [Body Control], it's under Apparel in the pip-boy.
Hot Keys
You can hot key the [Body Control] to quick change back to Fallout base body. Equipping it in menu mode will give you the Options Menu.
This mod is part of my cross mod project...
All of my mods require CrossModData.ESM to be loaded. (Its in the main package)
The Body Control now can Auto-pick from the 11 bodies for Female NPC as you come across them. This is good so that NPC's don't all have the same body.
There is a Reset option so you can restore all NPC back to normal.
No NPC's where harmed in this process. It works on a script concept I originally found in PJ's Spell Compendium for oblivion. AKA 0 NPC conflicts.
If you end up looking old and not hot. One of you mods is changing the Race section and conflicts... Bummer.
To overcome the problem you need to make a Merged patch using Wrye Flash. See the Read me on how to Make a Merged patch.
Note about Uninstall
If you load a save with a NPC that has a body that not longer exists because you have remove that mod that gave it to them you will get CTD. My answer to this is to give you a button in the menu that will restore the NPC's to their standard body. Just make sure you save your game after hitting the uninstall. Hitting the "Start Body Changing" button will cancel the uninstall.
If any-one else wishes to make a NSBR based on this code and their own body collection, go for it, the esp is included.
I am hoping that this will become the one of many New School Body Replacers.
Known Limitations of New School Body Replacers
The hair issue has been solved buy me. However I have decided not to implement it in BC, I got it working in FEM.
Hair. Hair and eyes are a big problem as mods that add new Hair/Eye's will more than likely conflict if they are not higher in the load list.(Project D is immune to conflicts, it still has the other limitations ATM).
BC does not change the basic race type's so you can have hair packs installed and working, but when you change body you will change hair back to a vanilla hair style(Even if you compatibility patch because you would still need to add the each hair type's to 11*4+2 race's).
I suggest that if you wish to keep a non-vanilla Hair style that you make a wig. If it's an item then it will stay equipped and showing passed the age change.
Not so for a NPC. A NPC will change hair to the default of the race.
Change Log
No change lol its the start
Added more fem bodies and fixed a bug that broke some dialogue.
Added 7 more male bodies, added the face textures for bodies I could find them for, Included Type 3 HD Textures, fixed some minor bugs.
Body Control NV

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Body Control(New School Body Replacer):
I have compiled a body pack with 11 female (12 if you include the base body) and 8 male bodies in it. You can switch the player body on the fly or give a body to a NPC. Just the thing if you have clothes from 2 or more different body meshes that aren't easily compatible.
This has been all set up so that the base underlining textures don't get changed, and you can change instantly between the fallout base body and any of the 11 bodies on the fly with each having their own skin texture. Females will have their face texture change to match the body maker's face if I could find it, or make-up if I could not.
Archive Invaladate is not even needed
Once you start the game you will have a Item added Called [Body Control], it's under Apparel in the pip-boy.
Hot Keys
You can hot key the [Body Control] to quick change back to Fallout base body. Equipping it in menu mode will give you the Options Menu.
This mod is part of my cross mod project...
All of my mods require CrossModData.ESM to be loaded. (Its in the main package)
The Body Control now can Auto-pick from the 11 bodies for Female NPC as you come across them. This is good so that NPC's don't all have the same body.
There is a Reset option so you can restore all NPC back to normal.
No NPC's where harmed in this process. It works on a script concept I originally found in PJ's Spell Compendium for oblivion. AKA 0 NPC conflicts.
If you end up looking old and not hot. One of you mods is changing the Race section and conflicts... Bummer.
To overcome the problem you need to make a Merged patch using Wrye Flash. See the Read me on how to Make a Merged patch.
Note about Uninstall
If you load a save with a NPC that has a body that not longer exists because you have remove that mod that gave it to them you will get CTD. My answer to this is to give you a button in the menu that will restore the NPC's to their standard body. Just make sure you save your game after hitting the uninstall. Hitting the "Start Body Changing" button will cancel the uninstall.
If any-one else wishes to make a NSBR based on this code and their own body collection, go for it, the esp is included.
I am hoping that this will become the one of many New School Body Replacers.
Known Limitations of New School Body Replacers
The hair issue has been solved buy me. However I have decided not to implement it in BC, I got it working in FEM.
Hair. Hair and eyes are a big problem as mods that add new Hair/Eye's will more than likely conflict if they are not higher in the load list.(Project D is immune to conflicts, it still has the other limitations ATM).
BC does not change the basic race type's so you can have hair packs installed and working, but when you change body you will change hair back to a vanilla hair style(Even if you compatibility patch because you would still need to add the each hair type's to 11*4+2 race's).
I suggest that if you wish to keep a non-vanilla Hair style that you make a wig. If it's an item then it will stay equipped and showing passed the age change.
Not so for a NPC. A NPC will change hair to the default of the race.
Change Log
No change lol its the start
Added more fem bodies and fixed a bug that broke some dialogue.
Added 7 more male bodies, added the face textures for bodies I could find them for, Included Type 3 HD Textures, fixed some minor bugs.