Mods with support for WMX:
- Arenovalis' Weapon Textures (see under Files tab)
- Pre-Order DLC Packs (see under Files tab)
- A World Of Pain
- Mail Order Catalogs
- Russian Translation
- WMX Compatibility Grab-Bag (see under Files tab). Contains patches for:
---- Arwen_NV_Realism_Tweaks v1.6
---- Inventory Sorter/s
---- The 00 Commando - A Shotgun Lover Mod v1.2
Fallout New Vegas:
Weapon Mods Expanded
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 22-01-2011
Author: Antistar (Joseph Lollback)
1. Description
2. Requirements
3. Installation/Uninstallation
4. Playing the mod
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
6. Save games
7. Conflicts/Known Issues
8. Credits
9. Modder's Resource Info
10. Contact Information
11. Legal Stuff/Disclaimer
12. Version History
My Weapon Mod Kits (WMK) mod for Fallout 3 was the inspiration for Obsidian's implementation of the weapon modding system in Fallout New Vegas; something which I am quite proud of and flattered by. I like Obsidian's take on it; enough that I wanted to add to it... 'expand' upon it, you might say.
Weapon Mods Expanded (WMX) for Fallout New Vegas expands upon the base game's weapon modding system in the following ways:
- ALL weapons get the maximum of three applicable weapon mods; this includes unique weapons.
- Unique weapons can be modified with the same weapon mods as their common counterparts.
- Some existing weapon mods (from the base game) are newly applied to weapons besides their defaults...
- But many more are weapon mods newly added by WMX.
- Some weapon mods can be applied to multiple different weapons.
- Some unique weapons without a common counterpart (for example That Gun and This Machine) receive one.
- New and altered art assets to visually depict most of the new weapon mods.
- Chance to find weapon mods in loot.
- More weapon mods available from merchants (to compensate for more types being available).
- Price overhaul of weapon mods to more consistently reflect their relative quality.
- WMX also contains numerous fixes for visual bugs in weapon meshes and textures.
Here is a list of all weapons and weapon mods, and how they apply to one another:
***Changed Weapon Mods***
9mm Pistol Scope -> Small Handgun Scope
10mm Pistol Laser Sight -> Laser Sight
Grenade Rifle Long Barrel -> 40mm Launcher Long Barrel
Hunting Shotgun Choke -> 12 Gauge Shotgun Choke
Laser RCW Recycler -> Laser Recycler
Laser Rifle Beam Splitter -> AEP/AER Laser Beam Splitter
Laser Rifle Focus Optics -> AEP/AER Laser Focus Optics
Laser Rifle Scope -> AEP/AER Laser Scope
Plasma Rifle Mag. Accelerator -> Plasma Weapon Mag. Accelerator
Trail Carbine Scope -> Lever Carbine Scope
* = Vanilla weapon mod
+ = New weapon mod (or existing one newly applied)
.223 Pistol / That Gun
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
+ .223 Pistol Long Barrel - Increases damage (+3).
+ Small Handgun Scope - Adds short-range scope.
.357 Magnum Revolver / Lucky
* .357 Revolver Long Barrel - Increases damage (+3).
* .357 Revolver HD Cylinder - Increases condition (+50%).
+ .357 Revolver Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
.44 Magnum Revolver / Mysterious Magnum
* .44 Revolver Heavy Frame - Increases condition (+50%).
* .44 Revolver Scope - Adds a close to mid range scope.
+ .44 Revolver Long Barrel - Increases damage (+3).
9mm Pistol / Maria
* 9mm Pistol Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+7).
* Small Handgun Scope - Adds short-range scope.
+ 9mm Silencer - Silences the weapon.
10mm Pistol
* 10mm Pistol Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+4).
* Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
* 10mm Pistol Silencer - Silences weapon.
12.7mm Pistol
* 12.7mm Pistol Silencer - Silences the weapon.
+ 12.7mm Pistol Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+3).
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
Hunting Revolver / Ranger Sequoia
+ Hunting Revolver HD Cylinder - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Hunting Revolver Long Barrel - Increases damage (+5).
+ Hunting Revolver Scope - Adds a close to mid range scope.
Silenced .22 Pistol
+ Sil. .22 Pistol Ext. Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+8).
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
+ Sil. .22 Pistol Long Barrel - Increases damage (+2).
9mm SMG / Vance's 9mm SMG
* 9mm SMG Drums - Increases ammunition capacity (+30).
* 9mm SMG Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire.
+ 9mm Silencer - Silences the weapon.
10mm SMG
* 10mm SMG Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+10).
* 10mm SMG Recoil Comp. - Decreases spread.
+ 10mm SMG Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire.
12.7mm SMG
* 12.7mm SMG Silencer - Silences the weapon.
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
+ 12.7mm SMG Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire.
Silenced .22 SMG
* Sil. .22 SMG Exp. Drums - Increases ammunition capacity (+60).
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
+ Sil. .22 SMG Long Barrel - Increases damage (+2).
Caravan Shotgun
+ 20 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Caravan Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ 20 Gauge Sawn-off Stock - Decreases weight (C.S. -1, S.S. -3).
Hunting shotgun / Dinner Bell
* 12 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
* Hunting Shotgun Long Tube - Increases ammunition capacity (+3).
+ Hunting Shotgun Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-3.5).
Lever-Action Shotgun
+ 20 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Lever-Action Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Lever-Action Shotgun Long Tube - Increases ammunition capacity (+2).
Riot Shotgun
+ 12 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Riot Shotgun Drums - Increases ammunition capacity (+10).
+ Riot Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
Sawed-off Shotgun / Big Boomer
+ 12 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Sawed-off Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Sawed-off Shotgun Maple Stock - Decreases weight (-1.5).
Single Shotgun
+ 20 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Single Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ 20 Gauge Sawn-off Stock - Decreases weight (C.S. -1, S.S. -3).
Anti-materiel Rifle
+ Anti-Mat. Rifle Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
+ Anti-Mat. Rifle Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-5).
+ Anti-Mat. Rifle Improved Muzzle Brake - Increases damage (+10).
Assault Carbine
* Assault Carbine Extended Magazines - Increases ammunition capacity (+6).
+ Assault Carbine Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire.
+ Carbine Suppressor - Silences the weapon.
Battle Rifle / This Machine
+ Battle Rifle Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-5).
+ Battle Rifle Long Barrel - Decreases spread.
+ Battle Rifle Scope - Adds long-range scope.
BB Gun / Abilene Kid LE BB Gun
+ BB Gun Custom Mechanism - Increases rate of fire.
+ BB Gun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ BB Gun Increased Pressure - Increases damage (+1).
Brush Gun
* Brush Gun Forged Receiver - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Brush Gun Long Tube - Increases ammunition capacity (+2).
+ Lever Carbine Scope - Adds mid-range scope.
Cowboy Repeater / La Longue Carabine
* Cby. Rep. Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
* Cby. Rep. Long Tube - Increases ammunition capacity (+4).
* Cby. Rep. Maple Stock - Decreases weight (-1.5).
Hunting Rifle
* Hunting Rifle Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
* Hunting Rifle Extended Mag - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
* Hunting Rifle Scope - Adds long-range scope.
Light Machine Gun
* Light MG Expanded Drums - Increases ammunition capacity (+110).
+ Light MG Improved Rifling - Increases damage (+2).
+ Light MG Recoil Comp. - Decreases spread.
Marksman Carbine / All-American
+ 5.56mm Carbine Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+6).
+ Marksman Carbine Improved Rifling - Increases damage (+2).
+ Carbine Suppressor - Silences the weapon.
Service Rifle
* Svc. Rifle Forged Receiver - Increases condition (+50%).
* Svc. Rifle Upgraded Springs - Increases rate of fire.
+ 5.56mm Carbine Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+6).
Sniper Rifle / Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle
* Sniper Rifle Carbon Fiber Parts - Decreases weight (-5).
* Sniper Rifle Suppressor - Reduces weapon noise.
+ Sniper Rifle Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
Trail Carbine
* Lever Carbine Scope - Adds mid-range scope.
+ Trail Carbine Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
+ Trail Carbine Laminate Stock - Decreases weight (-2).
Varmint Rifle / Ratslayer
* Varmint Rifle Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+3).
* Varmint Rifle Night Scope - Adds long-range night scope.
* Varmint Rifle Silencer - Silences the weapon.
***Energy Weapons - Pistols***
Alien Blaster
+ Alien Blaster Experimental Mag. Accel. - Increases speed of alien projectile.
+ Extended Alien Power Cells - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
+ AEP/AER Laser Scope - Adds scope.
Plasma Defender
+ Plasma Defender External Heatsink - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Plasma Defender Inline Mag. Accel. - Increases speed of plasma projectile.
+ Plasma Defender Scope - Adds short-range scope.
Plasma Pistol
+ Plasma Pistol Added Injector Cylinders - Increases rate of fire.
+ Plasma Pistol Thickened Chamber Casing - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Plasma Weapon Mag. Accelerator - Increases speed of plasma projectile.
Laser Pistol / Pew Pew
+ AEP/AER Laser Beam Splitter - Creates two beams that together do increased damage (+30%).
+ AEP/AER Laser Focus Optics - Increases damage (+15%).
+ AEP/AER Laser Scope - Adds scope.
Pulse Gun
+ Pulse Gun Extra Battery Socket - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Pulse Gun Extra Bulbs - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Pulse Gun Recycler Core - Replenishes ammunition (1/4 shots).
Recharger Pistol
* Laser Recycler - Laser RCW: replenishes ammo (1/4 shots). Rechargers: increases ammo regen. rate.
+ Recharger Experimental Core - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
+ Recharger Supercharger Coil - Increases damage (+3).
***Energy Weapons - Rifles***
Gauss Rifle / YCS/186
+ Gauss Rifle Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-2).
+ Gauss Rifle Exp. Cell Assembly - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Gauss Rifle Improved Mag. Shielding - Increases condition (+50%).
Laser RCW
* Laser Recycler - Laser RCW: replenishes ammo (1/4 shots). Rechargers: increases ammo regen. rate.
+ Laser RCW Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-1).
+ Laser RCW Scope - Adds medium-range scope.
Laser Rifle / AER14 Prototype
* AEP/AER Laser Beam Splitter - Creates two beams that together do increased damage (+30%).
* AEP/AER Laser Focus Optics - Increases damage (+15%).
* AEP/AER Laser Scope - Adds scope.
Multiplas Rifle
+ Plasma Rifle Dual-Cell Harness - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Multiplas Upg. Discharge Init. Capacitors - Increases rate of fire.
+ Multiplas Magnetic Stabiliser - Decreases Spread.
Plasma Rifle / Q-35 Matter Modulator
* Plasma Weapon Mag. Accelerator - Increases speed of plasma projectile.
+ Plasma Rifle Dual-Cell Harness - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Plasma Rifle Synchronised Aperture Stabilisers - Increases rate of fire.
Recharger Rifle
+ Laser Recycler - Laser RCW: replenishes ammo (1/4 shots). Rechargers: increases ammo regen. rate.
+ Recharger Experimental Core - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
+ Recharger Supercharger Coil - Increases damage (+3).
Tri-beam Laser Rifle
+ Tri-beam Laser Rifle Dual-Cell Harness - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Tri-beam Laser Rifle Polished Emitter - Decreases Spread.
+ Tri-beam Laser Rifle Sawn-off Stock - Decreases weight (-3).
***Heavy Weapons***
* Flamer Expanded Tanks - Increases ammunition capacity (+60).
+ Flamer High Pressure Fuel System - Increases rate of fire.
+ Reinforced Fuel Hoses - Increases condition (+50%).
Gatling Laser
* Gat. Laser CF Frame: Decreases weight (50%).
* Gat. Laser Focus Optics - Increases damage (+3).
+ Embedded Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
Incinerator / Heavy Incinerator
+ Incinerator Extra Tanks - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Incinerator Stripped Down - Decreases weight (-4).
+ Reinforced Fuel Hoses - Increases condition (+50%).
Minigun / CZ57 Avenger
* Minigun Damped Subframe - Reduces spread.
* Minigun High-Speed Motor - Increases rate of fire.
+ Minigun Chromed Barrels - Increases condition (+50%).
Plasma Caster
* Plasma Caster HS Electrode - Increases rate of fire.
+ Plasma Caster Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Embedded Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
Tesla Cannon / Tesla-Beaton Prototype
+ Tesla Cannon Improved Shielding - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Tesla Cannon Internal Battery - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Tesla Cannon Scope - Adds medium-range scope.
***Explosive Weapons***
Fat Man
* Fat Man Little Boy Kit - Decreases weight (50%).
+ Fat Man Increased Pressure - Increases range (+50%).
+ Fat Man Internal Wiring - Increases condition (+50%).
Grenade Launcher
+ 40mm Launcher Chromed Barrel - Increases condition (+50%).
+ 40mm Launcher Long Barrel - Increases range (+100%).
+ Grenade Launcher Maple Stock - Decreases weight (-4).
Grenade Rifle / Thump-Thump
* 40mm Launcher Long Barrel - Increases range (+100%).
+ 40mm Launcher Chromed Barrel - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Grenade Rifle Maple Stock - Decreases weight (-2).
Grenade Machinegun / Mercy
* Grenade MG High-Speed Kit - Increases rate of fire.
+ Grenade MG Internal Stabiliser - Reduces spread.
+ Grenade MG Tempered Barrel - Increases condition (+50%).
Missile Launcher / Annabelle
* Miss. Launcher Guidance Sys. - Decreases spread.
+ Miss. Launcher Aux. Tube - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Miss. Launcher Composite Frame - Decreases weight (-5).
2. Requirements
- Fallout New Vegas
- If currently using another mod that alters or adds to weapon modification in Fallout New Vegas, UNINSTALL IT FIRST following the uninstallation instructions that (hopefully) came with the mod, and create a clean save (load your save game with the mod/s in question uninstalled, save your game again, and quit).
- Using 7-Zip (, extract the contents (everything - ALL files and folders) of the WeaponModsExpanded.7z archive file to your Steamsteamappscommonfallout new vegasData directory. If asked if you want to overwrite files and folders, click 'Yes to all' (or equivalent for your operating system).
- In the Data Files section of the Fallout New Vegas Launcher - or using a mod manager tool - place a tick in the box next to WeaponModsExpanded.esp.
- It is recommended to load WeaponModsExpanded.esp near the bottom of your load order - or at least after any other mods that edit vanilla weapons.
- ArchiveInvalidation *may* be necessary if you have not performed it already. Try this tool:
Automatic Merged Patch Creation:
- This is strongly recommended as standard practice when using mods for FNV (especially a lot of mods at the same time), as it may improve compatibility between mods you may be using (including - but not limited to - WMX).
- Download FNVEdit ( to create the 'merged patch'. This should be done after you have installed and activated all the mods you wish to play the game with (and have configured your load order using a mod manager tool). This is how to do it:
- Run FNVEdit, and a list of all the plugins in your Steamsteamappscommonfallout new vegasData directory will come up, listed as per your load order. By default, the plugins you have activated in the New Vegas Launcher or in a mod manager tool will have ticks next to them. This is what you want, so just click 'OK'.
- Once FNVEdit has finished loading, right-click somewhere in the panel on the left that lists your activated plugins, and select 'Create Merged Patch' from the context menu.
- Enter a name for the patch into the window that pops up (any name you like), and click on 'OK'.
- Once FNVEdit has finished generating the patch (it creates a new .esp file with the name you entered), which should only take a few seconds, close FNVEdit. Click 'OK' on the window that pops up to save the Merged Patch that was generated.
- Finally, make sure the Merged Patch esp is loading after all your other plugins (which it should already be, by default), and activate it using the New Vegas Launcher or a mod manager tool.
- If you ever uninstall plugins, update existing plugins, or install new ones, deactivate and delete the Merged Patch, and then follow these instructions again to create a new one.
IMPORTANT: Uninstalling WMX requires that you first remove any weapons modified with WMX weapon mods (or with weapon mods that are not applicable to that weapon in the default game) from your inventory, and from anywhere you can access them in-game. Failure to do so will result in crashes to desktop. Follow these instructions:
- In-game, you will find an item in the Aid section of your Pip-Boy called [WMX Uninstall Menu]. Click on this item and carefully follow the instructions that appear on-screen.
- After uninstallation is complete, it is a good idea to create a clean save (by loading the save game and then saving it again) before doing anything else.
No special knowledge is really needed to play the game with WMX installed; the new content is integrated seamlessly into the game. In case it's helpful though, here's a list of points of information regarding the mod:
- The new weapon mods are sold by the same merchants who sell weapon mods in the base game.
- The first time the game is loaded with WMX installed, two notes will automatically be added to your Pip-Boy that list all the weapons and which weapon mods can be applied to them. One list is sorted by weapons (it's the list found in the Description section of this readme), so you can look up a weapon and see which weapon mods apply to it. The other list is sorted by weapon mod, so you can look up a weapon mod and see which weapons it can be used on.
- .223 Pistols are non-unique, less powerful versions of the unique weapon 'That Gun'. They are sometimes carried by people that might otherwise be armed with Service Rifles, and can be found in some stores. (Note that WMX makes That Gun slightly more powerful than in the base game.)
- Battle Rifles are non-unique, less powerful versions of the unique weapon 'This Machine'. They are sometimes carried by people that might otherwise be armed with Hunting Rifles, and can be found in some stores.
- In the base game, unique weapons can't be modified, and many of them are in fact 'pre-modified' with the same weapon mods that can be applied to their common counterparts. Where relevant, WMX removes these 'integrated' weapon mods so that these unique weapons can be modified by the user with the same weapon mods as their common counterparts. This results in some unique weapons being slightly less powerful than in the base game when they're unmodified, but *more* powerful than in the base game when they *are* modified.
- Hunting Revolvers are no longer scoped by default - but they (and the Ranger Sequoia) can be modified with a Hunting Revolver Scope.
- Riot Shotguns no longer have drum magazines by default - they have a box magazine instead, which holds ten rounds rather than twelve rounds. However, they can be modified with the 'Riot Shotgun Drums' weapon mod, which upgrades their ammo capacity to twenty.
- Besides the various visual bugs in weapon meshes and textures that WMX fixes, it also fixes a couple of issues with Torres and Gloria Van Graff. Without going into technical detail, they would not sell items appropriate to the player's level if the player had previously visited them at a lower level. In addition, Torres was not correctly set to sell Miscellaneous items (which include weapon mods), even though she had been given Miscellaneous items to sell.
Q) Can I criticise you for implementing something in WMX in an 'unrealistic' way?
A) Well I can't stop you, but I might save you from wasting your time by telling you now that I won't care. This mod does not attempt to be perfectly 'realistic' - it is intended to expand gameplay in Fallout New Vegas; no more or less.
Q) I've got a weapon mod for this weapon but it's not giving me the option to apply it. What's going on?
A) It's most likely a conflict with another mod that also edits vanilla weapons. Try loading WMX near (or at) the bottom of your load order, as noted in the installation instructions above.
Q) I'm having problems with FNVEdit/ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated/etc. Can you help?
A) If it's not something that's already covered in this readme, then probably not: you would be better off contacting the makers of those programs (I am not affiliated with them).
Q) Is WMX compatible with [insert name of mod here]?
A) It's unlikely I'll be able to give you a direct answer to this question. I simply don't have the time or the inclination to investigate compatibility between WMX and the hundreds or thousands of other mods out there that may - or may not - conflict with it in various ways and to varying degrees. There are however a few notes in this FAQ - and in the Conflicts/Known Issues section below - that should help you work out compatibility.
Q) What about texture replacers for the vanilla weapons? Are they compatible with WMX?
A) They will always work (technically speaking), but may result in weapons that have their textures changed by WMX weapon mods looking different to their unmodified variant (in that the texture replacer only affects the unmodified variant). A compatibility patch will usually be required in such cases.
Q) Will you make WMX compatible with [insert name of mod here]?
A) In terms of making compatibility patches, this depends on the mod in question and if I have time. Note that (again, depending on the mod) making a compatibility patch for WMX shouldn't be very difficult, so if anyone else wants to make such a patch for whatever mod it may be, I will usually grant permission for it to be released (I still need to be asked first though).
Q) Will you implement the modification of melee and unarmed weapons?
A) This is currently planned for a future version of WMX, yes.
Q) Will you add the ability to remove weapon mods from weapons?
A) At the time of writing it is not possible to do this. If a way is developed or discovered, then I will add it to WMX, yes.
Q) What do I do with the file I downloaded? It's an unknown file type/I don't know what to do with 7z files.
A) You need a program like 7-zip ( or WinRAR ( to open the file you downloaded. After you have that, follow the installation instructions above.
Q) Why am I seeing 3D exclamation points and/or missing texture notifications instead of items from the WMX mod?
A) This happens when the game can't find the meshes and textures it's looking for; in this case that means that WMX wasn't installed correctly. Along with the WeaponModsExpanded.esp file, you also need to place the [meshes] and [textures] directories from the WeaponModsExpanded.7z archive file into your Steamsteamappscommonfallout new vegasData directory. Click on 'Yes To All' if a window pops up asking you if you want to replace files and folders (you won't lose anything). Also (in the case of texture issues - not missing mesh issues) make sure you've followed the ArchiveInvalidation part of the Installation Instructions above - on the outside chance that this is the cause.
Q) Will you tell me how to cheat to get the weapon mods so I don't have to go looking for them?
A) There are console commands to give your character any items you want; and with a bit of research I'm sure you'll work it out. I'm not going to actively help people to cheat at my mod though: it goes against the intended design of the mod.
Q) Why is the game crashing to desktop when I interact with this weapon, after uninstalling WMX?
A) This happens if WMX was not uninstalled correctly. Be sure to follow the uninstallation instructions above closely.
- Activating or de-activating this mod should not have any negative effects on your existing save game/s (provided the instructions in this readme are followed) - but as always, it is good practice to keep backups.
- Follow the Uninstallation instructions above if you wish to deactivate this mod. Trust me. This is important.
- WMX is not compatible with other mods that alter modification (with weapon mods) of vanilla weapons in Fallout New Vegas. Such mods will need to be uninstalled before installing WMX.
- Mods that directly edit vanilla weapons will conflict with WMX. Compatibility patches are usually required in these cases. (Though in a pinch you might get away with just loading WMX after the conflicting mod, as noted in the installation instructions above.)
- Following the 'Automatic Merged Patch Creation' part of the installation instructions (see above) will minimise conflicts between WMX and other mods (depending on the specific mod, as always).
- At the time of writing there are several bugs in Fallout New Vegas itself that have an impact on WMX. These cannot be fixed by me: they will require a patch from Obsidian to fix:
- Weapon mods that decrease the weight of the weapon do not seem to work. The displayed weight of the weapon changes correctly, but the actual weight remains the same.
- It has been reported (but I have not verified this myself) that weapon repair kits do not correctly repair weapons that have an 'Increase Max. Condition' weapon mod applied. They can be repaired normally, however.
- Applying an 'Increase Max. Condition' weapon mod to a weapon that is currently fully repaired can actually appear to degrade its condition. Any condition level besides 100% appears to be fine.
- It seems that modified weapons given to companions appear as unmodified weapons while they are carrying them.
- The 'Split Beam' mod effect does not actually increase overall damage as intended; it just divides the damage done between beams.
- Any aspect of WMX not specifically mentioned here in the credits can usually be assumed to be the work of Antistar (Joseph Lollback - that would be me). In addition, many of the things mentioned here had additional work done to them by me. If you need to know nitty-gritty specifics for whatever reason, just ask me.
- Many meshes and textures included in this mod are 'remixed' Bethsoft/Obsidian assets. They should be self-evident to anyone familiar with FNV, but if you're unsure about the origins of something and wish to know, again don't hesitate to ask.
- Many, many icons by The 3rd Type (and many by me too).
- Svc. Rifle Forged Receiver and Upgraded Springs icons by bronod.
- Awesomefied Multiplas, Plasma Rifles and Plasma Pistol by MadCat.
- Recharger Coil, Laser Pistol Shifter and Splitter variant meshes by TheTalkieToaster.
- 'Improved Caravan Shotgun', 'Improved Lever-Action Shotgun' and 'Improved Single Shotgun' textures by Arenovalis (some changes/additions).
- Plasma Defender scope mesh and textures by DaiShi (some changes).
- 'Anti-Materiel Rifle Improved Muzzle Brake' mesh and textures by AlexScorpion (some changes, UVW map remade).
- Heat shield mesh (but not texture) used for 'Riot Shotgun Improved Parts' by RedRogueXIII (some changes, UVW map remade).
- Battle Rifle scope by Crash Down (some changes, UVW map remade).
- A metal texture from was used as a base in the Heat shield texture for the Riot Shotgun Improved Parts.
- 'Eraser' font by David Rakowski.
- 'Impact Label' font by Tension Type.
- 'Stencil Gothic' font by Brain Eaters.
- Some royalty-free vector art from
- Some clipart courtesy of FCIT (
- Some clipart from
- Some clipart from
- Last but not least, thanks go to everyone who contributed assets, suggestions or their time as a tester during the development of WMX.
- Please ask my permission before releasing mods that alter, are based on, or use assets from WMX.
- Please do not re-upload WMX anywhere without first asking my permission.
My e-mail address is
By downloading and using this modification, you agree that the author of the modification cannot be held responsible for any damage to software or hardware directly or indirectly caused by the aforementioned modification. Use at your own risk, basically.
Version 1.0.1 (22-01-11)
- Fixed tangent space for a range of weapon meshes.
- Fixed alpha-sorting issue on AER14 Prototype stock.
- Reduced chance of finding weapon mods in loot.
- Laser RCW, Plasma Defender and Recharger Pistol now affected by Energy Resistance (same as all other Energy weapons).
- Changed ejected shell casing mesh used by several weapons (in line with what's in the Community Bugfix Compilation).
Version 1.0 (16-01-11)
- Initial public release.
Weapon Mods Expanded

Downloads offline
Mods with support for WMX:
- Arenovalis' Weapon Textures (see under Files tab)
- Pre-Order DLC Packs (see under Files tab)
- A World Of Pain
- Mail Order Catalogs
- Russian Translation
- WMX Compatibility Grab-Bag (see under Files tab). Contains patches for:
---- Arwen_NV_Realism_Tweaks v1.6
---- Inventory Sorter/s
---- The 00 Commando - A Shotgun Lover Mod v1.2
Fallout New Vegas:
Weapon Mods Expanded
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 22-01-2011
Author: Antistar (Joseph Lollback)
1. Description
2. Requirements
3. Installation/Uninstallation
4. Playing the mod
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
6. Save games
7. Conflicts/Known Issues
8. Credits
9. Modder's Resource Info
10. Contact Information
11. Legal Stuff/Disclaimer
12. Version History
My Weapon Mod Kits (WMK) mod for Fallout 3 was the inspiration for Obsidian's implementation of the weapon modding system in Fallout New Vegas; something which I am quite proud of and flattered by. I like Obsidian's take on it; enough that I wanted to add to it... 'expand' upon it, you might say.
Weapon Mods Expanded (WMX) for Fallout New Vegas expands upon the base game's weapon modding system in the following ways:
- ALL weapons get the maximum of three applicable weapon mods; this includes unique weapons.
- Unique weapons can be modified with the same weapon mods as their common counterparts.
- Some existing weapon mods (from the base game) are newly applied to weapons besides their defaults...
- But many more are weapon mods newly added by WMX.
- Some weapon mods can be applied to multiple different weapons.
- Some unique weapons without a common counterpart (for example That Gun and This Machine) receive one.
- New and altered art assets to visually depict most of the new weapon mods.
- Chance to find weapon mods in loot.
- More weapon mods available from merchants (to compensate for more types being available).
- Price overhaul of weapon mods to more consistently reflect their relative quality.
- WMX also contains numerous fixes for visual bugs in weapon meshes and textures.
Here is a list of all weapons and weapon mods, and how they apply to one another:
***Changed Weapon Mods***
9mm Pistol Scope -> Small Handgun Scope
10mm Pistol Laser Sight -> Laser Sight
Grenade Rifle Long Barrel -> 40mm Launcher Long Barrel
Hunting Shotgun Choke -> 12 Gauge Shotgun Choke
Laser RCW Recycler -> Laser Recycler
Laser Rifle Beam Splitter -> AEP/AER Laser Beam Splitter
Laser Rifle Focus Optics -> AEP/AER Laser Focus Optics
Laser Rifle Scope -> AEP/AER Laser Scope
Plasma Rifle Mag. Accelerator -> Plasma Weapon Mag. Accelerator
Trail Carbine Scope -> Lever Carbine Scope
* = Vanilla weapon mod
+ = New weapon mod (or existing one newly applied)
.223 Pistol / That Gun
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
+ .223 Pistol Long Barrel - Increases damage (+3).
+ Small Handgun Scope - Adds short-range scope.
.357 Magnum Revolver / Lucky
* .357 Revolver Long Barrel - Increases damage (+3).
* .357 Revolver HD Cylinder - Increases condition (+50%).
+ .357 Revolver Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
.44 Magnum Revolver / Mysterious Magnum
* .44 Revolver Heavy Frame - Increases condition (+50%).
* .44 Revolver Scope - Adds a close to mid range scope.
+ .44 Revolver Long Barrel - Increases damage (+3).
9mm Pistol / Maria
* 9mm Pistol Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+7).
* Small Handgun Scope - Adds short-range scope.
+ 9mm Silencer - Silences the weapon.
10mm Pistol
* 10mm Pistol Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+4).
* Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
* 10mm Pistol Silencer - Silences weapon.
12.7mm Pistol
* 12.7mm Pistol Silencer - Silences the weapon.
+ 12.7mm Pistol Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+3).
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
Hunting Revolver / Ranger Sequoia
+ Hunting Revolver HD Cylinder - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Hunting Revolver Long Barrel - Increases damage (+5).
+ Hunting Revolver Scope - Adds a close to mid range scope.
Silenced .22 Pistol
+ Sil. .22 Pistol Ext. Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+8).
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
+ Sil. .22 Pistol Long Barrel - Increases damage (+2).
9mm SMG / Vance's 9mm SMG
* 9mm SMG Drums - Increases ammunition capacity (+30).
* 9mm SMG Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire.
+ 9mm Silencer - Silences the weapon.
10mm SMG
* 10mm SMG Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+10).
* 10mm SMG Recoil Comp. - Decreases spread.
+ 10mm SMG Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire.
12.7mm SMG
* 12.7mm SMG Silencer - Silences the weapon.
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
+ 12.7mm SMG Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire.
Silenced .22 SMG
* Sil. .22 SMG Exp. Drums - Increases ammunition capacity (+60).
+ Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
+ Sil. .22 SMG Long Barrel - Increases damage (+2).
Caravan Shotgun
+ 20 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Caravan Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ 20 Gauge Sawn-off Stock - Decreases weight (C.S. -1, S.S. -3).
Hunting shotgun / Dinner Bell
* 12 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
* Hunting Shotgun Long Tube - Increases ammunition capacity (+3).
+ Hunting Shotgun Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-3.5).
Lever-Action Shotgun
+ 20 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Lever-Action Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Lever-Action Shotgun Long Tube - Increases ammunition capacity (+2).
Riot Shotgun
+ 12 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Riot Shotgun Drums - Increases ammunition capacity (+10).
+ Riot Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
Sawed-off Shotgun / Big Boomer
+ 12 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Sawed-off Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Sawed-off Shotgun Maple Stock - Decreases weight (-1.5).
Single Shotgun
+ 20 Gauge Shotgun Choke - Decreases spread.
+ Single Shotgun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ 20 Gauge Sawn-off Stock - Decreases weight (C.S. -1, S.S. -3).
Anti-materiel Rifle
+ Anti-Mat. Rifle Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
+ Anti-Mat. Rifle Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-5).
+ Anti-Mat. Rifle Improved Muzzle Brake - Increases damage (+10).
Assault Carbine
* Assault Carbine Extended Magazines - Increases ammunition capacity (+6).
+ Assault Carbine Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire.
+ Carbine Suppressor - Silences the weapon.
Battle Rifle / This Machine
+ Battle Rifle Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-5).
+ Battle Rifle Long Barrel - Decreases spread.
+ Battle Rifle Scope - Adds long-range scope.
BB Gun / Abilene Kid LE BB Gun
+ BB Gun Custom Mechanism - Increases rate of fire.
+ BB Gun Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ BB Gun Increased Pressure - Increases damage (+1).
Brush Gun
* Brush Gun Forged Receiver - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Brush Gun Long Tube - Increases ammunition capacity (+2).
+ Lever Carbine Scope - Adds mid-range scope.
Cowboy Repeater / La Longue Carabine
* Cby. Rep. Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
* Cby. Rep. Long Tube - Increases ammunition capacity (+4).
* Cby. Rep. Maple Stock - Decreases weight (-1.5).
Hunting Rifle
* Hunting Rifle Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
* Hunting Rifle Extended Mag - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
* Hunting Rifle Scope - Adds long-range scope.
Light Machine Gun
* Light MG Expanded Drums - Increases ammunition capacity (+110).
+ Light MG Improved Rifling - Increases damage (+2).
+ Light MG Recoil Comp. - Decreases spread.
Marksman Carbine / All-American
+ 5.56mm Carbine Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+6).
+ Marksman Carbine Improved Rifling - Increases damage (+2).
+ Carbine Suppressor - Silences the weapon.
Service Rifle
* Svc. Rifle Forged Receiver - Increases condition (+50%).
* Svc. Rifle Upgraded Springs - Increases rate of fire.
+ 5.56mm Carbine Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+6).
Sniper Rifle / Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle
* Sniper Rifle Carbon Fiber Parts - Decreases weight (-5).
* Sniper Rifle Suppressor - Reduces weapon noise.
+ Sniper Rifle Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
Trail Carbine
* Lever Carbine Scope - Adds mid-range scope.
+ Trail Carbine Custom Action - Increases rate of fire.
+ Trail Carbine Laminate Stock - Decreases weight (-2).
Varmint Rifle / Ratslayer
* Varmint Rifle Extended Mags - Increases ammunition capacity (+3).
* Varmint Rifle Night Scope - Adds long-range night scope.
* Varmint Rifle Silencer - Silences the weapon.
***Energy Weapons - Pistols***
Alien Blaster
+ Alien Blaster Experimental Mag. Accel. - Increases speed of alien projectile.
+ Extended Alien Power Cells - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
+ AEP/AER Laser Scope - Adds scope.
Plasma Defender
+ Plasma Defender External Heatsink - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Plasma Defender Inline Mag. Accel. - Increases speed of plasma projectile.
+ Plasma Defender Scope - Adds short-range scope.
Plasma Pistol
+ Plasma Pistol Added Injector Cylinders - Increases rate of fire.
+ Plasma Pistol Thickened Chamber Casing - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Plasma Weapon Mag. Accelerator - Increases speed of plasma projectile.
Laser Pistol / Pew Pew
+ AEP/AER Laser Beam Splitter - Creates two beams that together do increased damage (+30%).
+ AEP/AER Laser Focus Optics - Increases damage (+15%).
+ AEP/AER Laser Scope - Adds scope.
Pulse Gun
+ Pulse Gun Extra Battery Socket - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Pulse Gun Extra Bulbs - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Pulse Gun Recycler Core - Replenishes ammunition (1/4 shots).
Recharger Pistol
* Laser Recycler - Laser RCW: replenishes ammo (1/4 shots). Rechargers: increases ammo regen. rate.
+ Recharger Experimental Core - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
+ Recharger Supercharger Coil - Increases damage (+3).
***Energy Weapons - Rifles***
Gauss Rifle / YCS/186
+ Gauss Rifle Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-2).
+ Gauss Rifle Exp. Cell Assembly - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Gauss Rifle Improved Mag. Shielding - Increases condition (+50%).
Laser RCW
* Laser Recycler - Laser RCW: replenishes ammo (1/4 shots). Rechargers: increases ammo regen. rate.
+ Laser RCW Composite Stock - Decreases weight (-1).
+ Laser RCW Scope - Adds medium-range scope.
Laser Rifle / AER14 Prototype
* AEP/AER Laser Beam Splitter - Creates two beams that together do increased damage (+30%).
* AEP/AER Laser Focus Optics - Increases damage (+15%).
* AEP/AER Laser Scope - Adds scope.
Multiplas Rifle
+ Plasma Rifle Dual-Cell Harness - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Multiplas Upg. Discharge Init. Capacitors - Increases rate of fire.
+ Multiplas Magnetic Stabiliser - Decreases Spread.
Plasma Rifle / Q-35 Matter Modulator
* Plasma Weapon Mag. Accelerator - Increases speed of plasma projectile.
+ Plasma Rifle Dual-Cell Harness - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Plasma Rifle Synchronised Aperture Stabilisers - Increases rate of fire.
Recharger Rifle
+ Laser Recycler - Laser RCW: replenishes ammo (1/4 shots). Rechargers: increases ammo regen. rate.
+ Recharger Experimental Core - Increases ammunition capacity (+5).
+ Recharger Supercharger Coil - Increases damage (+3).
Tri-beam Laser Rifle
+ Tri-beam Laser Rifle Dual-Cell Harness - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Tri-beam Laser Rifle Polished Emitter - Decreases Spread.
+ Tri-beam Laser Rifle Sawn-off Stock - Decreases weight (-3).
***Heavy Weapons***
* Flamer Expanded Tanks - Increases ammunition capacity (+60).
+ Flamer High Pressure Fuel System - Increases rate of fire.
+ Reinforced Fuel Hoses - Increases condition (+50%).
Gatling Laser
* Gat. Laser CF Frame: Decreases weight (50%).
* Gat. Laser Focus Optics - Increases damage (+3).
+ Embedded Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
Incinerator / Heavy Incinerator
+ Incinerator Extra Tanks - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Incinerator Stripped Down - Decreases weight (-4).
+ Reinforced Fuel Hoses - Increases condition (+50%).
Minigun / CZ57 Avenger
* Minigun Damped Subframe - Reduces spread.
* Minigun High-Speed Motor - Increases rate of fire.
+ Minigun Chromed Barrels - Increases condition (+50%).
Plasma Caster
* Plasma Caster HS Electrode - Increases rate of fire.
+ Plasma Caster Improved Parts - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Embedded Laser Sight - Decreases spread, adds laser sight effect.
Tesla Cannon / Tesla-Beaton Prototype
+ Tesla Cannon Improved Shielding - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Tesla Cannon Internal Battery - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Tesla Cannon Scope - Adds medium-range scope.
***Explosive Weapons***
Fat Man
* Fat Man Little Boy Kit - Decreases weight (50%).
+ Fat Man Increased Pressure - Increases range (+50%).
+ Fat Man Internal Wiring - Increases condition (+50%).
Grenade Launcher
+ 40mm Launcher Chromed Barrel - Increases condition (+50%).
+ 40mm Launcher Long Barrel - Increases range (+100%).
+ Grenade Launcher Maple Stock - Decreases weight (-4).
Grenade Rifle / Thump-Thump
* 40mm Launcher Long Barrel - Increases range (+100%).
+ 40mm Launcher Chromed Barrel - Increases condition (+50%).
+ Grenade Rifle Maple Stock - Decreases weight (-2).
Grenade Machinegun / Mercy
* Grenade MG High-Speed Kit - Increases rate of fire.
+ Grenade MG Internal Stabiliser - Reduces spread.
+ Grenade MG Tempered Barrel - Increases condition (+50%).
Missile Launcher / Annabelle
* Miss. Launcher Guidance Sys. - Decreases spread.
+ Miss. Launcher Aux. Tube - Doubles ammunition capacity.
+ Miss. Launcher Composite Frame - Decreases weight (-5).
2. Requirements
- Fallout New Vegas
- If currently using another mod that alters or adds to weapon modification in Fallout New Vegas, UNINSTALL IT FIRST following the uninstallation instructions that (hopefully) came with the mod, and create a clean save (load your save game with the mod/s in question uninstalled, save your game again, and quit).
- Using 7-Zip (, extract the contents (everything - ALL files and folders) of the WeaponModsExpanded.7z archive file to your Steamsteamappscommonfallout new vegasData directory. If asked if you want to overwrite files and folders, click 'Yes to all' (or equivalent for your operating system).
- In the Data Files section of the Fallout New Vegas Launcher - or using a mod manager tool - place a tick in the box next to WeaponModsExpanded.esp.
- It is recommended to load WeaponModsExpanded.esp near the bottom of your load order - or at least after any other mods that edit vanilla weapons.
- ArchiveInvalidation *may* be necessary if you have not performed it already. Try this tool:
Automatic Merged Patch Creation:
- This is strongly recommended as standard practice when using mods for FNV (especially a lot of mods at the same time), as it may improve compatibility between mods you may be using (including - but not limited to - WMX).
- Download FNVEdit ( to create the 'merged patch'. This should be done after you have installed and activated all the mods you wish to play the game with (and have configured your load order using a mod manager tool). This is how to do it:
- Run FNVEdit, and a list of all the plugins in your Steamsteamappscommonfallout new vegasData directory will come up, listed as per your load order. By default, the plugins you have activated in the New Vegas Launcher or in a mod manager tool will have ticks next to them. This is what you want, so just click 'OK'.
- Once FNVEdit has finished loading, right-click somewhere in the panel on the left that lists your activated plugins, and select 'Create Merged Patch' from the context menu.
- Enter a name for the patch into the window that pops up (any name you like), and click on 'OK'.
- Once FNVEdit has finished generating the patch (it creates a new .esp file with the name you entered), which should only take a few seconds, close FNVEdit. Click 'OK' on the window that pops up to save the Merged Patch that was generated.
- Finally, make sure the Merged Patch esp is loading after all your other plugins (which it should already be, by default), and activate it using the New Vegas Launcher or a mod manager tool.
- If you ever uninstall plugins, update existing plugins, or install new ones, deactivate and delete the Merged Patch, and then follow these instructions again to create a new one.
IMPORTANT: Uninstalling WMX requires that you first remove any weapons modified with WMX weapon mods (or with weapon mods that are not applicable to that weapon in the default game) from your inventory, and from anywhere you can access them in-game. Failure to do so will result in crashes to desktop. Follow these instructions:
- In-game, you will find an item in the Aid section of your Pip-Boy called [WMX Uninstall Menu]. Click on this item and carefully follow the instructions that appear on-screen.
- After uninstallation is complete, it is a good idea to create a clean save (by loading the save game and then saving it again) before doing anything else.
No special knowledge is really needed to play the game with WMX installed; the new content is integrated seamlessly into the game. In case it's helpful though, here's a list of points of information regarding the mod:
- The new weapon mods are sold by the same merchants who sell weapon mods in the base game.
- The first time the game is loaded with WMX installed, two notes will automatically be added to your Pip-Boy that list all the weapons and which weapon mods can be applied to them. One list is sorted by weapons (it's the list found in the Description section of this readme), so you can look up a weapon and see which weapon mods apply to it. The other list is sorted by weapon mod, so you can look up a weapon mod and see which weapons it can be used on.
- .223 Pistols are non-unique, less powerful versions of the unique weapon 'That Gun'. They are sometimes carried by people that might otherwise be armed with Service Rifles, and can be found in some stores. (Note that WMX makes That Gun slightly more powerful than in the base game.)
- Battle Rifles are non-unique, less powerful versions of the unique weapon 'This Machine'. They are sometimes carried by people that might otherwise be armed with Hunting Rifles, and can be found in some stores.
- In the base game, unique weapons can't be modified, and many of them are in fact 'pre-modified' with the same weapon mods that can be applied to their common counterparts. Where relevant, WMX removes these 'integrated' weapon mods so that these unique weapons can be modified by the user with the same weapon mods as their common counterparts. This results in some unique weapons being slightly less powerful than in the base game when they're unmodified, but *more* powerful than in the base game when they *are* modified.
- Hunting Revolvers are no longer scoped by default - but they (and the Ranger Sequoia) can be modified with a Hunting Revolver Scope.
- Riot Shotguns no longer have drum magazines by default - they have a box magazine instead, which holds ten rounds rather than twelve rounds. However, they can be modified with the 'Riot Shotgun Drums' weapon mod, which upgrades their ammo capacity to twenty.
- Besides the various visual bugs in weapon meshes and textures that WMX fixes, it also fixes a couple of issues with Torres and Gloria Van Graff. Without going into technical detail, they would not sell items appropriate to the player's level if the player had previously visited them at a lower level. In addition, Torres was not correctly set to sell Miscellaneous items (which include weapon mods), even though she had been given Miscellaneous items to sell.
Q) Can I criticise you for implementing something in WMX in an 'unrealistic' way?
A) Well I can't stop you, but I might save you from wasting your time by telling you now that I won't care. This mod does not attempt to be perfectly 'realistic' - it is intended to expand gameplay in Fallout New Vegas; no more or less.
Q) I've got a weapon mod for this weapon but it's not giving me the option to apply it. What's going on?
A) It's most likely a conflict with another mod that also edits vanilla weapons. Try loading WMX near (or at) the bottom of your load order, as noted in the installation instructions above.
Q) I'm having problems with FNVEdit/ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated/etc. Can you help?
A) If it's not something that's already covered in this readme, then probably not: you would be better off contacting the makers of those programs (I am not affiliated with them).
Q) Is WMX compatible with [insert name of mod here]?
A) It's unlikely I'll be able to give you a direct answer to this question. I simply don't have the time or the inclination to investigate compatibility between WMX and the hundreds or thousands of other mods out there that may - or may not - conflict with it in various ways and to varying degrees. There are however a few notes in this FAQ - and in the Conflicts/Known Issues section below - that should help you work out compatibility.
Q) What about texture replacers for the vanilla weapons? Are they compatible with WMX?
A) They will always work (technically speaking), but may result in weapons that have their textures changed by WMX weapon mods looking different to their unmodified variant (in that the texture replacer only affects the unmodified variant). A compatibility patch will usually be required in such cases.
Q) Will you make WMX compatible with [insert name of mod here]?
A) In terms of making compatibility patches, this depends on the mod in question and if I have time. Note that (again, depending on the mod) making a compatibility patch for WMX shouldn't be very difficult, so if anyone else wants to make such a patch for whatever mod it may be, I will usually grant permission for it to be released (I still need to be asked first though).
Q) Will you implement the modification of melee and unarmed weapons?
A) This is currently planned for a future version of WMX, yes.
Q) Will you add the ability to remove weapon mods from weapons?
A) At the time of writing it is not possible to do this. If a way is developed or discovered, then I will add it to WMX, yes.
Q) What do I do with the file I downloaded? It's an unknown file type/I don't know what to do with 7z files.
A) You need a program like 7-zip ( or WinRAR ( to open the file you downloaded. After you have that, follow the installation instructions above.
Q) Why am I seeing 3D exclamation points and/or missing texture notifications instead of items from the WMX mod?
A) This happens when the game can't find the meshes and textures it's looking for; in this case that means that WMX wasn't installed correctly. Along with the WeaponModsExpanded.esp file, you also need to place the [meshes] and [textures] directories from the WeaponModsExpanded.7z archive file into your Steamsteamappscommonfallout new vegasData directory. Click on 'Yes To All' if a window pops up asking you if you want to replace files and folders (you won't lose anything). Also (in the case of texture issues - not missing mesh issues) make sure you've followed the ArchiveInvalidation part of the Installation Instructions above - on the outside chance that this is the cause.
Q) Will you tell me how to cheat to get the weapon mods so I don't have to go looking for them?
A) There are console commands to give your character any items you want; and with a bit of research I'm sure you'll work it out. I'm not going to actively help people to cheat at my mod though: it goes against the intended design of the mod.
Q) Why is the game crashing to desktop when I interact with this weapon, after uninstalling WMX?
A) This happens if WMX was not uninstalled correctly. Be sure to follow the uninstallation instructions above closely.
- Activating or de-activating this mod should not have any negative effects on your existing save game/s (provided the instructions in this readme are followed) - but as always, it is good practice to keep backups.
- Follow the Uninstallation instructions above if you wish to deactivate this mod. Trust me. This is important.
- WMX is not compatible with other mods that alter modification (with weapon mods) of vanilla weapons in Fallout New Vegas. Such mods will need to be uninstalled before installing WMX.
- Mods that directly edit vanilla weapons will conflict with WMX. Compatibility patches are usually required in these cases. (Though in a pinch you might get away with just loading WMX after the conflicting mod, as noted in the installation instructions above.)
- Following the 'Automatic Merged Patch Creation' part of the installation instructions (see above) will minimise conflicts between WMX and other mods (depending on the specific mod, as always).
- At the time of writing there are several bugs in Fallout New Vegas itself that have an impact on WMX. These cannot be fixed by me: they will require a patch from Obsidian to fix:
- Weapon mods that decrease the weight of the weapon do not seem to work. The displayed weight of the weapon changes correctly, but the actual weight remains the same.
- It has been reported (but I have not verified this myself) that weapon repair kits do not correctly repair weapons that have an 'Increase Max. Condition' weapon mod applied. They can be repaired normally, however.
- Applying an 'Increase Max. Condition' weapon mod to a weapon that is currently fully repaired can actually appear to degrade its condition. Any condition level besides 100% appears to be fine.
- It seems that modified weapons given to companions appear as unmodified weapons while they are carrying them.
- The 'Split Beam' mod effect does not actually increase overall damage as intended; it just divides the damage done between beams.
- Any aspect of WMX not specifically mentioned here in the credits can usually be assumed to be the work of Antistar (Joseph Lollback - that would be me). In addition, many of the things mentioned here had additional work done to them by me. If you need to know nitty-gritty specifics for whatever reason, just ask me.
- Many meshes and textures included in this mod are 'remixed' Bethsoft/Obsidian assets. They should be self-evident to anyone familiar with FNV, but if you're unsure about the origins of something and wish to know, again don't hesitate to ask.
- Many, many icons by The 3rd Type (and many by me too).
- Svc. Rifle Forged Receiver and Upgraded Springs icons by bronod.
- Awesomefied Multiplas, Plasma Rifles and Plasma Pistol by MadCat.
- Recharger Coil, Laser Pistol Shifter and Splitter variant meshes by TheTalkieToaster.
- 'Improved Caravan Shotgun', 'Improved Lever-Action Shotgun' and 'Improved Single Shotgun' textures by Arenovalis (some changes/additions).
- Plasma Defender scope mesh and textures by DaiShi (some changes).
- 'Anti-Materiel Rifle Improved Muzzle Brake' mesh and textures by AlexScorpion (some changes, UVW map remade).
- Heat shield mesh (but not texture) used for 'Riot Shotgun Improved Parts' by RedRogueXIII (some changes, UVW map remade).
- Battle Rifle scope by Crash Down (some changes, UVW map remade).
- A metal texture from was used as a base in the Heat shield texture for the Riot Shotgun Improved Parts.
- 'Eraser' font by David Rakowski.
- 'Impact Label' font by Tension Type.
- 'Stencil Gothic' font by Brain Eaters.
- Some royalty-free vector art from
- Some clipart courtesy of FCIT (
- Some clipart from
- Some clipart from
- Last but not least, thanks go to everyone who contributed assets, suggestions or their time as a tester during the development of WMX.
- Please ask my permission before releasing mods that alter, are based on, or use assets from WMX.
- Please do not re-upload WMX anywhere without first asking my permission.
My e-mail address is
By downloading and using this modification, you agree that the author of the modification cannot be held responsible for any damage to software or hardware directly or indirectly caused by the aforementioned modification. Use at your own risk, basically.
Version 1.0.1 (22-01-11)
- Fixed tangent space for a range of weapon meshes.
- Fixed alpha-sorting issue on AER14 Prototype stock.
- Reduced chance of finding weapon mods in loot.
- Laser RCW, Plasma Defender and Recharger Pistol now affected by Energy Resistance (same as all other Energy weapons).
- Changed ejected shell casing mesh used by several weapons (in line with what's in the Community Bugfix Compilation).
Version 1.0 (16-01-11)
- Initial public release.