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    •  Downloads: 10986

    •  File Size: 971427

    •  Version: 1.3.4
    •  Author: SoulSeekkor

Last Update:
September 8th 2010 @ 3:00PM.

Requires the .NET Framework 2.0! This is the new Defiler. I've put many days worth of work just to bring the Defiler to the latest .NET and have created the interface from scratch and redone alot of the code. This version has everything the old Defiler did and so much more! Characters load instantaneously now, everything is more streamlined and on one screen (waypoints for example was on a separate screen). New mods and features have been added and many things fixed or updated since this project was started. If you have TQ Vault already simply download the EXE download, as you should already have the .NET Framework 2.0. Enjoy and please leave feedback or emails, suggestions are more than welcome!

Character editor for Titan Quest which allows recovery of v1.01/v1.08/v1.11/v1.15/v1.20/v1.30/IT v1.10 (all tested) character files (Main Quest or Custom Quest) and allows transfer of characters from Custom Quest to Main Quest. (Visit my website for a list of features. http://tq.soulseekkor.com)

For previous version notes go here: Link or view the included readme file. (Visit Link for more info including test versions if there
are any.)

==V1.3.3 .NET==
1-Various error handling and streamlining improvements.
2-Fixed the ‘Fix All Caravan Files’ function. This affected anything that used it including the fix all button, copying or renaming characters with stashes, etc.
3-Added a new ‘fix’ mod by The Lord of Space. This wonderful mod fixes the condition for when a power begins to affect you or stops affecting you, it can incorrectly update your animation timing causing your casting animation to slow to a crawl. Note that this will download an extra small dll file into your game’s directory (or copy it if it was downloaded with the program) in order for the fix to work. Also note that this may not be Direct2Drive compatible, if you run into issues starting IT, simply disable this mod.
4-Added an option to hide the messagebox that appears when the character list is automatically reloaded.
5-Previously when using the ‘Create Backup(s)’ button it would re-enable autobackups even if it was currently disabled, this no longer happens.
6-Fixed Bman’s unique chance multiplier mod where when cancelled or an invalid value was entered it became disabled. Those that have had this happen will see it properly enabled with a X1 multiplier, you may simply click to disable (clear) it.
7-TQ Defiler now requires administrator rights upon starting, this will fix many peoples’ problem with file access errors due to running it incorrectly. Please let me know if you still get these types of errors.
8-Fixed a bad file number error when fixing the character texture for a character file.

==V1.3.2 .NET==
1-Various error handling and streamlining improvements.
2-Changes to make code less dependent on other code functions.

==V1.3.1 .NET==
1-Various error handling improvements.
2-Improved use of file input/output.
3-Added option to the mods by screen menu, ‘Create Backups’ will create a new copy of backups from your game files in case you’ve patched them or changed them (fanpatch for example).
4-The ‘Clear TQ/IT’ menus now properly clears all selected mods.

==V1.3.0 .NET==
1-Unique chance multiplier (by Raven for both TQ/IT) was increasing the items from a chest after recent adjustments, this has been fixed. The Defiler should detect old versions of the mod and update automatically when you load up the mods by screen. If the old mod is detected, you will get a messagebox saying this, and that the mod has been updated (this also affects the Increase Chest Items mod code).
2-Other minor fixes/changes.
3-Fixed path does not exist errors when attempting to fix caravan files when you don’t have a shared caravan or main/custom characters folder.
4-Fixed tab index error messages on the mods by screen for those who only have TQ or only have their game path/version set for TQ or set for IT.

Special thanks to those who reported these errors!

==V1.2.9 .NET==
1-Made various changes to the Mailer Tool. A valid email address is required now, as I’ve gotten a few reports that have made me aware of an issue or two but no way to check back for more information. The Mailer Tool can now be used to attach the currently selected character if you wish (to have me fix a character file or check it for example).
2-Overhauled the entire TQ Defiler source code to use new try/catch statements, versus the old on error code. This will provide much more detailed error messages and information when reporting them. Also more detailed error messages and problem descriptions throughout the Defiler.
3-Removed the coloring of the greatest monster killed text (yellow was unreadable).

==V1.2.8 .NET==
1-Removed the ‘User-Made’ tab from the mods by screen, I don’t plan to incorporate this feature in this project. This will be a next project feature for sure for those including the mod engine.
2-Modified the code slightly for Raven’s increase chest items and unique chance multiplier mods to allow for a higher item limit. The old value was preventing higher values from being usable with the mod. This change affects both regular TQ as well as IT and does NOT change the limit of 50 currently in place.
3-Upgraded the Defiler’s error system to include the ability to submit an error report instantly when it happens. Inclusion of name/email/your description is optional, this should make reporting errors painless and efficient for users. It will also optionally attach your currently selected character and basic system information (Windows version and CPU type) if you wish for more accurate problem detection.
4-New error reporting system can also be used to submit comments, suggestions or questions to me as well via the ‘Mailer Tool...’ menu.

To really take advantage of the new error reporting system I’ll be working on revamping a lot of existing code for the next Defiler version.

==V1.2.7 .NET==
1-Values for experience loss and tombstone recovery were being rounded when they shouldn’t be.
2-After loading the settings screen with a character active and selected, you could no longer modify character values after closing the settings screen. This is now fixed and reloads the current character if one was selected.
3-When opening the mods by screen when the game is running, you will no longer receive the game is running messages repeatedly.
4-The ‘Patch Game’ button is no longer enabled when Immortal Throne is running.
5-Added a new mod for IT named ‘Remove Skill Reclaim Cost’. Removes all costs associated with reclaiming your skill points. You will not lose money and you won't get points added to your total points reclaimed (this will also NOT affect current skill points reclaimed) while this mod is active.

==V1.2.6 .NET==
1-Fixed minor bug on the ‘Restore’ advanced screen, when closing via the ‘X’ in the corner the mods screen would remain hidden.
2-The text displaying the number of waypoints in Legendary displayed on the button was being cutoff, this is now fixed.
3-Added a test tab for displaying inventory information/records for the character, this can be displayed/hidden via the ‘Settings’ screen. No functionality currently, but please let me know if you notice anything that looks like it isn’t displayed properly for your character (or if you get an error when loading your character). Note when it’s hidden the inventory isn’t loaded for characters. Currently loading of equipped items has been disabled and will not be shown.
4-Added an option to ignore ‘LoadInventory()’ error messages, this is primarily for testing purposes and is disabled by default. If you get an error please report the error to me, then enable this option to hide the inventory error message. The loading of the character will not be affected.
5-Fixed a bug in the remove mastery where it would add either the mastery total points to the character’s total or the sum of skills in the mastery, but not both.

==V1.2.5 .NET==
1-Updated the ‘About’ tab information, something that has been very long overdue.
2-Updated a few more website links that have recently changed.
3-Added a link to Grim Dawn.
4-Fixed a typo on the ‘Basic’ tab.
5-Removed the ‘Critical Hits Received’ display, as the game doesn’t actually keep track anyway.
6-Numerous labels have been replaced with readonly texboxes so users can copy text from various pieces of information about their characters and a few things have been moved around slightly.

==V1.2.4 .NET==
1-Fixed an error with the skills tab functionality, it was changing the values for skills in memory only and not directly to the file as it should. A leftover from when the Defiler was created to modify characters in memory only.
2-When changing a skill’s level you are now given the option to subtract the points used (or add them) to your skill point total. If this reduces it to 0, your skill point total will be 0.
3-Removed the ‘calculator’ from the skills tab as it is no longer needed and reformatted/resized the record display to show the entire record better.

==V1.2.3 .NET==
1-Added a new mod by EJFudd for IT. This mod fixes Immortal Thrones random number generation to create a more balanced (and varied) loot drop. Item stats may also be affected (not permanently), as the item’s seed may be used in conjunction with the game’s RNG function to determine and display item stats. This mod is for Immortal Throne only (also compatible with the fanpatch).
2-Implemented Rick’s fix for IT (sounds nice eh?) for those who have socket error issues when trying to refresh the list of games for multiplayer. Note while the mod is active you may not get active server pings. Please let me know how this works (as I don’t have the problem myself) for those who get the assertion error when trying to refresh the list of games.
3-Removed date/time build/edited tags from the program and readme.
4-TQ Defiler now uses a pdf file for a readme.
5-The top of the pdf readme file also includes CRC32 and MD5 checksum values (for the program) to prevent any tampering that may occur from third-party websites.

==V1.2.2 .NET==
1-Slight changes done to the skills/masteries portion of the Defiler to fix remaining issues (including removing the dream mastery). This also affected the restoration of the dream mastery. More control has been given to the user as to if they want the skills removed and if they want the points refunded or not and the messages are more specific and descriptive.
2-After removing a mastery, the ‘Remove’ button will become a ‘Restore’ button and allow you to re-add the mastery if you change your mind right away (along with removed skills/points). Note this could be done when using the ‘Restore’ button on the ‘Skills’ tab for a mastery skill as well.
3-Restoration of a mastery has been modified so when you restore a mastery whose skills have NOT been marked, they will not be included in the restoration (namely their skill points).
4-System tray icon has been removed, as it provides no real functionality and I probably won’t have time to implement what I wanted to with it.

Note: Custom masteries and skills using expansion record paths (“XPack”) would have also been affected the same way the dream mastery was and should work correctly now.

==V1.2.1 .NET==
1-Added a link to download TQ Vault's language pack.
2-Added a messagebox for Bman's infinite potion stack mods for both TQ and IT. This is a note about how large quantities of potions on your character may cause game lag (especially on low-end systems).
3-Browsing for your saves/game path now uses 'Desktop' as a root folder.
4-Updated some readme information including Twitter info.
5-Added ‘PayPal’ donate button and ‘Twitter’ button to the Defiler.

Also investigated and test Raven’s various mods for TQ 1.30 that have been reported here or there as having crash issues. If you have any problems please report to me the type of game, version, and mods that are active along with values used. I did not have any problems on my end so I’m a bit stuck on what’s causing the problem for certain users.

On a side note, please note that all my websites are now subdomains of soulseekkor.com (no more tqdefiler.com etc.). My forums are on soulsforums.com.

==V1.2.0 .NET==
1-Improved handling of version and path issues that may arise when using the Defiler's mods screen when no version or path has been selected.
2-The majority of the mods have had their check patterns increased to avoid false positives when detecting whether a mod is enabled or disabled (or available at all).
3-The mods by screen now displays your currently selected game versions and paths. This is to be more clear to the user and also to help me with troubleshooting.
4-Included a timeout (1 sec per file) on the internet functions so that when no connection is present the program doesn't appear to freeze upon startup for an eternity.
5-Fixed an error on the mods by screen. The screen was supposed to be grayed out when the respective game path was not set, by mistake this was happening when the respective character path was not set.
6-Updated various portions of the Defiler and this readme to reflect new company and website information. Please take note that demortex.com and tqdefiler.com will no longer be hosted as I can't afford to pay for multiple domains and the demortex name is being phased out. They will expire in approximately 3 months.
7-Note that my primary email and Live Messenger/Yahoo IDs have also changed.



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Last Update:
September 8th 2010 @ 3:00PM.

Requires the .NET Framework 2.0! This is the new Defiler. I've put many days worth of work just to bring the Defiler to the latest .NET and have created the interface from scratch and redone alot of the code. This version has everything the old Defiler did and so much more! Characters load instantaneously now, everything is more streamlined and on one screen (waypoints for example was on a separate screen). New mods and features have been added and many things fixed or updated since this project was started. If you have TQ Vault already simply download the EXE download, as you should already have the .NET Framework 2.0. Enjoy and please leave feedback or emails, suggestions are more than welcome!

Character editor for Titan Quest which allows recovery of v1.01/v1.08/v1.11/v1.15/v1.20/v1.30/IT v1.10 (all tested) character files (Main Quest or Custom Quest) and allows transfer of characters from Custom Quest to Main Quest. (Visit my website for a list of features. http://tq.soulseekkor.com)

For previous version notes go here: Link or view the included readme file. (Visit Link for more info including test versions if there
are any.)

==V1.3.3 .NET==
1-Various error handling and streamlining improvements.
2-Fixed the ‘Fix All Caravan Files’ function. This affected anything that used it including the fix all button, copying or renaming characters with stashes, etc.
3-Added a new ‘fix’ mod by The Lord of Space. This wonderful mod fixes the condition for when a power begins to affect you or stops affecting you, it can incorrectly update your animation timing causing your casting animation to slow to a crawl. Note that this will download an extra small dll file into your game’s directory (or copy it if it was downloaded with the program) in order for the fix to work. Also note that this may not be Direct2Drive compatible, if you run into issues starting IT, simply disable this mod.
4-Added an option to hide the messagebox that appears when the character list is automatically reloaded.
5-Previously when using the ‘Create Backup(s)’ button it would re-enable autobackups even if it was currently disabled, this no longer happens.
6-Fixed Bman’s unique chance multiplier mod where when cancelled or an invalid value was entered it became disabled. Those that have had this happen will see it properly enabled with a X1 multiplier, you may simply click to disable (clear) it.
7-TQ Defiler now requires administrator rights upon starting, this will fix many peoples’ problem with file access errors due to running it incorrectly. Please let me know if you still get these types of errors.
8-Fixed a bad file number error when fixing the character texture for a character file.

==V1.3.2 .NET==
1-Various error handling and streamlining improvements.
2-Changes to make code less dependent on other code functions.

==V1.3.1 .NET==
1-Various error handling improvements.
2-Improved use of file input/output.
3-Added option to the mods by screen menu, ‘Create Backups’ will create a new copy of backups from your game files in case you’ve patched them or changed them (fanpatch for example).
4-The ‘Clear TQ/IT’ menus now properly clears all selected mods.

==V1.3.0 .NET==
1-Unique chance multiplier (by Raven for both TQ/IT) was increasing the items from a chest after recent adjustments, this has been fixed. The Defiler should detect old versions of the mod and update automatically when you load up the mods by screen. If the old mod is detected, you will get a messagebox saying this, and that the mod has been updated (this also affects the Increase Chest Items mod code).
2-Other minor fixes/changes.
3-Fixed path does not exist errors when attempting to fix caravan files when you don’t have a shared caravan or main/custom characters folder.
4-Fixed tab index error messages on the mods by screen for those who only have TQ or only have their game path/version set for TQ or set for IT.

Special thanks to those who reported these errors!

==V1.2.9 .NET==
1-Made various changes to the Mailer Tool. A valid email address is required now, as I’ve gotten a few reports that have made me aware of an issue or two but no way to check back for more information. The Mailer Tool can now be used to attach the currently selected character if you wish (to have me fix a character file or check it for example).
2-Overhauled the entire TQ Defiler source code to use new try/catch statements, versus the old on error code. This will provide much more detailed error messages and information when reporting them. Also more detailed error messages and problem descriptions throughout the Defiler.
3-Removed the coloring of the greatest monster killed text (yellow was unreadable).

==V1.2.8 .NET==
1-Removed the ‘User-Made’ tab from the mods by screen, I don’t plan to incorporate this feature in this project. This will be a next project feature for sure for those including the mod engine.
2-Modified the code slightly for Raven’s increase chest items and unique chance multiplier mods to allow for a higher item limit. The old value was preventing higher values from being usable with the mod. This change affects both regular TQ as well as IT and does NOT change the limit of 50 currently in place.
3-Upgraded the Defiler’s error system to include the ability to submit an error report instantly when it happens. Inclusion of name/email/your description is optional, this should make reporting errors painless and efficient for users. It will also optionally attach your currently selected character and basic system information (Windows version and CPU type) if you wish for more accurate problem detection.
4-New error reporting system can also be used to submit comments, suggestions or questions to me as well via the ‘Mailer Tool...’ menu.

To really take advantage of the new error reporting system I’ll be working on revamping a lot of existing code for the next Defiler version.

==V1.2.7 .NET==
1-Values for experience loss and tombstone recovery were being rounded when they shouldn’t be.
2-After loading the settings screen with a character active and selected, you could no longer modify character values after closing the settings screen. This is now fixed and reloads the current character if one was selected.
3-When opening the mods by screen when the game is running, you will no longer receive the game is running messages repeatedly.
4-The ‘Patch Game’ button is no longer enabled when Immortal Throne is running.
5-Added a new mod for IT named ‘Remove Skill Reclaim Cost’. Removes all costs associated with reclaiming your skill points. You will not lose money and you won't get points added to your total points reclaimed (this will also NOT affect current skill points reclaimed) while this mod is active.

==V1.2.6 .NET==
1-Fixed minor bug on the ‘Restore’ advanced screen, when closing via the ‘X’ in the corner the mods screen would remain hidden.
2-The text displaying the number of waypoints in Legendary displayed on the button was being cutoff, this is now fixed.
3-Added a test tab for displaying inventory information/records for the character, this can be displayed/hidden via the ‘Settings’ screen. No functionality currently, but please let me know if you notice anything that looks like it isn’t displayed properly for your character (or if you get an error when loading your character). Note when it’s hidden the inventory isn’t loaded for characters. Currently loading of equipped items has been disabled and will not be shown.
4-Added an option to ignore ‘LoadInventory()’ error messages, this is primarily for testing purposes and is disabled by default. If you get an error please report the error to me, then enable this option to hide the inventory error message. The loading of the character will not be affected.
5-Fixed a bug in the remove mastery where it would add either the mastery total points to the character’s total or the sum of skills in the mastery, but not both.

==V1.2.5 .NET==
1-Updated the ‘About’ tab information, something that has been very long overdue.
2-Updated a few more website links that have recently changed.
3-Added a link to Grim Dawn.
4-Fixed a typo on the ‘Basic’ tab.
5-Removed the ‘Critical Hits Received’ display, as the game doesn’t actually keep track anyway.
6-Numerous labels have been replaced with readonly texboxes so users can copy text from various pieces of information about their characters and a few things have been moved around slightly.

==V1.2.4 .NET==
1-Fixed an error with the skills tab functionality, it was changing the values for skills in memory only and not directly to the file as it should. A leftover from when the Defiler was created to modify characters in memory only.
2-When changing a skill’s level you are now given the option to subtract the points used (or add them) to your skill point total. If this reduces it to 0, your skill point total will be 0.
3-Removed the ‘calculator’ from the skills tab as it is no longer needed and reformatted/resized the record display to show the entire record better.

==V1.2.3 .NET==
1-Added a new mod by EJFudd for IT. This mod fixes Immortal Thrones random number generation to create a more balanced (and varied) loot drop. Item stats may also be affected (not permanently), as the item’s seed may be used in conjunction with the game’s RNG function to determine and display item stats. This mod is for Immortal Throne only (also compatible with the fanpatch).
2-Implemented Rick’s fix for IT (sounds nice eh?) for those who have socket error issues when trying to refresh the list of games for multiplayer. Note while the mod is active you may not get active server pings. Please let me know how this works (as I don’t have the problem myself) for those who get the assertion error when trying to refresh the list of games.
3-Removed date/time build/edited tags from the program and readme.
4-TQ Defiler now uses a pdf file for a readme.
5-The top of the pdf readme file also includes CRC32 and MD5 checksum values (for the program) to prevent any tampering that may occur from third-party websites.

==V1.2.2 .NET==
1-Slight changes done to the skills/masteries portion of the Defiler to fix remaining issues (including removing the dream mastery). This also affected the restoration of the dream mastery. More control has been given to the user as to if they want the skills removed and if they want the points refunded or not and the messages are more specific and descriptive.
2-After removing a mastery, the ‘Remove’ button will become a ‘Restore’ button and allow you to re-add the mastery if you change your mind right away (along with removed skills/points). Note this could be done when using the ‘Restore’ button on the ‘Skills’ tab for a mastery skill as well.
3-Restoration of a mastery has been modified so when you restore a mastery whose skills have NOT been marked, they will not be included in the restoration (namely their skill points).
4-System tray icon has been removed, as it provides no real functionality and I probably won’t have time to implement what I wanted to with it.

Note: Custom masteries and skills using expansion record paths (“XPack”) would have also been affected the same way the dream mastery was and should work correctly now.

==V1.2.1 .NET==
1-Added a link to download TQ Vault's language pack.
2-Added a messagebox for Bman's infinite potion stack mods for both TQ and IT. This is a note about how large quantities of potions on your character may cause game lag (especially on low-end systems).
3-Browsing for your saves/game path now uses 'Desktop' as a root folder.
4-Updated some readme information including Twitter info.
5-Added ‘PayPal’ donate button and ‘Twitter’ button to the Defiler.

Also investigated and test Raven’s various mods for TQ 1.30 that have been reported here or there as having crash issues. If you have any problems please report to me the type of game, version, and mods that are active along with values used. I did not have any problems on my end so I’m a bit stuck on what’s causing the problem for certain users.

On a side note, please note that all my websites are now subdomains of soulseekkor.com (no more tqdefiler.com etc.). My forums are on soulsforums.com.

==V1.2.0 .NET==
1-Improved handling of version and path issues that may arise when using the Defiler's mods screen when no version or path has been selected.
2-The majority of the mods have had their check patterns increased to avoid false positives when detecting whether a mod is enabled or disabled (or available at all).
3-The mods by screen now displays your currently selected game versions and paths. This is to be more clear to the user and also to help me with troubleshooting.
4-Included a timeout (1 sec per file) on the internet functions so that when no connection is present the program doesn't appear to freeze upon startup for an eternity.
5-Fixed an error on the mods by screen. The screen was supposed to be grayed out when the respective game path was not set, by mistake this was happening when the respective character path was not set.
6-Updated various portions of the Defiler and this readme to reflect new company and website information. Please take note that demortex.com and tqdefiler.com will no longer be hosted as I can't afford to pay for multiple domains and the demortex name is being phased out. They will expire in approximately 3 months.
7-Note that my primary email and Live Messenger/Yahoo IDs have also changed.

